







汉语拼音:jiǎn lüè








  1. 疏阔。

    《后汉书·刘宽传》:“ 宽 简略嗜酒,不好盥浴,京师以为谚。”《三国志·蜀志·蒋琬传》:“东曹掾 杨戏 素性简略, 琬 与言论,时不应答。”

  2. 省略;简单不详。

    《后汉书·宣秉传》:“务举大纲,简略苛细百僚敬之。”《宋书·沉攸之传》:“时四方皆已平定, 徐州 刺史 薛安都 据 彭城 请降,上虽相酬许,而辞旨简略。” 宋 欧阳修 《与杜公论祁公墓志书》:“缘 修 文字简略,止记大节。” 郭沫若 《洪波曲》第十章二:“这手记虽然很简略,但确实是最难得的资料。”



  1. The general gist of it is like details of the issues or to answer a brief?


  2. Simple features make it easy to use, including a unique feature which records sound for three seconds after pressing the shutter button.


  3. The next version still has a bit more to go before it is ready, but I'll give a rough summary of what I hope to release in it.


  4. The traditional LILO boot prompt was a very terse text prompt similar to what you see if you press the Tab key.


  5. Any tourist could have written it-just a list of the usual show-places and half a dozen thumbnail portraits of local worthies .


  6. Is often used in introductions to tell someone else your name. You can also use a shorter form --- My name's.


  7. Part of his mind wondered if this was why Moroes spoke in such a shorthand fashion.


  8. I gave him an abridgment of this whole history, I gave him a picture of my conduct for fifty years in miniature.


  9. A summary of the events leading up to this situation would be pertinent information.


  1. 简略流程图

    general flowchart.

  2. 简略的笔记

    sketchy notes.

  3. 简略谈计划

    to adumbrate the plan.

  4. 分类简略得当

    simplified and proper classification.

  5. 简历, 简略的传记

    a capsule biography

  6. 略图。简略的速写

    a thumbnail sketch

  7. 简历,简略的传记。

    A capsule biography.

  8. 简略创伤分度法

    Abbreviated Injury Scale

  9. 简略式资产负债表

    balance sheet synopsis

  10. 他说话一贯很简略。

    What he says is always very sketchy.

  11. 简略。简称。缩写。节略。缩写式

    abbreviation n.

  12. 简略地拟出计划要点

    sketch out the main points of the plan

  13. 简略、矫饰、不生动的习语。

    Brief, mannered and unlifelike idiom.

  14. 他唱个简略曲子都走调儿。

    He cannot carry even a tune.

  15. 英汉音位构音简略比较

    A brief comparison between the articulation of phoneme in English and Chinese

  16. 把你的事简略地告诉我。

    Tell me your business shortly.

  17. 他简略介绍了公司的情况。

    He gave a brief description of the situation at the company.

  18. 简略介绍了制作工艺和结构。

    The fabrication technology and configuration are presented.

  19. 他简略写出了小说的情节。

    He roughcast the plot of the novel.

  20. 幽诚栖简略,衷白己光辉。

    You Prudential Chilan briefly, has a brilliant white work.

  21. 王教授被简略的叫成王博士。

    Professer Wang is abbreviated to Doc. Wang.

  22. 她简略地勾勒出人物的轮廓。

    She drew the figures in outline.

  23. 这里我们只能简略地谈一下。

    We can touch on it only briefly here.

  24. 他简略地谈了妇女解放问题。

    He touched on the question of the emancipation of women.

  25. 将军简略地叙述他的进攻计划。

    The general chalked out his plan of attack.

  26. 我将简略说明我们商品的特性。

    I will outline the characteristics of our product.

  27. 请允许我作一个简略的回顾。

    Allow me to make a brief review.

  28. 最后对检测结果做了简略分析。

    Moreover, the carbide in rolled steel shows obvious banded structure.

  29. 请简略地告诉我发生了什么事。

    Please tell me briefly what happened.

  30. 这正如下面的这幅简略图所示。

    This is represented in the schematic diagram below.


  1. 问:简略拼音怎么拼?简略的读音是什么?简略翻译成英文是什么?

    答:简略的读音是jiǎnlüè,简略翻译成英文是 brief

  2. 问:简略地拼音怎么拼?简略地的读音是什么?简略地翻译成英文是什么?

    答:简略地的读音是,简略地翻译成英文是 informally

  3. 问:简略的拼音怎么拼?简略的的读音是什么?简略的翻译成英文是什么?

    答:简略的的读音是,简略的翻译成英文是 curt

  4. 问:简略定律拼音怎么拼?简略定律的读音是什么?简略定律翻译成英文是什么?

    答:简略定律的读音是jiǎnlüè dìnglǜ,简略定律翻译成英文是 law of abbreviation

  5. 问:简略情报拼音怎么拼?简略情报的读音是什么?简略情报翻译成英文是什么?

    答:简略情报的读音是jiǎn lüè qíng bào,简略情报翻译成英文是 summary information

  6. 问:简略线路拼音怎么拼?简略线路的读音是什么?简略线路翻译成英文是什么?

    答:简略线路的读音是jiǎn lüè xiàn lù,简略线路翻译成英文是 summary line

  7. 问:简略寿命表拼音怎么拼?简略寿命表的读音是什么?简略寿命表翻译成英文是什么?

    答:简略寿命表的读音是jiǎnlüèshòumìngbiǎo,简略寿命表翻译成英文是 abridged life table

  8. 问:简略生命表拼音怎么拼?简略生命表的读音是什么?简略生命表翻译成英文是什么?

    答:简略生命表的读音是jiǎn lüè shēng mìng biǎo,简略生命表翻译成英文是 abridged life table

  9. 问:简略表达法拼音怎么拼?简略表达法的读音是什么?简略表达法翻译成英文是什么?

    答:简略表达法的读音是jiǎn lüè biǎo dá fǎ,简略表达法翻译成英文是 brachylogy

  10. 问:简略输出端拼音怎么拼?简略输出端的读音是什么?简略输出端翻译成英文是什么?

    答:简略输出端的读音是jiǎn lüè shū chū duān,简略输出端翻译成英文是 summary output

  11. 问:简略资格审查计划拼音怎么拼?简略资格审查计划的读音是什么?简略资格审查计划翻译成英文是什么?

    答:简略资格审查计划的读音是jiǎn lüè zī gé shěn chá jì huà,简略资格审查计划翻译成英文是 Brief Qualification Evaluation Program





【注音】:jiǎn lüè

