











汉语拼音:xīn rú dāo gē








  • 【解释】:内心痛苦得象刀割一样。
  • 【出自】:元·秦简夫《赵礼让肥》第一折:“待着些粗粝,眼睁睁俺子母各天涯,想起来我心如刀割。”
  • 【语法】:主谓式;作谓语、定语、状语;形容极其痛苦和悲伤


  1. He prowls the empty rooms of the house at night, thinking of the death of his wife, who was the only friend of his, heart pierced bitterly.


  2. The thought that he was responsible for her death preyed on his mind.


  3. I really love, is really crying for you, but I do not want you reluctantly, my mouth tasted a bitter, Xinrudaoge.


  4. I listened my heart like a knife as painful stopped breathing tears as the pearl of is lets.


  5. Was her heart not wrung by the thought of Arthur's crime and Helen's estrangement?


  6. It brings a lump to my throat just to remember how it all was, in my serene encounter with my ex-girl.


  7. "The death of a child is acutely painful. I had no idea parental love was so strong, " said Dame Stephanie.


  8. My heart ached when I looked at them, wishing with all my heart that I were, truly, their grandchild.


  9. Not very good. When he heard that he had lost everything he possessed, the iron entered into his soul.


  1. 心如刀割。

    The iron enters into his soul.

  2. 她悲痛得心如刀割。

    Her heart was pierced with grief.

  3. 她万般愧疚, 心如刀割。

    She was pierced to the heart with guilt.

  4. 我因悔恨而心如刀割。

    I was stabbed with remorse.

  5. 但为何让人心如刀割?

    But why I still feel the knife is piercing my heart?

  6. 我倒在地上心如刀割。

    I wanna feel a punch inside my heart beat on the floor.

  7. 当你走后, 我心如刀割

    My heart ached when you walked away

  8. 她听到这不幸的消息心如刀割。

    The sad news stabbed her to the heart.

  9. 当我听到地震的消息时,我心如刀割。

    My heart ached when I heard the deadly earthquake.

  10. 他回忆起前天晚上的忏悔,不觉心如刀割。

    The collection of his confession of the night before was a cause of acute pain to him.

  11. 他的冷漠再也不会让我心如刀割了。

    His coldness won't eat out my heart anymore.

  12. 他的冷漠再也不会让我心如刀割了。

    His coldness won't eat out my heart anymore.

  13. 她心如刀割一般看着她的孩子在痛苦中煎熬。

    She looked on in agony at her child's suffering.

  14. 突然间她心痛如绞。我因悔恨而心如刀割。

    Of a sudden her heart wrenched. I was stabbed with remorse.

  15. 我望着他们, 心如刀割。我多么希望我真是他们的孙女。

    My heart ached when I looked at them, wishing with all my heart that I were, truly, their grandchild.

  16. 他一想到自己对她的死负有责任就感到心如刀割。

    The thought that he was responsible for her death preyed on his mind.

  17. 天各一方也好,心如刀割也好,思念你的心,挥动着跃跃的翅膀。

    Lives far apart also well, feels as if a knife were piercing heart also well, misses your heart, is wielding the leap leap wing.

  18. 我心如刀绞,无言以对。

    My heart is aching, and I can tell them nothing.

  19. 如刀割般的痛

    a lancinating pain.

  20. 刹那间她心如刀绞。

    Of a sudden her wrenched.

  21. 她的话使得我心如刀绞。

    Her words wrenched at my heart.

  22. 我得胸口痛得如刀割。

    I have a stabbing pain in my chest .

  23. 儿子的死使母亲心如刀绞。

    The mother was stabbed to the heart by her son's death.

  24. 我的胸口痛得如刀割。

    I have a stabbing pain in my chest.

  25. 我的胸口痛得如刀割。

    I have a stabbing pain in my chest.

  26. 她遭受的苦难使他们心如刀绞。

    Her suffering pierced their hearts.

  27. 莉莉手腕虚弱的脉搏使她心如刀绞。

    The faint pulse of Lily's wrist under her fingers was a knife-twist in her heart.

  28. 风刮如刀割,我开始掉头回家。

    The wind bit with a sharper edge and I turned toward my home.

  29. 泊珏心乱如麻,心如刀绞,要想说服小蝶回来。

    Earl is running out of wisdom to convince Xiao Die.

  30. 在车祸中失去心爱的儿子, 她心如刀绞, 无比痛苦。

    Her heart was torn by the death of her son in a traffic accident.


  1. 问:心如刀割拼音怎么拼?心如刀割的读音是什么?心如刀割翻译成英文是什么?

    答:心如刀割的读音是xīnrúdāogē,心如刀割翻译成英文是 to feel as if a knife were piercing one's heart—e...


心如刀割,汉语成语。拼音:xīn rú dāo gē释义:内心痛苦得像刀割一样,用法:作谓语、定语、状语;形容极其痛苦