




1. 泄 [xiè]2. 泄 [yì]泄 [xiè]液体或气体排出:排~。~洪。~泻。漏,露:~劲。~露。~漏。~密。尽量发出(情绪、情欲等):~愤。~恨。发~。泄 [yì]〔~~〕a.缓飞的样子,如“雄雉于飞,~~其羽”;b.闲散自得,如……


1. 不 [bù]2. 不 [fǒu]不 [bù]副词。用在动词、形容词和其它词前面表示否定或加在名词或名词性语素前面,构成形容词:~去。~多。~法。~料。~材(才能平庸,常用作自谦)。~刊(无须修改,不可磨灭)。~学无术。~速之客。单用,……


1. 通 [tōng]通 [tōng]没有阻碍,可以穿过,能够达到:~风。~天。~气。~宵。~行。~过。~衢。贯~。四~八达。曲径~幽。懂得,彻底明了:~晓。~彻。~今博古。~情达理。传达:~令。~讯。~报。~告。~知。~缉。~谍。往来交接……



汉语拼音:shuǐ xiè bù tōng








  1. "When were tried to lay on something before it has backfired . The whole village has been gridlocked , " she said.


  2. And this guy was MOBBED trying to leave the court, everyone wanted his autograph, and he did his best to sign nearly everyone's.


  3. Just seconds after Greece won an improbable European Championship, church bells rang and cars clogged the streets of every city and hamlet.


  4. The very small bridge is be very crowded and fight to be the first ground to rob the food that the visitor to lake throws.


  5. They were so squeezed together that they covered the pavement like the waves of a flooded torrent.


  6. Being surrounded with no means of escape, it looks as if we must await our doom.


  7. Follow HouYuan, where we come to applause people, an impenetrable, we crowded a while to see monkeys.


  8. And judging by the crowd of people that are out here, you know, you have to feel it's a safe place to eat.


  9. s main drag, traffic police are out in force. The road is clogged with cars packed with young men cruising.


  1. 挤得水泄不通

    packed solid

  2. 屋子挤得水泄不通。

    The house was bursting at the seams.

  3. 班车挤得水泄不通。

    The shuttle bus was packed like sardines.

  4. 火车挤得水泄不通。

    The train was so crowded that there was hardly breathing space.

  5. 火车站挤得水泄不通。

    The Greatest American Athlete The railroad station was jammed.

  6. 广场上挤得水泄不通。

    The square was crowded so tightly that not a drop of water could have trickled through.

  7. 过道上也挤得水泄不通。

    The aisles were packed solid.

  8. 街上跳舞得挤得水泄不通。

    The street was solid with dancers.

  9. 人们把街道围得水泄不通。

    The streets were clogged with people.

  10. 游客把人行道挤得水泄不通。

    Tourists crowded the pavement.

  11. 停车场被人挤得水泄不通。

    The car park was absolutely packed solid with people.

  12. 听众把大厅挤得水泄不通。

    The audience jammed in the hall like herrings in a barrel.

  13. 街上跳舞的挤得水泄不通。

    The street was solid with dancers.

  14. 抗议者将街头堵得水泄不通。

    The streets were jammed with protestors.

  15. 人多极了, 会堂挤得水泄不通。

    There were so many people that the hall was bursting at the seams.

  16. 这个时候图书馆里挤得水泄不通。

    The library gets really crowded right about now.

  17. 我们都进去了, 挤得水泄不通。

    We all got in, but it was a tight squeeze.

  18. 这个分会场也挤得水泄不通了。

    This second hall is now jampacked.

  19. 汽车把这条路堵得水泄不通。

    The road was so packed with cars that nothing could get through at all.

  20. 这名歌手总能让音乐厅水泄不通。

    This singer always packs the concert halls.

  21. 成千上万的人把狭窄的街道挤的水泄不通。

    Thousands of people crowded the narrow streets.

  22. 成千上万的人把狭窄的街道挤得水泄不通。

    Thousands of people crowded the narrow streets.

  23. 职业介绍所被失业者围了个水泄不通。

    Employment agencies were besieged by the jobless.

  24. 在龙兴寺作画的时候, 观者水泄不通。

    When he went to the Longxing Temple to paint, the temple was packed with people.

  25. 饭店的门厅被记者和摄影师围得水泄不通。

    The hotel foyer was swamped by reporters and photographers.

  26. 参加会议的人从大厅到走廊挤得水泄不通。

    The meeting spilt over from the hall into the corridor.

  27. 演出开始前,大会堂里早已挤得水泄不通了。

    The assembly hall was overcrowded long before the performance began.

  28. 乐迷为了一睹乐队丰采,把大厅挤得水泄不通。

    Fans packed the hall to see the band.

  29. 舞厅和酒店突然被一大群士兵挤得水泄不通。

    Dance halls and pubs were suddenly swamped by a flood of troops.

  30. 早上十点,这个地方已经被人们围得水泄不通了。

    At ten in the morning the place was already mobbed.


  1. 问:水泄不通拼音怎么拼?水泄不通的读音是什么?水泄不通翻译成英文是什么?

    答:水泄不通的读音是shuǐxièbùtōng,水泄不通翻译成英文是 completely packed

  2. 问:水泄不通的拼音怎么拼?水泄不通的的读音是什么?水泄不通的翻译成英文是什么?

    答:水泄不通的的读音是,水泄不通的翻译成英文是 watertight




【拼音】shuǐ xiè bù tōng





【造句】剧场里人山人海,围得水泄不通。Theater, people mountain people sea, packed.

【英译】1.not even a drop of water could trickle through; to be watertight□