







汉语拼音:lián ǒu







  1. Farmer in front of the face, I said nothing, but I really dislike the lotus root.


  2. In recent researches, lotus roots are found to be rich in polyphenols and peroxides. It has antioxidant activity.


  3. Teng White Lotus Lake, also known as "merciless lotus root" , characterized by lotus root is not even broken wire.


  4. In some places we have to put radish, lotus root, cockscomb, soybean shoot a class for materials with local characteristics.


  5. Did not make the first time to see the lotus root vegetables on the food market.


  6. Basket is so dirty, Lotus also be smoked with a dirty-like.


  7. Recite the in on the lotus leaves, lotus seeds of poetry, I found that I love lotus root, lotus root and more like a tribute to the!


  8. Appearance and appear to eat up there like a lotus, but it has a lot of other vegetables, there is no effect.


  9. Lotus lotus root: Contamination of path of can cleared bowel, prevent defecate to harden, stimulate alvine wall, prevent constipation.


  1. 莲藕猪蹄汤

    Lotus Root and Trotter Soup.

  2. 莲藕切片机

    lotus root cutting mechanism.

  3. 清水莲藕片

    fresh lotus root slice.

  4. 蔬菜类苦瓜,莲藕。

    Vegetables class Balsam pear, lotus root.

  5. 并长成了莲藕。

    Began to gurgle and grow into lotus roots.

  6. 红枣莲藕冰淇淋的研制

    Preparation of Jujube Lotus Root Ice Cream

  7. 这儿出产的莲藕特别白嫩。

    The place produces highquality lotus.

  8. 这儿出产的莲藕特别白嫩。

    The place produces high-quality lotus.

  9. 微波山药莲藕饼干的研制

    Preparation of the Yam Lotus Root Biscuit by Microwave Baking

  10. 宝应莲藕产业深度开发的思考

    Thoughts on Deep Development of Baoying Lotus Roots Industry

  11. 那晚爸爸又给我做了莲藕。

    That night, my dad made me eat lotus roots again.

  12. 莲藕片放入滚水浸泡后取出。

    Blanch lotus root slices in boiling water. Remove.

  13. 莲藕茎尖培养苗的快繁技术

    Rapid propagation of plantlets cultured from lotus shoot tips

  14. 莲藕醋的研制莲藕切片机的设计与研究

    The studies of lotus root vinegar Design of Lotus Root Slicing Machine

  15. 你阿姨给你做了你最爱吃的莲藕。

    Your aunt made you your favorite lotus root dish.

  16. 锦州在哪可以买到新鲜的莲藕?

    How can the Jinzhou in buy the fresh lotus root?

  17. 莲藕覆膜厢作高效栽培技术研究

    Studies on High Efficient Cultivation Technology of Lotus Root by Tectorial Planting in a Field

  18. 添加剂对莲藕淀粉糊流变特性的影响

    Influence of Additives on Rheological Properties of Lotus Root Starch Paste

  19. 妈妈死了以后我们天天都要吃莲藕。

    After mom died, we ate lotus roots every day.

  20. 莲藕中多酚氧化酶的特性及莲藕的护色

    The Characters of Polyphenol Oxidase in Lotus Root and Prevention of Discoloration of Lotus Root

  21. 阿尔文你是我的小糖莲藕, 我爱你。

    Alwin You are my little lotus root, I love you.

  22. 莲藕的酶促褐变及其贮藏中褐变的控制

    Enzymatic browning of lotus roots and its control during storage

  23. 莲藕嫩脆可口, 是餐桌上的一道佳肴。

    Crisp tender and delicious lotus root is a food on the table.

  24. 莲藕多酚提取分离鉴定及生物活性研究

    Studies on the Extraction, Separation, Identification and Biological Activity of Polyphenol from Lotus Root

  25. 它们生活在清澈的湖里,它们的莲藕可以吃。

    They in the exist limpidly lake, and their lotus root can eat.

  26. 莲藕去皮洗净磨成茸,加调味搅匀。

    Skin lotus root. and grate. Then mix it with seasoning 2.

  27. 莲藕施钾量对产量和品质的效应试验

    Effect Research of Potassium Application Amount on Lotus Yield and Quality

  28. 她家是种荷的, 有这样大的池塘, 全是莲藕。

    Her house is a species that has such a big pond, all lotus.

  29. 莲子,莲藕这种植物的可食性种子,叶子或根茎

    The edible seed, leaf, or rhizome of this plant.

  30. 莲藕渣中膳食纤维的制备及其功能活性研究

    Study on Preparation of Dietary Fiber from Lotus Root Dregs and Its Bioactivity


  1. 问:莲藕拼音怎么拼?莲藕的读音是什么?莲藕翻译成英文是什么?

    答:莲藕的读音是lián'ǒu,莲藕翻译成英文是 the lotus root

  2. 问:莲藕煎饼拼音怎么拼?莲藕煎饼的读音是什么?莲藕煎饼翻译成英文是什么?

    答:莲藕煎饼的读音是lián'ǒu jiānbing,莲藕煎饼翻译成英文是 Pan-fried Lotus Root

  3. 问:莲藕炸猪排拼音怎么拼?莲藕炸猪排的读音是什么?莲藕炸猪排翻译成英文是什么?

    答:莲藕炸猪排的读音是lián'ǒu zhà zhūpái,莲藕炸猪排翻译成英文是 Pork Cutlet with Lotus Root

