







汉语拼音:jiù lái






  1. 从前;向来。

    《北史·齐永安王浚传》:“二兄旧来不甚了了,自登阼已后,识解顿进。” 唐 张敬忠 《边词》:“ 五原 春色旧来迟,二月垂杨未掛丝。” 宋 杨万里 《试毗陵周寿墨池样笔》诗:“旧来鸡距説 宣城 ,近来墨池説 毗陵 。” 鲁迅 《<朝花夕拾>小引》:“惟独在记忆上,还有旧来的意味留存。”



  1. Having said goodbye to the caricature artist Cardona , Jiang Nan then led us to Lao Shunxing Teahouse, a place full of a feeling nostalgia.


  1. 每一次一吃这种食物, 我的内心就生起一股念旧来。

    Every time I eat this, it would arouse nostalgia within me.

  2. 明天请穿旧衣服来学校。

    Come to school in your old clothes tomorrow.

  3. 我卖点旧首饰来还卡债

    This is what we will do.I'll sell some old jewelry.

  4. 我卖点旧首饰来还卡债。

    This is what we will do. I'll sell some old jewelry.

  5. 用你的旧长笛来换,好吗

    What about your old flute

  6. 工人们推倒旧房子来建新房子。

    The workers broke the old house down to build a new one.

  7. 穿你的旧鞋来,换新鞋回去。

    Wear your old shoes in, your new shoes out.

  8. 从旧大陆来寻求好生活的冒险家

    Some as adventurers from the Old World seeking a better life

  9. 上周我只能用那台旧电脑来应付。

    I had to make do with my old PC last week.

  10. 他们拒绝接受我的旧车来折旧换新。

    They refused to take my old car as part exchange for the new one.

  11. 那些旧掸子来掸汽车上的灰倒挺合用的。

    Those old dusters will become useful for polishing the car.

  12. 那些旧掸子来掸汽车上得灰倒挺合用得。

    Those old dusters will become useful for polishing the car.

  13. 每月都从运河中打捞出几辆旧汽车来。

    Several old cars are fished out of the canal every month.

  14. 售货员设法用商店陈列过的旧床单来哄骗我们。

    The salesman tried to palm us off with some shopsoiled sheets.

  15. 正是这只老旧的来福枪命中了那致命的一枪。

    This old and rusty rifle is a dead shot.

  16. 正是这只老旧的来福枪命中了那致命的一枪。

    This old and rusty rifle is a dead shot.

  17. 正是这只老旧得来福枪命中了那致命得一枪。

    This old and rusty rifle is a dead shot.

  18. 我们不应通过简单重组旧世界来创建一个新世界。

    We will not make a new world simply by remaking the old.

  19. 新工序比起旧工序来是一个巨大的改善。

    The new work procedure is a great improvement over the old one.

  20. 新工序比起旧工序来是一个巨大得改善。

    The new work procedure is a great improvement over the old one.

  21. 它是根据旧照片来建造的,样子非常像老的琥珀屋。

    Following old photos, the new room has been made to look much like the old one.

  22. 而旧雪佛来的轮胎又有硬币大小的气孔, 开始漏气。

    The tires on the old Chevy had the consistency of penny balloons and began to leak.

  23. 他认为用旧文体来写一个当代的主题是滑稽可笑的。

    He feels that it is ludicrous to write about a contemporary topic in an ancient style.

  24. 有一句非洲格言告诫我们,我们应当用旧绳头来编新绳。

    An old African saying tells us that we should use the end of the old rope to weave the new.

  25. 记得带一个围裙或者一件旧衬衫来,免得弄脏你的衣服。

    Remember to bring an apron or an old shirt to protect your clothes.

  26. 旧报纸可用来点火。

    Old newspapers come in handy for lighting the fire.

  27. 那些旧衣服可用来作抹布。

    Those old clothes may come in for dusters.

  28. 罗丝从旧货店买来了家具。

    Rose finds her furniture in junk shops.

  29. 所以我买了旧机器,并翻新旧机器用来烤面包。

    So I bought old machines and renovated the old machines to bake bread.

  30. 有道是新的开始需要旧的故事来了结。

    The thing about new beginnings is that they require something else to end.