




1. 朴 [pǔ]2. 朴 [pò]3. 朴 [pō]4. 朴 [piáo]朴 [pǔ]没有细加工的木料,喻不加修饰:~素。~实。~厚。~质。朴 [pò]落叶乔木,叶椭圆形,上部边缘有锯齿,花细小,色淡黄,果实球形,黑色,味甜可食。木材可制……



汉语拼音:chún pǔ








  1. 见“ 纯朴 ”。

  2. 亦作“ 纯朴 ”。未经砍雕的原木。

    《庄子·马蹄》:“故纯朴不残,孰为牺尊?” 成玄英 疏:“纯朴,全木也。”

  3. 纯洁质朴。

    《韩非子·大体》:“故至安之世,法如朝露,纯朴不散,心无结怨,口无烦言。” 晋 葛洪 《抱朴子·明本》:“曩古纯朴,巧伪未萌。” 清 梁章鉅 《归田琐记·蔡文恭公》:“公亦知无不言,而纯朴和易,能使人意融。” 曹禺 《雷雨》第一幕:“若是你再长久地同他坐一坐,会感到他的气味不是你所想的那样纯朴可喜。”



  1. To see a thing uncolored by one's own personal preferences and desires is to see it in its own pristine simplicity.


  2. Nothing but an impregnable simplicity of nature, strengthened by Christian faith, could have kept him from it.


  3. His face opened suddenly, as if lighted with simplicity, as when a flower opens out of the cunning bud.


  4. This simple toiler, caught between two forces, held the destiny of his country in his hands.


  5. Stone houses: These houses are made of stones beside hills, quiet, pure and strong. It seems to tell us a story long time ago.


  6. I notice that he was fat and baldheaded, and had an expression of winning gentleness and simplicity upon his tranquil countenance.


  7. They enjoyed every bit of the Communists' simple, unsophisticated hospitality.


  8. Albert Einstein was a simple man of great achievement.


  9. Its aria is simple, fair-sounding, close to life, easy to learn and with rich local style.


  1. 他秉性纯朴。

    He is simple and honest by nature.

  2. 纯朴, 但不幼稚。

    Be simple, but not naive.

  3. 纯朴,是对上帝的忠顺。

    Simplicity is the submission to God.

  4. 他们只是一些纯朴的农民。

    They are only simple farmers.

  5. 率真, 纯朴, 自然, 有时候孩子气。

    Naive, simple, natural person, sometimes childish.

  6. 他不断表现出纯朴的风格。

    His down? home style was always on display.

  7. 纯朴是情趣高尚的主要因素。

    Simplicity is the essence of good taste.

  8. 淳朴的健壮的但土气且纯朴的

    Healthy and strong, but provincial and unsophisticated.

  9. 本质纯朴, 宁静的风景或情事

    a scene or an event of a simple and tranquil nature

  10. 她的纯朴和无拘无束的天然风度。

    Her simplicity and careless grace.

  11. 害怕打破传统信徒的纯朴信仰。

    for fear of upsetting the simple faith of more traditional believers.

  12. 请尝尝野味食品纯朴的美味吧。

    Taste the simply delicious game, please!

  13. 请尝尝野味食品纯朴得美味吧。

    Taste the simply delicious game, please!

  14. 蒙古族的朋友是既纯朴,又好客。

    Mongolians are both honest and hospitable.

  15. 他装出一副天真纯朴的样。

    He put on an air of innocence, but it did not deceive us.

  16. 他们的纯朴激起我们的同情和敬意。

    Their simplicity arouses our sympathy and respect.

  17. 我喜欢他的幽默感, 也喜欢他纯朴的个性。

    I love his sense of humor and I love his honest personality.

  18. 我们见到了一些善良纯朴的人们。

    We have already met some amazing people.

  19. 表情纯朴自然,行为自信,坚定,无所畏惧。

    His appearance is natural and rustic, his behavior self assured, steady and fearless.

  20. 心灵就会恢复到纯朴的高尚状态。

    The soul will recover the noble attitude of simplicity.

  21. 田园风光本质纯朴, 宁静的风景或情事

    A scene or an event of a simple and tranquil nature.

  22. 实际上他是个纯朴而又慷慨的人。

    At heart he is a simple, generous fellow.

  23. 莫扎特的音乐特色是纯朴与清澈。

    Mozarts music is characterized by its naivety and clarity.

  24. 他有一种表情纯朴而动人的秉赋。

    He had the gift of simple and moving expression.

  25. 他们处处受到共产党的纯朴, 真心诚意的款待。

    They enjoyed every bit of the Communists simple, unsophisticated hospitality.

  26. 赤城历史悠久,文化灿烂,民风纯朴,人杰地灵。

    Akagi has a long history, splendid culture, folk customs are simple, outstanding.

  27. 我想在这里同这些纯朴的人一起生活。

    I want to live here among these simple people.

  28. 莫扎特的音乐特色是纯朴兴清澈。

    Mozart's music is characterized by its naivety and clarity.

  29. 甚至纯朴优良的体育风范也堪称了不起的作为。

    Even simple good sportsmanship can rise to the level of class act.

  30. 黄河流域民间色彩纯朴的感受与动画片的应用

    Application of Rustic Recept of Yellow River Folk Color in the Animation


  1. 问:纯朴拼音怎么拼?纯朴的读音是什么?纯朴翻译成英文是什么?

    答:纯朴的读音是chúnpǔ,纯朴翻译成英文是 simple and honest; unsophisticated



解释:单纯朴素,不带有装饰外表。 纯朴原本是褒义词,但是在现代要看这句话的前后语义语境,才可以判断; 外在指不善打扮、也就是脸上很少图脂抹粉、衣着保守;内在指思想非常单纯,想东西简单,或者思想保守。 若是谈论服装潮流等方面的,应没有恶意,就事论事;若是谈论其他人事方面的,则感觉贬义大些。