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1. 戌 [xū]戌 [xū]地支的第十一位,属狗。用于计时:~时(下午七点至九点)。……
It is actually reflection of this view that she cruelly kept down the Movement of 1898.
她残酷地镇压戊戌变法运动就是这一基本思想的反映。However the two movements together with the reformation of the Qing Government were doomed to end in failure.
但洋务运动和戊戌变法都失败了,随后清政府自身所进行的近代化变革道路也走向终结。This period also can be divided into two parts: Taping Rebellion and Westernization Movement, the Wuxu Reform and the Boxer Rebellion.
“大变局”阶段分为太平天国及洋务运动、戊戌变法及义和团两个时期。The unyielding Chinese people had struggled to fight in Taiping Rebellion, Hundred Days' Reform, Boxer Uprising, but in vain.
太平天国运动,戊戌变法,义和团运动,不甘屈服的中国人民一次次抗争,但又一次次失败。After the failure of the Hundred Days Reform then traveled in Europe, Mr. Kang was found in Italy was too poor to chink.
当年戊戌变法失败后游历了欧洲的康有为先生,发现当时的意大利穷得叮当响。The reform of 1898 failed and some leaders including Kang Youwei and Liang Qichao was forced to leave China and became exiles.
1898年9月,戊戌变法失败后,康有为和梁启超等人被迫出走海外,以维新派流亡者的政治角色继续活动。Therefore, the section of "The Reform Movement in 1898" plays quite an important role in the middle-school history textbooks.
因此,《戊戌变法》一课在中学历史教材中具有一定的地位。This thought sprouted in the Wu Xu Innovation Period, and became mature in the Xin Hai Revolution Period.
其自主外交思想萌芽于戊戌维新时期,到了辛亥时期则较为成熟。Then in Wu Hsu Reform and late Ch'ing New Deal, under the promotion of Emperor's educational decree, modern education was popularized.
A Record of the Reform Movement of.
Is the Nature of the 1898 Reform Constitution Formation
Reform movements in the year of wuxu and in vietnam
后党, 帝党和康党 戊戌政争新析
The Empress Dowager's Party, the Emperor's Party and Kang's Party
On Kang Youwei's Thoughts About Modern System of Government in Early Stage
The Reason for the Success of the Meiji Reformation of Japan And the Failure of the Reform Movement of 1898 From the Angle of Social Culture