








汉语拼音:chū shǐ








  1. 派遣使臣。

    汉 班固 《匈奴和亲议》:“先帝圣德远览,瞻前顾后,遂復出使,事同前世。” 宋 王安石 《司农卿分司南京陈公神道碑》:“贼果侵寻不制,朝廷出使,发兵击之,数年然后定。” 严复 《原强》:“海禁大开以还,所兴发者亦不少矣:译署,一也;同文馆,二也;船政,三也……出使,十一也。”

  2. 接受使命出外办理外交事务。

    《史记·范雎蔡泽列传》:“今太后擅行不顾, 穰侯 出使不报, 华阳 、 涇阳 等击断无讳, 高陵 进退不请。”《新唐书·颜真卿传》:“郎官、御史,陛下腹心耳目之臣也,故出使天下,事无细大得失,皆俾访察,还以闻。”《初刻拍案惊奇》卷六:“ 慧澄 道:‘其夫出使北边,他是个女人,那能凑得许多价钱?’” 曹禺 《王昭君》第二幕:“ 萧育 是辅弼大臣太傅 萧望之 之子,多次出使 匈奴 ,累建功勋。”

  3. 王宫的女官名。

    《新五代史·唐庄宗神闵敬皇后刘氏传》:“至 庄宗 时,后宫之数尤多,有昭容、昭仪、昭嫒、出使、御正……其餘名号,不可胜纪。”



  1. What strange twists of fate had caused a refuge from Nazi persecution to wind up in Arabia as the representative of American democracy.


  2. If analysts know approximately what factors drove up the price, they find it much harder to say exactly what each one contributed.


  3. Before his new assignment, Zhang used to be Chinese permanent representative to the UN and vice foreign minister, Xinhua reported.


  4. This year America even appointed a special envoy to Myanmar, a country it had previously shunned.


  5. led by the Lord of Raymond Ma Ga lance British missions in the name of mission to the Qing Dynasty Qianlong emperor birthday.


  6. Two years ago he effectively retired, having made enough money several times over to live a very good life and never have to work again.


  7. To ensure the use of ships for his special envoys, Emperor Yongle also ordered all ship manufacturers to be engaged in ship building.


  8. Gives directions for making controls "stick" to the side(s) of a form.


  9. How I spread Chinese culture and observe behaviors and mores of outer space as an ambassador to a planet of E. T.


  1. 使喷出使流出火山口

    Geology To cause to pour forth from a volcanic vent.

  2. 只有出使狗国的人

    Only an emissary to a country of dogs.

  3. 明朝出使满剌加的一次海难

    A Peril of the Sea of a Ming Diplomatic Mission to Malacca

  4. 仍为他出使重要任务而高兴。

    I am happy that he got sent on this important assignment.

  5. 蔺相如是赵国出使秦国得使臣。

    Lin Xiangru was the envoy the Zhao state detached to the Qin State.

  6. 蔺相如是赵国出使秦国的使臣。

    Lin Xiangru was the envoy the Zhao state detached to the Qin State.

  7. 蔺相如是赵国出使秦国的使臣。

    Lin Xiangru was the envoy the Zhao state detached to the Qin State.

  8. 明代洪武年间出使南洋使节研究

    Chinese Envoys to Southeast Asia in Hongwu Years of Ming Dynasty

  9. 使空出,腾出,搬出使不再拥有或占有放弃

    To cease to occupy or hold give up.

  10. 找出使你的企业与众不同的背后的内在动力。

    Tap into the innate power behind what makes your business unique.

  11. 我但愿自己能想出使他们相信自己有错的方法。

    I wish I could think up some ways of convincing them of their mistakes.

  12. 他告诉他们父亲破产,表现出使人同情的真诚。

    He displayed a disarming honesty by telling them about his father's bankruptcy.

  13. 醋酸化林格氏液的水快速排出和钠慢排出使细胞脱水

    Rapid Water and Slow Sodium Excretion of Acetated Ringers Solution Dehydrates Cells Robert G. Hahn and Dan Drobin

  14. 移出使之冷却15分钟。用小刀绕着边缘旋转, 将馅饼扣在盘子上。

    Remove and let cool for 15 minutes. Run a small, sharp knife around the rims and invert the tarts onto plates.

  15. 有时你得使出杀手锏。

    Sometimes you gotta bring out the big artillery.

  16. 有时你得使出杀手锏。

    Sometimes you gotta bring out the big artillery.

  17. 急救人员们使出了浑身解数。

    And the emerg. staff pulled out all the stops.

  18. 他使出浑身解数, 试图说服她。

    He tried the art of persuasion with all his powers aroused.

  19. 他放出话说他将使出十八般武艺。

    He has said he will use all the weapons at his disposal.

  20. 人们正使出浑身解数取悦顾客。

    People are bending over backwards to please customers.

  21. 我就要使出我的专家经验了。

    I will rely on my experience and expertise.

  22. 水手们使出全身的劲拉绳子。

    The sailors pulled the rope with might and main.

  23. 水手们使出全身得劲拉绳子。

    The sailors pulled the rope with might and main.

  24. 如果你使出一切迷人的力量!

    If thou wouldst use the strength of all thy state!

  25. 他使出了全部气力,非常疲倦。

    He has laid out all his strength and is weary.

  26. 汤姆使出了全部力气,非常疲倦。

    Tom has laid out all his strength and is weary.

  27. 发达国家使出杀手锏治理包装污染

    The Unique Skill Of Administrating Packaging Pollution

  28. 我已经使出浑身解数来促销了。

    I've already kicked the promotion into overdrive.

  29. 他使出浑身的解数向她买好。

    He did all he could do to win her favor.

  30. 我今天已经使出混身解数了。

    I pulled out every trick in the book today.


  1. 问:出使拼音怎么拼?出使的读音是什么?出使翻译成英文是什么?

    答:出使的读音是chūshǐ,出使翻译成英文是 be sent on a diplomatic mission




【读音】chū shǐ


【出处】汉·班固 《匈奴和亲议》:“先帝圣德远览,瞻前顾后,遂复出使,事同前世。” 《史记·范雎蔡泽列传》:“今太后擅行不顾, 穰侯出使不报,华阳、泾阳等击断无讳,高陵进退不请。” 

【示例】《初刻拍案惊奇》卷六:“ 慧澄道:‘其夫出使北边,他是个女人,那能凑得许多价钱?’” 曹禺 《王昭君》第二幕:“ 萧育是辅弼大臣太傅萧望之之子,多次出使匈奴 ,累建功勋。”