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1. 详 [xiáng]2. 详 [yáng]详 [xiáng]细密,完备,与“略”相对:~细。~略。~情。~谈。周~。~实(详细而确实。亦作“翔实”)。语焉不~(说得不详细)。清楚地知道:内容不~。说明,细说:内~。审慎:~平(审理案件审……
1. 尽 [jìn]2. 尽 [jǐn]尽 [jìn]完毕:用~。说不~。取之不~。达到极端:~头。山穷水~。~情。自~(自杀)。全部用出,竭力做到:~心。~力。~瘁。~职。~忠。~责。人~其才。物~其用。都,全:~然。~是白的。~收眼底。……
汉语拼音:xiáng jìn
《三国志·魏志·高贵乡公髦传》:“古义弘深,圣问奥远,非臣所能详尽。” 宋 马永卿 《嬾真子》卷三:“且 三代 之时,百工传氏,孙袭祖业,子受父训,故其利害如此详尽。” 清 抟沙拙老 《闲处光阴》卷下:“嗣閲文或有舛误,无不详尽其义,笔之卷端。”
唐 李延寿 《上<南北史>表》:“虽则疏野,远惭先哲,於披求所得,窃谓详尽。” 清 彭绍升 《陈和叔传》:“ 和叔 所草奏,援古证今,剴切详尽。” 孙犁 《秀露集·耕堂读书记(一)》:“对于人物和环境的描写,更详尽更广阔了。”
《儿女英雄传》第三六回:“ 安老爷 接着问了问,依然不得详尽。”
Not the sort of in-depth info we'd get in an IPO prospectus, but still much more than most other privately-held firms disclose.
这些报告披露的信息虽然不像IPO招股书那样深度,但比其他大多数非上市公司仍要详尽。HP did not offer much of a description in their announcement of his appointment.
惠普公司在任命公告中并没有对此进行详尽的描述。It is not intended to be exhaustive or to limit the invention to the precise forms disclosed.
它的用意不是要详尽无遗或限制其发明的确切形式披露。These, unfortunately, are not as blithely accounted for as the fact that our earlier RDF examples did not use any defined classes.
遗憾的是,我们不会象解释我们以前的RDF示例没有使用任何定义的类那样详尽地解释这些变化。I have therefore omitted altogether (with few exceptions) men who did not seem to me to deserve a fairly full treatment.
因此我就把那些我以为似乎不值得详尽处理的人物(除了极少数的例外)完全略过不提。The best account of Kennan's life as an outsider on the inside is his own two-volume "Memoirs" .
凯南所写的《自传》(分上下两册)最为详尽地描述了凯南作为一个知道内情的局外人的一生。She did not elaborate the 'Indian way' but it must include taking a holiday on half a dozen New Years Days!
她没有详尽阐述“印度的方式”,但它一定包括新年放六天假之类的细节。If every single article they publish is going to be an extensive investigation then who's going to have time to read everything.
如果我们每一篇新闻都经过广泛而详尽地调查,那么会有人有时间把一切都读完么?Spending on education and health care, which are free and universal, would be cut, he said, without much elaboration.