








汉语拼音:zào fǎng







  1. 拜访;访问。

    明 李东阳 《封大安人杨母张氏墓志铭》:“京曹宾友以应寧故,造访踵接。” 清 王晫 《今世说·政事》:“郡有好古乐道之士,必折柬招之;不至,虽在蓬蓽,亲造访焉。” 冰心 《晚晴集·悼郭老》:“虽然我因病久住在 重庆 郊外的 歌乐山 ,深居简出,但也还有些朋友登山造访。”



  1. That superstar descended on a small coastal town, which splashed across the front page of the local newspaper.


  2. Suleiman, Egypt's intelligence chief since 1993, has been a frequent visitor to Israel and a mediator in its conflict with the Palestinians.


  3. BlackBerry addicts may not be able to get their fix the next time they visit the United Arab Emirates.


  4. The visit seems to have been a source of some sensitivity for Alibaba, for reasons that aren't clear.


  5. Recently, the UFO seems to visit earth more frequently. The latest report said that in the sky of the Britain, there is an odd light circle.


  6. for general civilities soon called his notice from her, and the farewell visit, as it then became openly acknowledged, was a very short one.


  7. The last two activities in winter , one of them was the visiting to the memorial of Lu Xun, the other may be about some exercises.


  8. To see one of the largest animal battles , we have to visit the enchanting landscape of South Georgia .


  9. It had been a year since I was last in Changsha and I ended up staying in the same hotel room at Jing Yuan Hotel as last year.


  1. 造访某人的家

    to go round to somebody's (house)

  2. 抱歉我冒昧造访

    Sorry to just drop in on you.

  3. 未获邀约的造访

    unsolicited call

  4. 死神造访每个人。

    The grave comes to all men.

  5. 有女士造访的时候

    Well, when it comes to the ladies.

  6. 有朝一日, 我希望造访罗马。

    I hope to visit Rome some day.

  7. 你造访的原因是什么?

    What is the point of your visit?

  8. 很多人再次造访展览。

    Several revisited the exhibition.

  9. 我们乘便造访一下约翰吗

    Shall we drop in on John

  10. 一只老鸭前来造访母鸭。

    An old duck visits the mother duck.

  11. 也许我应当对她登门造访。

    Perhaps I should pay her a house call.

  12. 目前是造访巴黎的最佳时节。

    Now is the best time to visit Paris.

  13. 对你的造访我深感荣幸。

    I am honored by your visit.

  14. 哈雷彗星每76年造访地球一次。

    Halleys comet calls on the earth every 76 years.

  15. 感谢各位专程远道造访本公司。

    Thank you for coming all the way to our company.

  16. 那是我第三次造访那地方了。

    That was the third time I had visited the place.

  17. 突然的造访打破了漫长的午后时光

    An impromptu visit broke up the long afternoon.

  18. 我原认为她们今晚会来造访我。

    i thought they ere going to visit me tonight.

  19. 房屋得装饰品就是常来造访得友人。

    The ornament of a house is the friends who frequent it.

  20. 房屋的装饰品就是常来造访的友人。

    The ornament of a house is the friends who frequent it.

  21. 他每星期都按照惯例造访一次。

    He makes his customary visit every week.

  22. 又增添另一种造访莺歌的趣味。

    This adds another form of interest while visiting Yingge.

  23. 王子殿下, 你远离贵国来此造访。

    You are far from your own kingdom, your highness!

  24. 我计划在今年晚些时候造访美国。

    I plan on visiting the US later this year.

  25. 我计划在今年晚些时候造访美国。

    I plan on visiting the US later this year.

  26. 她将于2006年04月29日到05月08日造访意大利。

    She will go to visit Italy. from 28 Apr 2006 to 07 May 2006.

  27. 我不是来造访的,我只是顺便来看看你。

    I have not come on a visit; I have just called in passing.

  28. 要么是皮卡丘造访纽约了。

    Or Pikachu is visiting New York.

  29. 猕猴走出树林, 造访一座花园池塘。

    Macaques descend from the forest to visit an ornamental pond.

  30. 常来造访的朋友是房子最好的装饰。

    The best ornament of a house is the friends who frequent it.


  1. 问:造访拼音怎么拼?造访的读音是什么?造访翻译成英文是什么?

    答:造访的读音是zàofǎng,造访翻译成英文是 visit




【拼音】zào fǎng
