







汉语拼音:qì zhì








  1. 抛弃,扔在一边。

    南朝 梁 丘迟 《答徐侍中为人赠妇》诗:“糟糠且弃置,蓬首乱如麻。” 宋 陆游 《读书未终卷而睡有感》诗:“暮年缘一懒,百事俱弃置。” 明 高启 《寓感》诗之十六:“弃置久不调,流尘被朱丝。” 清 陈梦雷 《拟古诗青青河畔草》:“结髮与君知,相要以终老,何堪一分手,弃置在远道。” 毛泽东 《解放战争第二年的战略方针》:“一切守备薄弱之据点和城市则坚决攻取之……一切守备强固之据点和城市则暂时弃置之。”

  2. 谓不被任用。

    三国 魏 曹植 《赠白马王彪》诗:“心悲动我神,弃置莫復陈。” 唐 王维 《老将行》:“自从弃置便衰朽,世事蹉跎成白首。” 明 高叔嗣 《送别德兆武选放归》诗:“罢归时共惜,弃置古常闻。” 清 王士禛 《池北偶谈·谈献三·李忠定公》:“ 孝宗 贤君, 忠定 名臣,同时而不相知如此。则 忠定 在 绍兴 中,其弃置屏斥,不亦宜乎!”



  1. Anti-mosquito measures continued to place emphasis on eliminating breeding places, particularly improperly disposed containers.


  2. He conducted without a score and with his eyes closed, the better to visualize the perfect sound he held in his mind.


  3. The body of a newborn baby boy with his umbilical cord uncut was found dumped at a rubbish collection point at midnight on Sunday.


  4. But the president made clear that, in his search for common ground, he is not going to set aside principles that he thinks are important.


  5. So any fish hauled on board that exceed the quota for that species are thrown back dead - a practice known as 'discards'.


  6. The shop was an old converted house with many large disused fireplaces and tall chimneys.


  7. "Everything we get, we use right away, nothing is in storage, " he said.


  8. Manufacturers would take responsibility for collecting used or end-of-life tyres for recycling or other treatment.


  9. "That's the end of that wheel, " he pronounced with certainty, noticing a discarded tyre by the tracks.


  1. 因弃置不用而生锈

    rusty from disuse

  2. 弃置的水淹农田。

    The fallow waterlogged agricultural land.

  3. 工厂被弃置的凄凉景象。

    the derelict waste of disused factories

  4. 然后是胡乱弃置在河川。

    It is then dumped in the rivers haphazardly.

  5. 这所老房子早已弃置不用。

    This old house was abandoned long ago.

  6. 被弃置的弹药须包括在内。

    Abandoned munitions would have to be included.

  7. 正确弃置烟蒂, 勿随地丢弃。

    Dispose of cigarette butts properly, not on ground.

  8. 房子被弃置了,空无一物。

    The house stood forlorn and empty.

  9. 四十一号则好象被人弃置。

    No. 41 was almost derelict.

  10. 但这弃置垃圾的方法很昂贵。

    This is a very expensive way of getting rid of our rubbish.

  11. 这所老房子早就弃置不用了。

    This old house was abandoned long ago.

  12. 自己回答, 请不要轻易弃置为投票。

    Oneself reply, do not want please easily discard is voting.

  13. 那乞丐住在一间弃置的房屋里。

    The beggar lived in a derelict house.

  14. 她尝了尝汤之后, 就把它弃置一旁。

    After tasting the soup she put it to one side.

  15. 他们抱怨这房子被弃置的杂乱状况。

    They complained about the untidy state that the house had been left in.

  16. 残余物弃置于有标记的容器内。

    Residue discarded in labeled receptacles.

  17. 弃置后可迅速为多种微生物降解。

    It can be quickly decomposed by mang kinds of microbe after being deserted.

  18. 而破产法院在允许弃置方面产生了错误。

    And that the bankruptcy court had erred in allowing abandonment.

  19. 请将垃圾弃置于茶水间垃圾桶内。

    Please dispose all garbage into the garbage bin which placed inside the pantry.

  20. 如果新的觉受无益, 就把新工具弃置一边。

    If the new sensations aren't helpful in that way, you can throw the new tool aside.

  21. 早期的内燃机依靠原先弃置不用的汽油而运转。

    The first internal combustion engines ran on the previously discarded gasoline.

  22. 早期得内燃机依靠原先弃置不用得汽油而运转。

    The first internal combustion engines ran on the previously discarded gasoline.

  23. 一个带电手腕成员弃置于轴的末端。

    An electrically live wrist member is disposed at the distal end of the shaft.

  24. 最近,大量的生产性扩张和新项目已遭弃置。

    Plenty of expansions and new projects have been abandoned of late.

  25. 保持地方及厨房器皿清洁, 并把垃圾妥为弃置。

    Keep the premises and kitchen utensils clean. Dispose rubbish properly.

  26. 强拆天星弃置钟楼,是强政励治的表现吗?

    Is it strong governance to have had the clock tower demolished in disregard of objections?

  27. 警方没接近那辆弃置的汽车, 怕那里有饵雷。

    The police did not go near the abandoned car, feared it was a booby trap.

  28. 请夹附有关弃置及购买放射性物质得文件副本。

    Please attach a copy of relevant radioactive substance disposal and purchase document.

  29. 请夹附有关弃置及购买放射性物质的文件副本。

    Please attach a copy of relevant radioactive substance disposal and purchase document.

  30. 东边被弃置的地方,仍旧有少数一些人拒绝搬迁。

    In this derelict eastern area, there are still a few diehards who refuse to move.


  1. 问:弃置拼音怎么拼?弃置的读音是什么?弃置翻译成英文是什么?

    答:弃置的读音是qìzhì,弃置翻译成英文是 to discard; to throw aside; to cast away

  2. 问:弃置河拼音怎么拼?弃置河的读音是什么?弃置河翻译成英文是什么?

    答:弃置河的读音是qì zhì hé,弃置河翻译成英文是 defeated river

  3. 问:弃置废物拼音怎么拼?弃置废物的读音是什么?弃置废物翻译成英文是什么?

    答:弃置废物的读音是qì zhì fèi wù,弃置废物翻译成英文是 creating litter

  4. 问:弃置病人拼音怎么拼?弃置病人的读音是什么?弃置病人翻译成英文是什么?

    答:弃置病人的读音是qì zhì bìng rén,弃置病人翻译成英文是 patient dumping


