






高兴,快乐:欢~。~悦。~讯。~剧。~气。~色。~幸。~乐(lè ㄌㄜˋ)。~洋洋。欢天~地。欣~若狂。可庆贺的,特指关于结婚的:~事。~酒。~糖。~蛋。~联。~幛。~雨。~报。~庆。贺~。报~。妇女怀孕:害~。她有~了。爱好:~爱。~好(……


1. 地 [dì]2. 地 [de]地 [dì]人类生长活动的所在:~球(太阳系九大行星之一)。~心说。地球或地球的某部分:~质。~壳。地球表面除去海洋、江河、湖泊的部分:陆~。~下。地球表面的土壤:土~。田~。~政。~主。地球上的一个区域……



汉语拼音:huān tiān xǐ dì








  1. If Hizbullah did not comply then, why should it do so now, flushed with self-declared victory and with Israel's army still inside Lebanon?


  2. When that work is all completed, He will gently call you Home; Oh , the rapture of that meeting, Oh, the joy to see you come !


  3. You know, you sit down with her, she slings hash, she sits there and cusses like a sailor, and she's hilarious.


  4. She did not want the students involved in the world of joy, her sense of inferiority, not for the parents and the inferior.


  5. When the Dalai Lama came to Tuva in 1991, people met him with so much joy it seemed that 30 years of Soviet law had never even existed.


  6. In such a beautiful classroom, you felt as if you were in a fairy tale world. No wonder these children come to school everyday so happily.


  7. though when the first tumult of joy was over, she began to declare that it was what she had expected all the while.


  8. Indiana has so far turned down the unemployment-insurance money but took most of the rest, although not enthusiastically.


  9. He is always happy with the dinner you make and eats with such relish that you're sure it's the best meal he's ever had.


  1. 欢天喜地地迎接国庆

    greet National Day with boundless joy

  2. 大家欢天喜地迎新年。

    Everyone welcomed in the new year with great joy.

  3. 大家欢天喜地迎新年。

    Everyone welcomed in the new year with great joy.

  4. 我就要放声歌唱,欢天喜地。

    I sing out loud and merrily.

  5. 我欢天喜地,喜极而泣。

    I exulted and wept for joy.

  6. 我们欢天喜地地庆祝新年。

    We celebrated the New Year with merriment.

  7. 听到这消息, 她欢天喜地。

    She was tickled pink at the news.

  8. 圣诞节来临的时候,孩子们欢天喜地的。

    The children are extremely delighted when Christmas comes.

  9. 全家人欢天喜地给爷爷过生日。

    The whole family celebrated grandpa's birthday in high glee.

  10. 她领着孩子欢天喜地地走了。

    She departed with the child, in good humour.

  11. 祝您圣诞开心如意,合家欢天喜地!

    May the wonder and magic of Christmas fill your heart and home with joy.

  12. 听到这好消息,大家都欢天喜地。

    All were extremely delighted at the good news.

  13. 孩子们因有了新玩具而欢天喜地。

    The children are in the seventh heaven with their new toys.

  14. 又响起了一片欢天喜地的声音。

    Again came the sounds of cheerfulness and better heart.

  15. 我听到自己的存在在跳舞,欢天喜地。

    I hear my being dance from ear to ear.

  16. 天上的云雀, 满心喜悦, 欢天喜地, 迎接新年到。

    Lark in sky merrily merrily merrily to welcome in the Year.

  17. 有一天范尼妹妹欢天喜地的到处串门子。

    Then one day Sister Fannie went happily popping by to visit just about everybody.

  18. 有一天范尼妹妹欢天喜地得到处串门子。

    Then one day Sister Fannie went happily popping by to visit just about everybody.

  19. 是的,人们欢天喜地,因为新的一年即将来临。

    It's just people are happy, cause a New Year's starting.

  20. 在婚礼和生日宴会上, 我们欢天喜地, 笑语喧哗。

    We are festive, often noisy, at weddings and birthday celebrations.

  21. 然后,欢天喜地的孩子们拽着他下了树洞。

    And then, as so often before, the gay children dragged him from his tree.

  22. 自从赢得首奖后,他们一直都是欢天喜地的。

    They have been walking on air since they won the first prize.

  23. 她欢天喜地,直到有一天,欢乐突然成了泡影。

    She was blissfully happy until one day, suddenly, the bubble burst.

  24. 我们居然会在欢天喜地之中, 把自己变成了畜生!

    that we should, with joy, pleasance revel and applause, transform ourselves into beasts!

  25. 他会告诉我说,他是欢天喜地的,欢喜得不行。

    Most of all he'd tell me of his enormous capacity for joy and when joyful for highly vocal drunkenness.

  26. 我们都曾欢天喜地的迎接过,雷雨或阳光。慷慨激昂。

    We all ever with a frolic welcome took The thunder and the sunshine, and opposed.

  27. 是否结婚就达到欢天喜地的结局?如果是, 又是怎麽样?

    Does the marriage ending achieve festive closure, and if so, how ?

  28. 是否结婚就达到欢天喜地得结局?如果是,又是怎麽样?

    Does the marriage ending achieve festive closure, and if so, how?

  29. 涂着口红、烫了卷发的女孩子欢天喜地地走过。

    Girls with lipstick and marcel styled hair passed by happily.

  30. 我们都曾欢天喜地得迎接过, 雷雨或阳光。慷慨激昂。

    We all ever with a frolic welcome took The thunder and the sunshine, and opposed.


  1. 问:欢天喜地拼音怎么拼?欢天喜地的读音是什么?欢天喜地翻译成英文是什么?

    答:欢天喜地的读音是huāntiānxǐdì,欢天喜地翻译成英文是 with great joy

  2. 问:欢天喜地的拼音怎么拼?欢天喜地的的读音是什么?欢天喜地的翻译成英文是什么?

    答:欢天喜地的的读音是,欢天喜地的翻译成英文是 rapturous



“欢天喜地”是个多义词,它可以指欢天喜地(1949年郑小秋执导电影), 欢天喜地(汉语成语), 欢天喜地(盛华执导闽南语电视剧), 欢天喜地(张燕演唱的歌曲)。