







汉语拼音:sòng yíng







  1. 送往迎来。

    《左传·僖公二十二年》:“妇人送迎不出门,见兄弟不踰閾。”《史记·淮阴侯列传》:“ 信 尝过 樊将军 噲 , 噲 跪拜送迎,言称臣。” 宋 王銍 《默记》卷中:“两州送迎,旌旗舳舰,官吏锦绣,相属於道。” 陈毅 《泗宿道中》诗:“畅游根据地,沿途劳送迎。”

  2. 指文笔的宕开与承接。

    南朝 梁 刘勰 《文心雕龙·章句》:“其控引情理,送迎际会,譬舞容廻环,而有缀兆之位;歌声靡曼,而有抗坠之节也。”



  1. We offer free transportation to and from the airport.


  1. 我们提供免费的机场送迎服务。

    We offer free transportation to and from the airport.

  2. 我们提供免费得机场送迎服务。

    We offer free transportation to and from the airport.

  3. 在此同时, 客服主任为客人送迎客茶。

    At the same time the Guest Services Officer performs the welcome tea ceremony.

  4. 朋友们, 迎着太阳, 秋风送爽。

    The friends faces the sun, the autumnal winds sends great.

  5. 钟声送伪,钟声迎真。

    Ring out the false, ring in the true.

  6. 茶不仅可以表示迎客, 还可以表示送客。

    Tea is to show not only welcome but refusal as well.

  7. 文化升级迎新年, 珠江帝景贺岁送惊喜。

    Welcoming the new year in cultural upsurge, surprises of the Riverside New City for you.

  8. 我迎着海浪游, 海浪又时不时把我送回岸边。

    I swam toward the waves. Sometimes, they sent me back to beach.

  9. 我们欢悦迎向每个人并分送礼物和杂志。

    We greeted everyone and gave out the gifts and News magazines.

  10. 我们敲起钟声送走旧岁迎来新年。

    We rang out the old year and welcomed in the new.

  11. 我们敲起钟声送走旧岁迎来新年。

    We rang out the old year and welcomed in the new.

  12. 他们敲起钟声送走旧岁迎来新年。

    They are ringing out the old year and ringing in the new year.

  13. 刚刚送走飓风查理,又要迎来飓风弗朗西斯!

    Hurricane Charley just passed, Hurricane Frances is coming!

  14. 刚刚送走了美丽的嫦娥,又迎来了祖国的华诞。

    Just off the beautiful Chang e, ushered in the birthday of the motherland.

  15. 敲钟人鸣钟送走旧岁, 接着又鸣钟迎来新年。

    The ringers rang out the old year before ringing in the new.

  16. 欢欣得节日里送上我甜美得祝福, 迎来好运连连得新年。

    Sweet wishes for the Holiday Season and a Prosperous New Year.

  17. 欢欣的节日里送上我甜美的祝福,迎来好运连连的新年。

    Sweet wishes for the Holiday Season and a Prosperous New Year.

  18. 在这金风送爽的日子里, 我们迎来了国庆日。

    As autumn approaches, we are going to celebrate National Day.

  19. 在这金风送爽的日子里,我们迎来了国庆日。

    As autumn approaches, we are going to celebrate National Day.

  20. 一夜中灯明火彩, 客送官迎, 那百般热闹, 自不用说的。

    and bustle, needless to say, with the lanterns and torches of the officials and guests coming and going.

  21. 迎亲/ 送葬队伍

    wedding/ funeral procession

  22. 我是一片云, 天空是我家。朝迎旭日升, 目送夕阳下。

    A piece of cloud an i, free and smart.