


1. 万 [wàn]2. 万 [mò]万 [wàn]数目,十个一千:~户侯(中国汉代侯爵的最高一级,享有万户农民的赋税。后泛指高官)。喻极多:~物。~方(a.指全国和世界各地;b.指姿态多种多样)。日理~机。气象~千。极,很,绝对:~~。~……





汉语拼音:wàn wù







  1. 统指宇宙间的一切事物。

    《易·乾》:“大哉乾元,万物资始。”《史记·吕不韦列传》:“ 吕不韦 乃使其客人人著所闻,集论……二十餘万言。以为备天地万物古今之事,号曰《吕氏春秋》。” 唐 杜甫 《哀江头》诗:“忆昔霓旌下 南苑 ,苑中万物生颜色。” 明 王守仁 《<大学>问》:“大人者,以天地万物为一体者也。” 艾青 《光的赞歌》三:“太阳啊,我们最大的光源,它从亿万万里以外的高空,向我们居住的地方输送热量,使我们这里滋长了万物,万物都对它表示景仰。”

  2. 犹众人。

    《宋书·沉文秀传》:“﹝ 文秀 ﹞説 庆之 曰:‘主上狂暴如此,土崩将至,而一门受其宠任,万物皆谓与之同心。’”



  1. All the things waked up , the spring was back , the little flower came out again , just be like a small warm smiling face .


  2. If you do not get enough universal energy it will be quite hard for your to see your third eye.


  3. He who did not spare His own Son, but delivered Him over for us all, how will He not also with Him freely give us all things?


  4. Now that youth has ebbed and I am stranded on the bank, I can hear the deep music of all things, and the sky opens to me its heart of stars.


  5. The great author of all make everything out of nothing, but many a human author make nothing out of everything.


  6. I believe that God created everything from the emptiness (Gen. 1), and He did not use the evolutional method to make a new creature.


  7. All this seems to me to link them with life, and the origins of things.


  8. He did not solve the problem of the grounds of everything-as-one, although he changed the focus of his discourse.


  9. For of him, and by him, and in him, are all things: to him be glory for ever. Amen.


  1. 万物喜洋洋。

    All nature looks gay.

  2. 万物息息相关。

    All things are interrelated.

  3. 万物皆动。

    Everything has motion.

  4. 万物各得其所。

    A place for everything, and everything in its place.

  5. 万物的本源

    the first principle of all things.

  6. 万物皆有时,

    Rb There is a time for everything.

  7. 万物之纲纪

    the general order and law of all matters.

  8. 我们创造万物。

    We create things.

  9. 万物生光辉

    All living things become then fresh and bright.

  10. 万物向往自由。

    All beings aspire after freedom.

  11. 阴阳生万物。

    Yin and yang together produce everything that comes into existence.

  12. 阴阳生万物。

    Yin and yang together produce everything that comes into existence.

  13. 万物有灵观念

    the concept of animism.

  14. 自然界万事万物

    all natures

  15. 万物人为贵

    nothing compares to a human life.

  16. 万物各有其时。

    Everything is good in its season.

  17. 阳光烛照万物。

    The sun illuminates all things on earth.

  18. 春天使万物复苏。

    Spring wakes all nature.

  19. 诸天,诸天万物歌唱。

    And heaven and nature sing.

  20. 天生并安排万物。

    The sky settles everything.

  21. 歌颂万物的美丽

    sang the beauty of all existence.

  22. 但世上其余万物

    But everything else in the world.

  23. 人为万物之灵

    man of all creatures is one endowed with intelligence

  24. 让万物循环轮转

    Keeps great and small on the endless round

  25. 阳光照耀着万物,

    Omnia sol temperat The sun warms everything

  26. 只有天地万物知道。

    Only the universe knows.

  27. 万物静观皆自得。

    The myriad things observe calmly all contentedly.

  28. 万物靠太阳生长。

    All living things depend on the sun for their growth.

  29. 万物生长靠太阳。

    All living things depend on the sun for their growth.

  30. 万物有始必有终。

    Everything hath an end.


  1. 问:万物拼音怎么拼?万物的读音是什么?万物翻译成英文是什么?

    答:万物的读音是wànwù,万物翻译成英文是 the whole of creation

  2. 问:万物大街拼音怎么拼?万物大街的读音是什么?万物大街翻译成英文是什么?

    答:万物大街的读音是wànwù dàjiē,万物大街翻译成英文是 Everything Street / Streets of Everything...

  3. 问:万物有生命论拼音怎么拼?万物有生命论的读音是什么?万物有生命论翻译成英文是什么?

    答:万物有生命论的读音是,万物有生命论翻译成英文是 hylozoism

  4. 问:万物艺术马车街道拼音怎么拼?万物艺术马车街道的读音是什么?万物艺术马车街道翻译成英文是什么?

    答:万物艺术马车街道的读音是wànwù yìshù mǎchē jiēdào,万物艺术马车街道翻译成英文是 Art Wagon Street



指宇宙内外的一切事物,指一切存在与不存在。“万物”是数量词,万物中的万字,只是因为它是数字最大的 数字,所以有“最多”之意。不是指有一万个。