




1. 石 [shí]2. 石 [dàn]石 [shí]构成地壳的矿物质硬块:~破天惊(喻文章议论新奇惊人)。指石刻:金~。指古代用来治病的针:药~。药~之言(喻规劝别人的话)。中国古代乐器八音之一。姓。石 [dàn]中国市制容量单位,十斗为……




1. 鸟 [niǎo]鸟 [niǎo]脊椎动物的一纲,温血卵生,全身有羽毛,后肢能行走,前肢变为翅,一般能飞:~类。候~。益~。~语花香。……



汉语拼音:yī shí èr niǎo








  • 【解释】:扔一颗石子打到两只鸟。比喻做一件事情得到两种好处。
  • 【示例】:他的~计划得到大家的认可。


  1. You are just practicing your religion, and while you are at it, why not do some multi-tasking? You want to find the person of your dreams?

  2. Governments across the world have trumpeted their stimulus packages as a way of saving the world economy and the planet at the same time.

  3. So, I welcome this opportunity to kill two birds with one stone (study for my exam and develop self-discipline).

  4. Killing two birds with one stone takes a new meaning with Lawn Aerator Shoes: a healthy walk coupled with care of your turf.

  5. Write a poem or song . Celebrate your own creative energy while offering congratulations to someone else.

  6. Line up your duties, and see if you can't multitask and kill two birds with one stone (or three pineapples with one swipe).

  7. According to the present, the evolution of the situation like a farce: zhongxing 9, kill two birds with one stone radio and television joy.

  8. Congress can kill two birds with one stone when President George W. Bush's tax cuts expire in December.

  9. That guy revenged on his enemy by planning to kill two birds with one stone .


  1. 一石二鸟。

    You can kill two birds with one stone.

  2. 所以这办法一石二鸟。

    So, that kill two birds with one stone.

  3. 两全其美, 一石二鸟, 一箭双雕。

    Kill two birds with one stone v.

  4. 你这样做可以一石二鸟。

    You can achieve two aims by doing this.

  5. 你这样做可以一石二鸟。

    You can achieve two aims by doing this.

  6. 一箭双雕, 一石二鸟, 一抓二奶。

    Kill two birds with one stone.

  7. 运气好时我们可以一石二鸟, 一箭双雕。

    Sometimes we can kill two birds with one stone.

  8. 我闻二鸟歌,

    I heard two birds whistling.

  9. 一石击二鸟。

    Get two birds with one stone.

  10. 二鸟在林不如一鸟在手。

    One bird in the hand is worth two in the wood.

  11. 一鸟在手胜过二鸟在林

    One bird in the hand is worth two in the bush

  12. 一鸟在手, 胜於二鸟在林。

    It is better to be content with what one has than to risk losing everything by being too greedy.

  13. 一鸟在手,胜于二鸟在林。

    A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush.

  14. 中投的资源投资可谓一石两鸟。

    CIC's resource plays serve a twofold purpose.

  15. 广告采取更多措施有一石两鸟的作用。

    The case for doing more is twofold.

  16. 一鸟在手,胜于二鸟在林,是说我们应当对已有的知足,而不应因贪婪而冒失去的危险。

    A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush means that we should be happy with what we have and not risk losing it by being greedy.

  17. 环二鸟苷酸系统是细菌纤维素生物合成中重要的调控体系。

    The Cyclic Diguanylic Acid Regulatory System is the important regulation system of Cellulose Synthesis.

  18. 事实上,那样会有一石二鸟的效果。

    In effect, that should kill two birds with one stone.

  19. 事实上,那样会有一石二鸟的效果。

    In effect,that should kill two birds with one stone.

  20. 二磷酸鸟苷鼠李糖

    guanosine diphosphate rhamninose

  21. 一鸟在手胜似二鸟在林。

    A bird in hand is worth two in the bush.

  22. 二合一石墨合成炉灯头改造

    The modification of burner in graphite diad furnace

  23. 二是鸟虫书的构形分析。

    The second one is about the analysis of the bird insect chirography formation.

  24. 布谷鸟叫了,甲,乙二人听到声产生了争论。

    A cuckoo was singing. Hearing the singing, two men a and b, began to quarrel.

  25. 二种鸟疟原虫红内期的超微结构的观察

    Observation of the Ultrastructure of Two Species the Avian Malaria Parasites in Erythrocyte Stage

  26. 第二个为凤,鸟中之王,指有圣德之人。

    The second is a phoenix, the king of birds means there is holiness of the people.

  27. 然后, 他抓住了同样的鸟的第二天晚上, 并移除管。

    He then catches the same bird the next night and removes the tube.

  28. 介绍了二合一石墨合成炉制氯化氢的运行状况。

    The present running situation on diad graphite synthetic furnace producing hydrogen chloride is introduced in the paper.

  29. 二歧芦荟花期如此的早是为了确保能引起花蜜鸟的注意。

    And the quiver tree flowers this early to make sure it gets the sunbirds full attention.

  30. 第二年这位非法拥有滑竿式鸟枪的马丁先生背叛谋杀罪。

    The following year Mr Martin, who slept with an illegal pumpaction shotgun, was convicted of murder.


  1. 问:一石二鸟拼音怎么拼?一石二鸟的读音是什么?一石二鸟翻译成英文是什么?

    答:一石二鸟的读音是yīshíèrniǎo,一石二鸟翻译成英文是 "Hitting two birds with one stone"; an anal...



“一石二鸟”是个多义词,它可以指一石二鸟(冯华小说), 一石二鸟(成语)。