


1. 胖 [pàng]2. 胖 [pán]3. 胖 [pàn]胖 [pàng]人体内含脂肪多:~子。肥~。胖 [pán]安泰舒适:心宽体~。胖 [pàn]古代祭祀用的半体牲:“司马升羊右~。”……







汉语拼音:pàng hū hū







  1. 犹胖墩墩。

    周立波 《暴风骤雨》第一部十七:“ 白玉山 近来因为工作忙,操心多,原是胖乎乎的身板消瘦了好些。”《小说选刊》1981年第8期:“胖乎乎的小圆脸上,常常带着娴静的微笑。”参见“ 胖墩墩 ”。



  1. He was a very likable chubby little thing, always on his feet climbing up and down, chasing after insects, birds, and me.


  2. Men are just as guilty for letting themselves evolve into a chubby hubby and this gives women a get-out-of-dieting-free card.


  3. "Stop all this foolishness, " she said to her pudgy husband.


  4. As long as you have a press her chubby little fingers, she would tell stories, I played her a good name to hear lam lam.


  5. There Baumbich found a photograph of a chubby toddler opening a treasure chest -- out of which flew butterflies.


  6. she was dark , small and fat , quite young , with black hair that seemed always on the point of coming down.


  7. With his big shiny forehead and podgy face, he looked like the class swot, rather than a revolutionary.


  8. I longed to cuddle the little fat Eskimo who smiled at me, it seemed, with fellow feeling.


  9. the tot piped up proudly, a look-alike doll clutched in her chubby fist.


  1. 胖乎乎的脖子

    meaty neck.

  2. 胖乎乎的婴儿

    a chubby baby.

  3. 胖乎乎的,真可爱!

    What a cute, chubby child!

  4. 胖乎乎的,真可爱!

    A chubby child, really cute!

  5. 双颊胖乎乎的婴儿。

    a baby with plump cheeks

  6. 他是个胖乎乎的孩子。

    He is a chubby child.

  7. 她现在变得胖乎乎的。

    She is beginning to plump out now.

  8. 这个小孩得脸蛋胖乎乎得。

    This child has plump cheeks.

  9. 这个小孩的脸蛋胖乎乎的。

    This child has plump cheeks.

  10. 丰满的,肥胖的形体肥胖的且丰满的胖乎乎的

    Well rounded and full in formchubby.

  11. 他是个胖乎乎的自以为是的人。

    He was a plump, cocksure man.

  12. 用胖乎乎的手臂环绕着你的脖子

    Wrapping its chubby little arms around your neck.

  13. 快看看这个胖乎乎的富态的印刷字。

    Just look at that fat, rich, printed number.

  14. 还有一打胖乎乎的孩子, 我猜。

    And a dozen plump children, I imagine.

  15. 我出生时胖乎乎的,像天使般可爱。

    I was born cherubic and chubby.

  16. 迪米是一个胖乎乎得乐观得男孩子。

    Dimitri is a chubby, happy boy.

  17. 迪米是一个胖乎乎的乐观的男孩子。

    Dimitri is a chubby, happy boy.

  18. 你们都看到那朵云了, 那朵胖乎乎的云了?

    You all see that cloud, that fat one there?

  19. 他是一个心胸开阔的胖乎乎的男孩子。

    He is a fat boy with a big heart.

  20. 巫师用胖乎乎的手拍了一下宽大的前额。

    The wizard clapped a pudgy hand to his vast forehead.

  21. 胖乎乎的小青蛙拒绝尝试新的牛肉饮食。

    The chubby little frog refused to try the new beef diet.

  22. 他胖乎乎的双臂搂住文森特的脖子。

    He had twined his chubby arms around Vincent's neck.

  23. 他从胖乎乎的少年成长为英俊的电影明星

    his progression from chubby teenager to handsome movie star

  24. 爱令你走来如一只胖乎乎的金表。

    Love set you going like a fat gold watch.

  25. 两只胖乎乎的巴哥犬在地上嗅来嗅去。

    Two Chinese pugs were sniffing here and there on the pavement.

  26. 他胖乎乎的,戴着一副眼镜,看上去挺不错。

    He filled out and actually looked good in glasses.

  27. 但是今天胖乎乎的圣诞老人不会给穷人孩子礼物。

    But todays chubby Santa is not about giving to the poor.

  28. 有一只胖乎乎要下崽的猫躲进了我的车库。

    There is a fat pregnant cat who sneaks into my garage.

  29. 我伸出胖乎乎的小手, 摸了摸他灰红的脚趾。

    I out my child's hand, plump with life, and brushed his ashen toe.

  30. 尤指儿童等长着天真或胖乎乎的脸蛋的人

    A person, especially a child, with an innocent or chubby face


  1. 问:胖乎乎拼音怎么拼?胖乎乎的读音是什么?胖乎乎翻译成英文是什么?

    答:胖乎乎的读音是pànghūhū,胖乎乎翻译成英文是 fat