








汉语拼音:lái fǎng








  1. 前来拜访、访问。

    唐 韩愈 《送僧澄观》诗:“有僧来访呼使前,伏犀插脑高颊权。”

  2. 现亦指前来反映问题、提供意见。如:人民来访。



  1. Yang used to walk about an hour to the middle school where the unusual length of her reach drew the attention of visiting sports officials.


  2. When a visitor asked her to show him something scary, she held up a mirror to his face.


  3. The first stop of his visit was Chengdu and he made a special visit to the Thatched Cottage of Poet Du Fu.


  4. He began to call and visit less often, and one day when Ms. Bierman called him, he said he was busy and would call back.


  5. The retired prelate told visitors that he gave his health condition "full marks" but said he felt tired as his fast entered the final day.


  6. If you call tomorrow morning, I shall be glad to see you.


  7. Engineers had to be told by a visiting Mountain View executive that they did not need permission to do a 20% project.


  8. It was such a privilege and an honour for me to be invited in there. I will never forget that moment.


  9. However, a strange woman "s visit changed everything, she told the cloth gloria cloth, he the heart transplant from his death sister. . . "


  1. 历史性来访

    historical visit.

  2. 来访代表团

    visiting delegation.

  3. 医生的来访

    a call from the doctor.

  4. 谢谢你来访。

    Thank you for your visit.

  5. 她突然来访。

    Her visit came out of the blue.

  6. 来访重要外宾

    important foreign visitor.

  7. 来访移动用户

    visiting mobile subscriber.

  8. 随时欢迎来访。

    Feel free to drop in any time.

  9. 欢迎随时来访。

    Free to come to visit me any time.

  10. 欢迎随时来访。

    Free to come to visit me any time.

  11. 教宗的来访

    a visit from the Pope.

  12. 通知有人来访

    Announcing a visitor

  13. 不定时的来访

    called at odd intervals.

  14. 他定期来访我。

    He pays me regular visits.

  15. 来访位置登记器

    visitor location register

  16. 蒂娜什么时候来访?

    What time was Tina stopping by?

  17. 来访的人纷至沓来

    frequent influxes of visitors

  18. 时或有客来访。

    Sometimes we have guests.

  19. 史帝夫突然来访。

    Steve blew in.

  20. 陪来访者出去。

    Ushering a visitor out.

  21. 盼望着您的来访。

    I am in keen anticipation of your visit.

  22. 我喜欢他经常来访。

    I enjoyed his frequent visits.

  23. 这位神父经常来访。

    The priest is a regular caller.

  24. 他们期待她的来访。

    They are looking forward to her coming.

  25. 期待你的再次来访。

    Looking forward to hosting you here again.

  26. 络绎不绝的来访者

    a succession of visitors

  27. 我们下星期有客来访。

    We're expecting company next week.

  28. 他谢绝所有来访客人。

    He denied himself to all visitors.

  29. 她来访只是为了礼貌。

    She called on us merely for the sake of courtesy.

  30. 设宴招待来访的总统。

    Give a banquet in honor of the visiting president.


  1. 问:来访拼音怎么拼?来访的读音是什么?来访翻译成英文是什么?

    答:来访的读音是láifǎng,来访翻译成英文是 visit

  2. 问:来访贵宾拼音怎么拼?来访贵宾的读音是什么?来访贵宾翻译成英文是什么?

    答:来访贵宾的读音是lái fǎng guì bīn,来访贵宾翻译成英文是 Visiting Dignitary

  3. 问:来访士兵宿舍拼音怎么拼?来访士兵宿舍的读音是什么?来访士兵宿舍翻译成英文是什么?

    答:来访士兵宿舍的读音是lái fǎng shì bīngsù shè,来访士兵宿舍翻译成英文是 Visiting Enlisted Quarters

  4. 问:来访官员住处拼音怎么拼?来访官员住处的读音是什么?来访官员住处翻译成英文是什么?

    答:来访官员住处的读音是lái fǎng guān yuán zhù chù,来访官员住处翻译成英文是 Visiting Officer Quarters

  5. 问:来访组安全协议拼音怎么拼?来访组安全协议的读音是什么?来访组安全协议翻译成英文是什么?

    答:来访组安全协议的读音是lái fǎng zǔ ān quán xié yì,来访组安全协议翻译成英文是 Visitor Group Security Agreement

  6. 问:来访者中心疗法拼音怎么拼?来访者中心疗法的读音是什么?来访者中心疗法翻译成英文是什么?

    答:来访者中心疗法的读音是lái fǎng zhě zhōng xīn liáo fǎ,来访者中心疗法翻译成英文是 client-centered therapy

  7. 问:来访空军士兵宿舍拼音怎么拼?来访空军士兵宿舍的读音是什么?来访空军士兵宿舍翻译成英文是什么?

    答:来访空军士兵宿舍的读音是lái fǎng kōng jūn shì bīngsù shè,来访空军士兵宿舍翻译成英文是 Visiting Airmen's Quarters

  8. 问:来访者地址登记库拼音怎么拼?来访者地址登记库的读音是什么?来访者地址登记库翻译成英文是什么?

    答:来访者地址登记库的读音是lái fǎng zhě dì zhǐ dēng jì kù,来访者地址登记库翻译成英文是 visitor location register