


1. 行 [háng]2. 行 [xíng]行 [háng]行列:字里~间。罗列成~。兄弟姐妹的次弟;排行:我~二,你~几?步行的阵列。量词。用于成行的东西:泪下两~。某些营业所:银~。花~。商行。行业:同~。各~各业。用长的针脚成行地连缀……









汉语拼音:xíng shī zǒu ròu





讽刺没有理想,无所作为的人。糊里糊涂混日子,虽然活着,同死人一样。《拾遗记·后汉》:“(任末)临终诫曰:‘夫人好学,虽死若存;不学者,虽存,谓之行尸走肉耳。’” 行尸:会走动的尸体。走肉:会走动而没有灵魂的肉体。



  • 【解释】:行尸:可以走动的尸体;走肉:会走动而没有灵魂的躯壳。比喻不动脑筋,不起作用,糊里糊涂过日子的人。
  • 【出自】:晋·王嘉《拾遗记》卷六:“夫人好学,虽死若存;不学者,虽存,谓之行尸走肉耳。”
  • 【示例】:在他们的心目中,任何貌似强大的侵略者,都只不过是一群徒有虚表的~而已。
  • 【语法】:联合式;作宾语、定语;含贬义


  1. Such "zombie" machines can be linked up to thousands, if not millions, of others around the world to create a "botnet" .


  2. Whoever does not know it and can no longer wonder, no longer marvel, is as good as dead, and his eyes are dimmed.


  3. She turned 30 this year, and there's no marriage in her future. She moves through her days like a zombie, she said, and she feels well used.


  4. That said, The Walking Dead is a terrific series, far spookier and more artful than either Grimm or Once Upon a Time.


  5. He said he had been reduced to a "human wreck" by torture he had undergone in a Cairo jail.


  6. The Haven became the only place in the city free of the walking dead.


  7. If I keep watching so much TV , I'll turn into a zombie .


  8. So I call these people are unhealthy of the body and the life that they possess, simply like a walking dead, at least dead inside.


  9. He who idles away the time is nothing but a living death .


  1. 像行尸走肉般。

    You become a walking ghost.

  2. 他们不再是行尸走肉。

    They are no longer a lifeless body.

  3. 是的,吸血鬼是行尸走肉!

    Yes, vampires are the walking dead.

  4. 他看上去象个行尸走肉。

    He looked like a dead man.

  5. 没有信仰的人是行尸走肉。

    The man without faith is a walking corpse.

  6. 检察官不自由,人就是行尸走肉。

    PROSECUTOR Without liberty man is a syncope.

  7. 我成了一捆内疚的行尸走肉。

    I became a living bundle of guilt.

  8. 你看见人们像行尸走肉那样生活。

    You have seen how the people live amongst rotting corpses.

  9. 你甚至都没有梦想,你这个行尸走肉。

    You don't have a dream, you lifeless creatures.

  10. 我们不整理思考人生,我们就是行尸走肉。

    If we're not processing life, we're not living it.

  11. 一个幽灵?还是寻找灵魂的行尸走肉?

    A ghost? A body in search of a soul?

  12. 最后, 你觉得自己犹如行尸走肉, 失去目标。

    Ultimately, you feel like youre wandering through without purpose.

  13. 被深埋在一具求索灵魂得行尸走肉中。

    He buried deep within a carcass searching for a soul.

  14. 一天中的大部分时间我像行尸走肉般游荡。

    I walked around like a zombie for most of the day.

  15. 行尸走肉将会在2月8日回归第五季后半季。

    The Walking Dead returns on Feb.8 to resume its fifth season.

  16. 假如我继续看这么多电视节目,我会变成行尸走肉。

    If I keep watching so much TV, I'll turn into a zombie.

  17. 妈妈你说什么?你到底怎么搞的?你看起来像行尸走肉!

    mom pardon me whats the matter with you you look like a zombie!

  18. 上周,美剧行尸走肉中的丧尸们令1050万观众心惊胆战。

    The zombies in The Walking Dead terrified10.5 million viewers last week.

  19. 他们忘了怎么去笑,而最后,成为行尸走肉的躯壳。

    They forget how to smile and finally become physical and mental wrecks.

  20. 像一个没头脑的行尸走肉一样让你更容易忽略事情。

    Being a mindless zombie can make you more likely to take things for granted.

  21. 不少人活得像行尸走肉,他们埋没了自己的天分和能力。

    Too many people are like the living dead, they've buried their real talents and abilities.

  22. 那是一种行尸走肉式的生活。

    That kind of life is a living death.

  23. 你想知道更多行尸走肉相关消息吗?

    Do you want more of The Walking Dead?

  24. 这件事早已粉碎我,使我如同行尸走肉。

    This affair has crushed me, leaving me a corpse walking around with no heart.

  25. 流离在无人的郊外,躯体如行尸走肉般前行。

    Displaced in the absence of the countryside, as the body sa dead ahead.

  26. 最后,你觉得自己如行尸走肉一般生活毫无目标。

    Ultimately, you feel like are wandering through life without purpose.

  27. 他不过只是一堆行尸走肉, 他自己也明白这一点。

    Hes just a piece of live manure. And he knows it.

  28. 很多时候我都觉得自己成了一具行尸走肉。

    Half the time I walk around feeling like a zombie.

  29. 生存时要好好生活,不要在死前就如行尸走肉。

    Live while you are alive. Don't die before you are dead.

  30. 如果我曾是个小丑的妻子,我会不会如此行尸走肉?

    If I was the wife of an acrobat would I look like the living dead, boy?


  1. 问:行尸走肉拼音怎么拼?行尸走肉的读音是什么?行尸走肉翻译成英文是什么?

    答:行尸走肉的读音是xíngshīzǒuròu,行尸走肉翻译成英文是 a walking corpse—an utterly worthless person...



“行尸走肉”是个多义词,它可以指行尸走肉(美国著名连载漫画), 行尸走肉(丧尸美剧), 行尸走肉(网游天龙八部峨眉门派技能), 行尸走肉(罗伯特·凯克曼同名小说), 行尸走肉(汉语成语), 行尸走肉(同名手机游戏), 行尸走肉(行尸走肉--美国著名漫画改编的电视剧), 行尸走肉(Telltale Games开发的冒险游戏)。