


1. 要 [yào]2. 要 [yāo]要 [yào]索取:~账。~价。希望,想:~强。~好。请求:她~我给她读报。重大,值得重视的:重~。~人。~领。纲~。~言不烦。应该,必须:须~。将(jiāng):将~。快~。如果,倘若:~是。表选择……





汉语拼音:yào è






  1. 见“ 要厄 ”。



  1. Before that, the central bank had emphasized fighting inflation over battling a recession and had pushed rates up.


  1. 突然我的衬衫领口感觉好像开始要扼死我。

    Suddenly my shirt collar felt like it was starting to strangle me.

  2. 突然我得衬衫领口感觉好像开始要扼死我。

    Suddenly my shirt collar felt like it was starting to strangle me.

  3. 综合报告内容要扼要, 文字要简练, 要指出问题或争论之所在。

    The comprehensive report should be concise in content and succinct in wording and point out the problems or controversial issues.

  4. 简明扼要的

    in a capsule.

  5. 简短扼要的

    short and to the point.

  6. 说话简短扼要

    be short and sweet.

  7. 请扼要说明。

    Please explain the main points briefly.

  8. 会议简短扼要。

    The conference was short and sweet.

  9. 提名简短扼要。

    The nomination was brief and to the point.

  10. 提名简短扼要。

    The nomination was brief and to the point.

  11. 简明扼要的回答

    a succinct reply

  12. 简明扼要的观点

    A summary review.

  13. 他说话简单扼要。

    He is brief of speech.

  14. 请简明扼要一点。

    Please be concise and to the point.

  15. 他的话简明扼要。

    His words were short and to the point.

  16. 说话要简捷扼要。

    In speaking, one should be short and to the point.

  17. 让我们扼要重述。

    Lets recap.

  18. 他的信简明扼要。

    His letter is short, and to the point.

  19. 这封信简短扼要。

    The letter was short and to the point.

  20. 扼要重述说过的话

    a recap of what was said

  21. 谈话简明扼要。直截了当

    Be brief and to the point

  22. 他的讲话简短扼要。

    His speech was short and to the point.

  23. 他的论证简洁扼要。

    His argument was concise and to the point.

  24. 他的论证简洁扼要。

    His argument was concise and to the point.

  25. 它简明扼要横跨领域。

    It concisely spans the field.

  26. 第一, 保持讯息清晰扼要。

    Keep the message clear and concise.

  27. 我以简明扼要为宗旨。

    I shall aim to be brief.

  28. 你说得十分简明扼要。

    You put that very succinctly.

  29. 最重要的是简明扼要。

    And, most important, be brief.

  30. 使你的陈述简明扼要。

    Make your statement short and sweet.