







汉语拼音:kào lǒng








  1. 挨近;贴近。

    杨沫 《青春之歌》第一部第十五章:“ 道静 的心稍微安静一点,不自觉地靠拢了他们。”

  2. 亲近。

    赵树理 《三里湾·国庆前夕》:“没有财产的,在能劳动的时候不靠拢孩子,到了不中用的时候,累着了谁,谁没有好气。”



  1. By that I mean it has to remain focused on telling the story, rather than trying to be Literary.


  2. the pilot again changed the course of the boat , which rapidly approached the island , and was soon within fifty paces of it.


  3. Analysts say it is a reflection of how the British political campaigns increasingly look like the American political process.


  4. Then, something wonderful happened all the animals came up to her and started playing with her.


  5. Dear passengers, carriage crowded, please try to close to the door, let the passengers are needed, thank you for your cooperation!


  6. If the sun is moving toward a certain part of the sky, stars in that direction, on the average, should appear to be approaching us.


  7. But Yu Hua's vanguard in the pursuit of literature as if he was the existence of some extreme, whereas he seemed to move.


  8. In his own way he also wanted Culture, or at least the concrete evidence of it. He wanted the right china.


  9. I have to understand myself in-depth, namely, making friends with my evil side. And through communication, lead her to bright side.


  1. 向基准利率靠拢

    At a spread over a reference rate

  2. 海盗船靠拢轮船。

    The pirate ship boarded the ship.

  3. 中士叫士兵们靠拢。

    The sergeant told the men to close up.

  4. 他慢慢向她靠拢。

    He edged up to her.

  5. 上尉命令士兵靠拢。

    The captain ordered his men to close up.

  6. 军士长命令士兵靠拢。

    The sergeant major ordered the men to close up.

  7. 马队在静默中靠拢在一起。

    The cavalcade drew together in silence.

  8. 教师叫学生们互相靠拢些。

    The teacher told the children to close up to each other.

  9. 连长命令他的战士靠拢。

    The company commander ordered his men to close up

  10. 士兵们靠拢成行, 决心战斗到底。

    The soldiers closed ranks and was determined to fight to a finish.

  11. 军官要士兵们把队伍靠拢些。

    The officer told the men to close up their ranks.

  12. 来访以这种方式向尾声靠拢。

    In this manner, the visit drew to a close.

  13. 允许膝盖靠拢使大腿贴胸。

    Allow the knee to come so close that your thigh may touch the chest.

  14. 想入党就要主动向党组织靠拢。

    People who want to join the Party should get close to the Party organization.

  15. 想入党就要主动向党组织靠拢。

    People who want to join the Party should get close to the Party organization.

  16. 受惊吓的男孩子们紧紧靠拢母亲。

    The terrified boys huddled up to the monther.

  17. 它们好像喜欢与相似的细胞靠拢。

    They seem to enjoy contact with like cells.

  18. 它们好像喜欢与相似的细胞靠拢。

    They seem to enjoy contact with like cells.

  19. 猎人们向在挣扎中的野猪靠拢。

    The hunters were closing in on the struggling wild boar.

  20. 他们就在选举之前开始靠拢政府。

    Just before the election they started cuddling up to the government.

  21. 他们相互对视着, 不由自主地靠拢起来。

    They looked at and strayed toward each other.

  22. 这同样推动国家政策向民族主义靠拢。

    And that, too, tends to nudge policy towards nationalism.

  23. 猎人们向在挣扎中得野猪靠拢。

    The hunters were closing in on the struggling wild boar.

  24. 用镊子或叉子将芦笋摆放整齐靠拢。

    Use a pick or skewer to scoot them closer together.

  25. 随着它的发展, 它逐渐向主流社会靠拢。

    As it has grown, it has moved towards the mainstream.

  26. 设计正在向艺术靠拢, 艺术与设计不再泾渭分明。

    Design is closing to art and they are no longer entirely different.

  27. 靠拢点, 约翰, 给那位女士挪个地方。

    Move up, John, and make room for the lady.

  28. 靠拢点,约翰,给那位女士挪个地方。

    Move up, John, and make room for the lady.

  29. 管理员使队伍靠拢, 将捣乱者清除出去

    Management closed ranks and ostracized the troublemaker.

  30. 我们逐渐吸引每一个人和物向我们靠拢。

    We literally magnetized everything and everyone to us.


  1. 问:靠拢拼音怎么拼?靠拢的读音是什么?靠拢翻译成英文是什么?

    答:靠拢的读音是kàolǒng,靠拢翻译成英文是 draw close

  2. 问:靠拢散开拼音怎么拼?靠拢散开的读音是什么?靠拢散开翻译成英文是什么?

    答:靠拢散开的读音是kào lǒng sàn kāi,靠拢散开翻译成英文是 Close and Extend




拼音:kàolǒng 英文:close up    基本解释 [close up;draw close to] 两者之间的距离逐渐减小 详细解释 1. 挨近;贴近。 杨沫 《青春之歌》第一部第十五章:“ 道静 的心稍微安静一点,不自觉地靠拢了他们。” 2. 亲近。 赵树理 《三里湾·国庆前夕》:“没有财产的,在能劳动的时候不靠拢孩子,到了不中用的时候,累着了谁,谁没有好气。”