




1. 不 [bù]2. 不 [fǒu]不 [bù]副词。用在动词、形容词和其它词前面表示否定或加在名词或名词性语素前面,构成形容词:~去。~多。~法。~料。~材(才能平庸,常用作自谦)。~刊(无须修改,不可磨灭)。~学无术。~速之客。单用,……







汉语拼音:qì bù chéng shēng








  • 【解释】:哭得噎住了,出不来声音。形容非常伤心。
  • 【出自】:《吴越春秋·越王无余外传》:“尽夜哭泣,气不属声。”
  • 【示例】:弥留之际,日饮白汤升许,欲以洗涤肺腑,及食不下咽,~。
  • 【语法】:补充式;作谓语、定语、宾语;含贬义


  1. He sobbed in court and expressed remorse for the pain of the children and their families, the agency said.


  2. After it finished, Agassi then sat in his chair and put a towel to his familiar face. He was already starting to cry.


  3. Finally stop the tears, he approached me in tears and could not talk, Zhuanzhuan in glasses, broke down in tears.


  4. When an officer told Dippolito that her husband was dead, she broke down in tears, a video of the operation shows.


  5. The lying veteran was choked with sobs and a mouthful of purulent sputum almost choked him to death.


  6. "May I speak to Mr. Davidson? " she said in a choking voice .


  7. Li Juan kindergarten director recalled Yung Qu million rescue team found the teacher being the case, broke down in tears.


  8. Veronica slowly moves to Lincoln, now crying, and hugs him. She whispers, "I've loved you since the first time I saw you. "


  9. At the same time, I also hope myself that don't broke down in tears when I remember you several years ago, just like tonight.


  1. 她哭得泣不成声。

    She was crying so much that she couldn't get the words out.

  2. 她哭得泣不成声。

    She was crying so much that she couldn't get the words out.

  3. 她回首往事时,泣不成声。

    Tears choked her voice as she recalled the past.

  4. 那青年已经泣不成声了。

    One could have thought that he was undergoing the agonies preceding death.

  5. 惜月满脸泪痕,泣不成声。

    Cherish a full face of month cut smudge, sob.

  6. 我的噪子哽咽, 泣不成声。

    My voice cleaves to my throat, and sob chokes my utterance.

  7. 我得噪子哽咽,泣不成声。

    My voice cleaves to my throat, and sob chokes my utterance.

  8. 说到伤心处, 她泣不成声。

    When she got to the saddest part of the story, her voice was choked with sobs.

  9. 如果你说再见, 我会泣不成声。

    I would cry if you said goodbye.

  10. 她泣不成声地告诉我她的经历。

    She told me her story in broken accent.

  11. 看到这一幕, 欣喜若狂的我早已泣不成声。

    While looking at such scene, thrilled, I have already been weeping silently.

  12. 接着哈帕太太似乎伤心至极,哽咽着,泣不成声。

    And Mrs.Harper sobbed as if her heart would break.

  13. 他泣不成声,断断续续地告诉他们所发生的一切。

    In between sobs, he managed to tell them what had happened.

  14. 一切水落石出, 章子怡在接受采访时泣不成声。

    The truth finally coming out, Zhang could not help tearing when being interviewed.

  15. 他讲完后笑得泣不成声,他总是笑他自己讲的笑话。

    When he finished he was in tears of laughter, for he always at his own jokes.

  16. 听到他母亲去世的坏消息他哭了他哭的泣不成声了。

    Hears the bad news which his mother died he to cry he to cry to choke with sobs.

  17. 当我的姐姐卡特琳娜念到我写的悼词时,我泣不成声。

    I sobbed as my sister Katrina read the eulogy I'd written.

  18. 原来, 这尘世是有这样一种爱, 未开口, 便泣不成声。

    Originally, this world is such a love, not open, can choke with sobs.

  19. 这个女生感动得泣不成声, 不得不坐在长凳上缓缓情绪。

    Overwhelmed, the woman, began to cry and had to sit down on a bench.

  20. 我泣不成声啊满心悲伤,哀叹自己是这样生不逢辰。

    I choke with sobs ah full of sorrow, lament that they are like to crash.

  21. 她极尽女性之能事, 长呼短叹, 泣不成声, 悲愤不已。

    There she collects the force of female lungs, sighs sobs and passions.

  22. 在场的人听了, 眼睛都红了, 坐在一旁的她早已泣不成声。

    All the people pipe his eyes and his cummer weeped too.

  23. 要不是自己已经泣不成声,她想她可能永远也不会停下来。

    She thought she could never stop until convulsive sobs racked her even more.

  24. 只见他脸变得柔和起来,连皱纹好像也消失了,他泣不成声。

    Before my eyes his face softened the wrinkles to disappear and he began to cry.

  25. 只见他脸变得柔和起来,连皱纹似乎也消失了,他泣不成声。

    Before my eyes his face softened, the wrinkles seemed to disappear and he began to cry.

  26. 特别是那些死难者和俘虏的家属, 个个泪流满面, 泣不成声。

    The families of those deaths and captives, in particular, were seen with tears running down their faces and choking with sob.

  27. 付女士跟我们说她希望他们的儿子还活着时, 已经泣不成声。

    Fu broke down as she told me she still had hope their son would be found alive.


  1. 问:泣不成声拼音怎么拼?泣不成声的读音是什么?泣不成声翻译成英文是什么?

    答:泣不成声的读音是qìbùchéngshēng,泣不成声翻译成英文是 choke with tears


