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亦作“ 古希 ”。 唐 杜甫 《曲江》诗之二:“酒债寻常行处有,人生七十古来稀。”后因用“古稀”为七十岁的代称。
明 李贽 《观音阁》诗之一:“如何古希人,不识三伏苦。” 清 平步青 《霞外攟屑·掌故·瑞文端公重瞳》:“公早贵,致位宰辅,寿臻古稀。”《当代》1981年第6期:“他后悔自己的鲁莽行动,年届七旬,古稀高龄了,干么还这么不知轻重。”
Under the peach tree, a seventy years of age wearing a pair of old eye reading glasses, hands and one classics, attentively reading the.
桃树下,一古稀老人眼戴一副老花镜,手捧一册典籍,聚精会神地阅读着。But now she was a septuagenarian , she'd stopped driving .
可如今她老人家已经到了古稀之年,不再开车啦。You can always get the truth from an american statesman after he have turn seventy, or give up all hope of the presidency.
你常常可以从一个已经年届古稀、或已放弃当总统的美国政治家那里获悉真相。Even so, the 52-year-old Mr Skilling may still be in jail when he is 70, given that there is no parole in federal sentences.
即便如此,倘若联邦审判中不许假释,52岁的斯基林则可能在古稀之年依然身陷囹圄。But a growing body of research suggests simplicity takes on added urgency as we move into our 70s, when stock-picking acumen begins to slip.
但越来越多的研究表明,随着我们迈入古稀之年、选股能力开始下降,化繁为简将更显紧迫。Men who had unhappy childhoods are three times as likely to be solitary at age seventy.
那些拥有不幸童年者,当他们年届古稀之时,孤身索居的可能性是一般人的三倍。MARTIN AMIS and Christopher Buckley are writers who are entering their silver years and are worried about the costs of an ageing population.
作家马丁-艾米斯和克里斯托弗-巴克利正在步入古稀之年,他们都很担心人口老龄化的花费。Stealthily, because the last thing septuagenarians want to hear is that their favourite coffee shop is a nursing home in disguise.
之所以要隐秘进行,原因在于古稀老人不怎么想听的一个说法—老年人最喜欢的咖啡店是私人疗养院伪装的。Grandchildren grow up, and grandparents grow older.
No man is so old but think he may yet live another year.
Not infrequently does the septuagenarian go abroad.
He was seventy, but Jane married him with her eyes open.
我的父母都已年逾古稀, 仍在田间不辍劳作。
My parents have been over seventy years of age, are still able to continue uninterrupted crafts field.
But now she was a septuagenarian, she'd stopped driving.
水杉是一种高大乔木, 被列为世界古稀名贵植物。
The metasequoia, a tall species of arbor, is considered to be one of the oldest and rarest plants in the world.
sacred chest where the ancient Hebrews kept the two tablets containing the Ten Commandments
Though he has already passed his seventies, you can still sense his lofty aspirations from his talks.
Though he has already passed his seventies, you can still sense his lofty aspirations from his talks.
In her late sixties she traveled over Europe with a crony of equal years.
This is modern Japan, a Gizmo Nation where even grandmothers make friends with their gadgets.