


1. 依 [yī]依 [yī]靠,仗赖:~靠。~傍(a.依靠;b.摹仿,多指艺术、学问)。~恋。~偎。~存。~附。归~。按照:~照。~旧。~据。~次。顺从,答应:~从。~顺。~允。亲密的样子:“有~其士”。……





汉语拼音:yī xī








  1. 亦作“ 依希 ”。亦作“ 依俙 ”。隐约;不清晰。

    南朝 宋 谢灵运 《行田登海口盘屿山》诗:“依稀採菱歌,彷彿含嚬容。” 南朝 梁 刘勰 《文心雕龙·指瑕》:“字以训正,义以理宣,而 晋 末篇章,依希其旨。” 宋 梅尧臣 《至和元年四月二十日夜梦觉而录之》诗:“滉朗天开云雾阁,依稀身在凤皇池。” 清 蒲松龄 《聊斋志异·褚生》:“题句犹存,而淡墨依稀,若将磨灭。” 瞿秋白 《赤都心史》一:“渴涩的歌喉,早就澜漫沉吟,醉呓依稀。”

  2. 相像;类似。

    《魏书·刘昶传》:“故令班镜九流,清一朝轨,使千载之后,我得髣像 唐 虞 ,卿等依俙元、凯。” 宋 田锡 《贻宋小著书》:“为文为诗,为铭为颂,为箴为赞,为赋为歌,氤氲吻合,心与言会,任其或类於 韩 ,或肖於 柳 ,或依稀於 元 白 ,或髣髴於 李 杜 。”

  3. 少许;微少。

    唐 黄滔 《祭陈先辈》:“谨以依稀蔬果,一二精诚,愿冥符於肹蠁,申永诀於幽明。” 鲁迅 《南腔北调集·小品文的危机》:“他是收集‘小摆设’的名人,临末还有依稀的感喟。”



  1. Instead, when she came into sight, he saw that she was engaged in an animated conversation with a vaguely familiar older woman. . .


  2. It was on his way back past them, clutching a large doughnut in a bag, that he caught a few words of what they were saying.


  3. There was in him, in some nebulous, unrecognizable form, a great artistic reality which was finer than anything she could plan for herself.


  4. I was standing, as it seemed to me, at the door of my own cottage.


  5. The windows stood wide open in the heat; the garden lay in thick, soft shadow, where the pitchy shapes of trees could be discerned.


  6. And that you were going to be here. It's funny because I read an article on your book, and, uh, it sounded vaguely familiar?


  7. she had a vague recollection of seeing Deng's article in the early 1990s, but its content did not stick.


  8. The time fissure sends out huge crashing, I vaguely hear him to say to me that, Everybody must be strong.


  9. Throughout this conversation Hadji Murad sat with his hand behind the handle of his dagger and a faintly disdainful smile on his lips.


  1. 我依稀记得这事。

    I have a dim recollection of it.

  2. 我依稀记得他们的房子。

    I vaguely remember their house.

  3. 依稀传来的华尔兹旋律。

    The distant strains of a waltz.

  4. 连绵的远山依稀可见。

    The long sweep of the distant hills could just be seen.

  5. 连绵得远山依稀可见。

    The long sweep of the distant hills could just be seen.

  6. 泰山在晨雾中依稀可见。

    Mount Tai can be seen dimly in the morning mist.

  7. 他也依稀地想到裘莉亚。

    More dimly he thought of Julia.

  8. 老虎得踪迹仅依稀可见。

    Only faint traces of the tiger's tracks could be seen.

  9. 老虎的踪迹仅依稀可见。

    Only faint traces of the tiger's tracks could be seen.

  10. 雷德依稀还有点印象。

    Red had a vague recollection.

  11. 依稀可见当年船队浩荡出行,

    Still shows pageantry of the former fleet vaguely

  12. 远处,岛屿轮廓仅依稀可辨。

    Far away the outline of the island is just discernible.

  13. 酒店的原身仍依稀可见。

    The ghosts of businessmen past seem to haunt the halls of these boutique havens.

  14. 酒店得原身仍依稀可见。

    The ghosts of businessmen past seem to haunt the halls of these boutique havens.

  15. 透过缝隙的依稀芳华

    Memorable Time Leaking Dimly Through a Chink

  16. 依稀记起的引言令我不安

    The halfremembered quotation nagged at my mind.

  17. 那艘船驶出浓雾,依稀可见。

    The ship came into sight out of the fog.

  18. 我依稀记得我们吃的是什么。

    I can scarcely remember what we ate.

  19. 月光依稀照着壁炉上的

    The gleam of the moon rendered confusedly visible

  20. 我只依稀记得他的实际长相。

    I have only a hazy memory of what he was really like.

  21. 还有,我依稀记得我濒临死亡时

    In fact, I managed to remember some of the things you said to me.

  22. 透过海上得薄雾, 海岸依稀可见。

    On the shore, dimly seen thro the mists of the deep.

  23. 透过海上的薄雾,海岸依稀可见。

    On the shore, dimly seen thro the mists of the deep.

  24. 海港的灯光在港湾对面依稀可见。

    The harbour lights were visible across the bay.

  25. 他陷入了对往事的依稀回忆中。

    He was lost in the mists of the past.

  26. 依稀闻到天堂里灯油的味道

    Smelling burnt oil of heaven

  27. 我只能依稀记起父亲的音容笑貌。

    I have only an indistinct memory of my father.

  28. 她只能依稀记得所发生的事情。

    She could retain only the haziest remembrance of what took place.

  29. 只有那双肩的曲线仍旧依稀可见。

    Nothing but the limp shoulders remain in the memory.

  30. 风声的召唤在你梦里依稀渐远

    The call of the wind fades away in your dreams


  1. 问:依稀拼音怎么拼?依稀的读音是什么?依稀翻译成英文是什么?

    答:依稀的读音是yīxī,依稀翻译成英文是 vague


