


1. 大 [dà]2. 大 [dài]3. 大 [tài]大 [dà]指面积、体积、容量、数量、强度、力量超过一般或超过所比较的对象,与“小”相对:~厅。~政。~气候。夜郎自~。~腹便便。指大小的对比:这间房有那间两个~。规模广,程度深,性……





汉语拼音:dà mò








  1. 指我国西北部一带的广大沙漠地区。

    汉 班固 《封燕然山铭》:“遂陵 高闕 ,下 鸡鹿 ,经磧卤,絶大漠。” 唐 王维 《使至塞上》诗:“大漠孤烟直,长河落日圆。” 宋 陆游 《夜泊水村》诗:“老子犹堪絶大漠,诸君何至泣 新亭 。” 艾青 《北方》诗:“我们的祖先,带领了羊群,吹着笳笛,沉浸在这大漠的黄昏里。”



  1. As I was washing my feet, I let my mind wander. I felt as if I was on a vast desert.


  2. I come from the Great Wall, in the deep desert where eagles are flying over the lonesome smoke, how much disturbances black and white!


  3. Jabba, enraged at the attempted prison break, brought his captives out to the Tatooine desert, to execute them in the Great Pit of Carkoon.


  4. So I rode out one morning and I've been riding all over the desert ever since.


  5. A trip of big , cut through life of hopeless situation, in the body flavor wear arrive a kind of new life of state!


  6. Only honest embellishment, will inject new green for the desolate, so that desert into a vibrant green their homes.


  7. Two adventurers lost their way in the desert. One, healthy but hungry, said to his friend, "well, wait here. I am going to look for water. "


  8. At the moment, so that all accidents, the Haizhen going it alone in the desert to catch up, so deeply touched by the Hassan.


  9. Millions of years ago CengFanHua noisy here, all the time, the flowers are circulation of vast desert mysterious buried.


  1. 大漠古长城

    The Great Wall Relic in Desert.

  2. 大漠田园山水

    desert landscape paintings.

  3. 大漠沙如雪,

    The sands in the vast desert look like snow.

  4. 探访大漠罗布人

    Encounter with the Desert Luobu People

  5. 你不知道大漠的天气吗?

    Don't you know the weather of the desert?

  6. 它位于大漠无水的地方。

    It was lying high and dry away in the desert.

  7. 它位于大漠无水的地方。

    It was lying high and dry away in the desert.

  8. 迷人的海洋大漠风光翡翠岛

    Feicui Island with fantastic coastal desert views

  9. 巍巍天山莽莽昆仑, 浩浩大漠

    Towering tianshan mountain, boundless kunlun, vast sea of desert

  10. 然而, 敦煌处在大漠的腹地。

    However, Dunhuang is located in the hinterland of the great desert.

  11. 楔子似地嵌插在大漠空中,

    That wedgelike cleave the desert airs,.

  12. 大漠孤烟直, 长河落日圆。

    Smoke of big desert Gu is straight, flow setting sun is round.

  13. 垂直的烟在大漠中是孤独的。

    The vertical smoke is lonely in the great desert.

  14. 驼铃声突然在大漠深处响起。

    Bells tied to camels are jingling in the depth of the desert.

  15. 驼铃声突然在大漠深处响起。

    Bells tied to camels are jingling in the depth of the desert.

  16. 萧条亭障分南北大漠风尘说诗赋

    Desolate Barrier to Keep South Separate from North Danasties, Comment on Poetry and Essay under Desert Travel Fatigue

  17. 大漠中全体的生命只是靠大漠中央的水神掌管。

    Desert all alone the life of the water god in charge of the central desert.

  18. 大漠被囚禁在它那无边荒芜的界墙内。

    The desert is imprisoned in the wall of its unbounded barrenness.

  19. 既有浩瀚无垠的大漠风光,又有水草丰美的辽阔草原

    Gansu not only has powerful and fecund Loess Plateau, but also has beautiful sceneries like the southern China.

  20. 我给他绘声绘色地讲大漠追踪、非洲船上的袭击。

    I described a chase across the desert, and an attack on the ship from Africa.

  21. 大漠深处, 这里大概是埃及唯一没受到污染的地方了。

    Depths of the desert, where is probably the only place not contaminated in Egypt.

  22. 娇龙与罗小虎在大漠中无忧无虑地生活了一段时间。

    And they once lived happily and freely in the desert for awhile.

  23. 所以一天早晨我骑上马, 从那以后, 我就一直在大漠中奔驰。

    So I rode out one morning and I've been riding all over the desert ever since.

  24. 上千条冰川雪水滋润著辽阔的草原, 哺育了片片大漠绿洲。

    Over thousands glacier melted snow are moistening the vast prairie, has nurtured the desert oasis.


  1. 问:大漠拼音怎么拼?大漠的读音是什么?大漠翻译成英文是什么?

    答:大漠的读音是dàmò,大漠翻译成英文是 A vast desert.



大漠, 丹东人。 来自内地实力兼才华的男歌手,音乐制作人。集作词、作曲、编曲和演唱为一身的全能音乐人。出生于东北的歌手大漠,拥有一副男人味十足的外形。长发飘逸,并配以一口沙哑的特殊嗓音,被业内誉为新世纪最具男人味的声音。代表作《爱是不是有罪》《摇滚大漠》《幸福魔鬼》《黄皮肤的翅膀》。