


1. 不 [bù]2. 不 [fǒu]不 [bù]副词。用在动词、形容词和其它词前面表示否定或加在名词或名词性语素前面,构成形容词:~去。~多。~法。~料。~材(才能平庸,常用作自谦)。~刊(无须修改,不可磨灭)。~学无术。~速之客。单用,……


1. 详 [xiáng]2. 详 [yáng]详 [xiáng]细密,完备,与“略”相对:~细。~略。~情。~谈。周~。~实(详细而确实。亦作“翔实”)。语焉不~(说得不详细)。清楚地知道:内容不~。说明,细说:内~。审慎:~平(审理案件审……



汉语拼音:bù xiáng









  1. 不详尽;不完善。

    《荀子·成相》:“凡成相,辨法方,至治之极復后王。 慎 、 墨 、 季 、 惠 ,百家之説诚不详。” 唐 柳宗元 《与杨诲之第二书》:“子何考吾车説之不详也。”

  2. 不祥。详,通“ 祥 ”。


  3. 不公平。

    《汉书·食货志下》:“刑戮将甚不详,奈何而忽!” 颜师古 注:“详,平也。”

  4. 不知道。

    晋 陶潜 《五柳先生传》:“先生不知何许人也,亦不详其姓字。”

  5. 书信用语。不细说之意。



  1. Her family members do not have similar clinical manifestation. Her mother had been dead for unknown etiological factor.


  2. Despite the numbers, Knowlton said adoption is harder than it was just a few years ago.


  3. Thoughtful Japanese, looking at their country's debt and wondering what might be cut to reduce it, may regard the coincidence as a bad omen.


  4. At least 74 miners died and an uncertain number of others is still trapped underground - and feared dead.


  5. Retirement & relocation: Do not know about 401(k) contributions or retirement funds.


  6. Analysts have said the trend bodes ill for Japan's labor market in the long term because it would lead to a shortage of skilled workers.


  7. No identified chronic case history, some colleagues said he drank wine everyday, and the specific condition is not clear.


  8. As he straddled his bi cycle again he felt ill at ease, almost a sense of premonition.


  9. Uncounted others have come for a few months and then slipped back to North Korea with food and money.


  1. 案例不详。

    The case is not in detail.

  2. 我现在先不详谈。

    I will not get into that now.

  3. 比赛的准确次序不详,

    The exact sequence of events was uncertain

  4. 比赛得准确次序不详,

    The exact sequence of events was uncertain.

  5. 现在我就不详谈了。

    I won't go into details now.

  6. 这里也有不详的预兆。

    But there were ominous signs as well.

  7. 这首诗出处不详。

    The authorship of this poem is not known.

  8. 作者生卒年月不详。

    The author's dates are unknown.

  9. 这笔现金来源不详。

    The cash comes from an unnamed source.

  10. 父亲节的起源不详。

    The origin of Father's Day is not clear.

  11. 数据性质不详或未提供数据。

    The nature of the data is unknown or was not provided.

  12. 预知不详之事来临的感觉

    A sense of impending evil.

  13. 这首诗的作者不详。

    The authorship of the poem is unknown.

  14. 年不详的总死亡人数是52。

    The total number of deaths with unknown age is52.

  15. 我将不详谈扩大问题。

    I will not go into detail about the issue of expansion.

  16. 其中大部分内容出处不详。

    Much of it is of unknown origin.

  17. 一种不详的预兆萦绕着他。

    He was netted by an ill omen.

  18. 他带着数目不详的钱逃走。

    He made off with an undisclosed amount.

  19. 杀人者的动机目前不详。

    Her motive is not clear.

  20. 杀人者得动机目前不详。

    Her motive is not clear.

  21. 屈原的生卒年月不详。

    The date of birth and death of Qu Yuan is unknown.

  22. 后勤补给困难, 地形不详, 气候恶劣。

    There were many difficulties in supply, terrain and weather.

  23. 这份暗杀名单的作者不详。

    The authors of the hit list are unknown.

  24. 他得到了一笔数目不详的钱。

    He was paid an undisclosed sum.

  25. 他生于1650年前后, 但身世不详。

    He was born around 1650 but his origins remain obscure.

  26. 有一些不详的事正在发生,对吗?

    That something bad is happening, right?

  27. 有数目不详的示威者遭到了逮捕。

    An unknown number of demonstrators were arrested.

  28. 阿尔及尔的礼拜日是最为不详。

    Algiers Sundays are among the most sinister.

  29. 我将不详谈这个问题的经济层面。

    I shall not elaborate on the economic dimensions of the problem.

  30. 他告诉我这是个词源不详的词。

    He told me it was a word of unknown origin.


  1. 问:不详拼音怎么拼?不详的读音是什么?不详翻译成英文是什么?

    答:不详的读音是bùxiáng,不详翻译成英文是 not known



bù xiáng。汉语词语。见于《现代汉语词典》第5版第116页。 ①

【形容词】不详细;不清楚:言之~,地址~,历史情况~。 ②
