







汉语拼音:dú lì








  1. 一人的力量;单方面的力量。

    元 白朴 《梧桐雨》第三折:“他那里一身受死,我痛煞独力难加。” 明 唐顺之 《咨凤阳巡抚都御史李》:“ 江 北之援 江 南亦自援也。若不会兵歼之於海中,何以独力御之於岸上?” 清 秋瑾 《敬告姊妹们》:“天下凡百事,独力难成,众擎易举。” 毛泽东 《评国民党十一中全会和三届二次国民参政会》:“国民党人的主意是叫 苏联 独力去拚 希特勒 ,并挑起 日 寇去攻 苏联 ,把个社会主义国家拚死或拚坏。”



  1. No. A married person is not entitled to single parent allowance even though he she was the sole contributor to maintain the children.


  2. Another sister was also in an unfortunate condition, having to raise her children on her own and suffering from several chronic diseases.


  3. At the beginning of the war, Britain was pushed to the front line to fight against the fascism since France had been defeated.


  4. But I don't think it's fair to ask China to handle it all. This is everyone's problem.


  5. When they met, she said, she was raising two children on her own and not looking for a father figure for them.


  6. John quit his job and struck out on his own as a traveling salesman.


  7. He fought off the Rebels on his own after the remnants of the Imperial fleet fled under Captain Gilad Pellaeon.


  8. My company was the contractor. I built the theater there with my own two hands, practically.


  9. In 2003 China became only the third country, after the U. S. and Russia, to put a person into orbit on its own.


  1. 我们独力地

    by ourselves

  2. 她独力养家。

    She raised her family quite alone.

  3. 他不能独力行走。

    He is unable to walk unaided.

  4. 我想我能独力应付。

    I think I can manage by myself.

  5. 她不能够独力活动。

    She could not move unassisted.

  6. 你能够独力完成吗?

    Cay you finish It by yourself.

  7. 他当导游赚钱独力。

    He pays his way by acting as a guide.

  8. 参加滑水比赛独力完成

    Goes in for water skiing

  9. 我独力完成这件事。

    I did it unaided.

  10. 你无法独力抚养这个孩子。

    You can't raise a child on your own.

  11. 我愿意独力做这件事。

    I prefer to work on it alone.

  12. 母亲必须自己独力抚养孩子。

    The mother had to raise up the child by herself.

  13. 约翰设法独力修理自己的汽车。

    John managed to repair his car by himself.

  14. 这小卡片是她独力印制的。

    She had printed the little card herself.

  15. 没有任何机关能独力遏止贪污。

    No single institution can work alone to stop corruption.

  16. 她不得不认命, 独力抚养她的婴儿。

    She had to resign herself to bringing up her baby alone.

  17. 她独力将三个孩子抚养成人。

    She has brought up three children unsupported.

  18. 要我独力完成这份作业很困难。

    It's difficult for me to finish this assignment alone.

  19. 安德鲁决定独力开办自己的业务。

    Andrew decided to go it alone and start his own business.

  20. 我怀疑我是否能独力抚养3个小孩。

    I wondered if I could make it on my own with three small children to raise.

  21. 丢下我一个人独力抚养两个孩子。

    I was left to bring up my two children alone.

  22. 这都是我自己一个人独力做的。

    I did it all by myself.

  23. 这都是我自己一个人独力做的。

    I did it all by myself.

  24. 不要总是等待求助。独力完成自己的事情。

    Do not always wait for help. Do it by yourself.

  25. 威尼斯的咸水湖独力承受着76家工厂的排污。

    The lagoon of Venice alone receives the effluents of.76 factories.

  26. 他独力做了那件事,真是令人难以置信。

    It is unbelievable that he did it for himself.

  27. 我们知道自己无法独力组织这么大的活动。

    We knew that we couldn't organize such a big event all by ourselves.

  28. 联合国不可能独力执行广泛的多层面任务。

    The United Nations cannot implement broad multidimensional mandates on its own.

  29. 没有一个国家能够独力解决这些挑战和威胁。

    No nation can address those challenges and threats entirely on its own.

  30. 美国的政策制定者不可能独力做到这一点。

    US policymakers cannot achieve this on their own.


  1. 问:独力拼音怎么拼?独力的读音是什么?独力翻译成英文是什么?

    答:独力的读音是dúlì,独力翻译成英文是 by oneself; on one's own

  2. 问:独力地拼音怎么拼?独力地的读音是什么?独力地翻译成英文是什么?

    答:独力地的读音是Dúlì de,独力地翻译成英文是 by oneself

  3. 问:独力的拼音怎么拼?独力的的读音是什么?独力的翻译成英文是什么?

    答:独力的的读音是,独力的翻译成英文是 unassisted



词目:独力 读音:dúlì 英文:on one's own