







汉语拼音:yìng lang








  1. 身体健壮。

    《红楼梦》第二九回:“看着小道是八十岁的人,托老太太的福,倒还硬朗。” 老舍 《骆驼祥子》十四:“客人越称赞他硬朗有造化,他越觉得没什么意思。”

  2. 硬气,敢于担当。

    《金瓶梅词话》第三五回:“不如教老婆养汉,做了忘八倒硬朗些,不教下人唾駡。” 沈从文 《贵生》:“虽是个干穷人,可穷得极硬朗自重。”

  3. 强硬有力。

    茅盾 《第一阶段的故事》:“似乎‘办不到’的理由比 朱怀义 的‘必须那么办’的理由还要硬朗。” 沙汀 《催粮》:“他最后几个字说得意外硬朗,大块头警丁佯笑起来。”



  1. "You might feel stronger, in an hour or two, " I said.


  2. An elongated furry vest in a warm rust opened the show, playing with a strong color palette that included bright blue.


  3. A woman with dark hair pulled back in a ponytail comes out. Her face is pretty like Adie's, only sharper.


  4. It is not something that shows up in the stat sheet or the weight room, but it is something you can see on the court.


  5. He was double my mother's age when he married, and of but a delicate constitution.


  6. If he's a head banger, take him to a local dive bar for some gritty rock and roll.


  7. rather, every gesture and word was funneled to teaching the elemental task of hitting the ball clean and hard. Which they did, one by one.


  8. Though nearly seventy years of age, he is still hale and fresh as paint.


  9. I have to prepare and train hard for this fight because Clottey is a strong fighter and a former champion.


  1. 您身体真硬朗。

    He is in good shape.

  2. 他晚年身体硬朗。

    He was virile in his old age.

  3. 我的头很硬朗

    I got a hard head.

  4. 他的身体仍然硬朗。

    His body was still sound.

  5. 你看起来还很硬朗。

    You seem to be sharp as a tack.

  6. 老人的身体还挺硬朗。

    The old man is still hale and hearty.

  7. 她85岁了,身体还很硬朗。

    She is85 and still in very good health.

  8. 我奶奶90岁了,还挺硬朗。

    My grandmother is 90 and still going strong.

  9. 女王硬朗的身子微微前倾。

    The queen leaned forward with a ting falter of her stout body.

  10. 她80岁了,腰板儿还挺硬朗。

    She s eighty years old, but still in excellent health.

  11. 她80岁了,腰板儿还挺硬朗。

    She's eighty years old, but still in excellent health.

  12. 他70多了,身子骨还挺硬朗。

    He is over seventy but still going strong.

  13. 就他的年纪而言, 身体十分硬朗。

    remarkably sound in wind and limb for his age

  14. 那人快90岁了,但还很硬朗。

    The man was almost 90 years old but fit as a fiddle.

  15. 他八十岁了,身体硬朗得很。

    He is eighty years old and fit as a fiddle.

  16. 如今它们已是像石头般硬朗了。

    Now they have as tough as a rock.

  17. 他八十多了,腰板儿还挺硬朗。

    He's well over eighty; he's still quite strong.

  18. 他八十岁了, 身休还很硬朗。

    He is eighty years old and as a fiddle.

  19. 光明雕刻硬朗的面孔,留下些许沧桑。

    The time carves the hale face, leaving trifling vicissitudes.

  20. 他七十多了, 身子骨还挺硬朗。

    He is over seventy but still going strong.

  21. 身体看起来还不够硬朗, 但决心够硬。

    She may look frail but she has great determination.

  22. 我爷爷今年80,但他的身体依然硬朗。

    My grandfather is80 this year, but he is still going strong.

  23. 那老者年近九旬, 但身体十分硬朗。

    That old man is nearly ninety but fit as a fiddle.

  24. 船上的生活已经使他变硬朗了。

    Life on a boat had hardened him.

  25. 然后,她美丽硬朗的面孔出现在屏幕上。

    Then her fair, tough face appeared on the screen.

  26. 然后,她美丽硬朗的面孔出现在屏幕上。

    Then her fair, tough face appeared on the screen.

  27. 他都八十岁了,身子骨还那么硬朗。

    He's already eighty but still going strong.

  28. 他的身体硬朗得会令许多年轻人羡慕。

    His bones were in a condition that many a young man might envy.

  29. 他80岁生日时身子骨看上去还很硬朗。

    He was looking hale and hearty on his80th birthday.

  30. 我希望我在92岁时也能看上去这么硬朗。

    I hope I look that good, by the way, when Im92.


  1. 问:硬朗拼音怎么拼?硬朗的读音是什么?硬朗翻译成英文是什么?

    答:硬朗的读音是yìnglang,硬朗翻译成英文是 sturdy


