


圈子,环绕:~围。~天。~转(zhuǎn )。~匝(a.环绕;b.周到)。普遍、全面:~身。~延。~全。~游。时期的一轮,亦特指一个星期:~岁。~年。~期。~星(十二年)。上~。完备:~到。~密。~详。~正(端正)。~折(事情进行不顺利)。……


1. 详 [xiáng]2. 详 [yáng]详 [xiáng]细密,完备,与“略”相对:~细。~略。~情。~谈。周~。~实(详细而确实。亦作“翔实”)。语焉不~(说得不详细)。清楚地知道:内容不~。说明,细说:内~。审慎:~平(审理案件审……



汉语拼音:zhōu xiáng








  1. 周到详尽。

    唐 韩愈 《进<顺宗实录>表状》:“儻所论著,尚未周详,臣所未知,乞赐宣示。” 茅盾 《创造》:“新计划已经审慎周详,只待 娴娴 出来,立即可以开始实验了。”



  1. I felt a sense of relief that we were that the plan that the President has put together very patiently, very carefully.


  2. Zachary GarberHey, they is not crazy, there will be a madman to make arrangements for such a comprehensive program to it?


  3. Usefulness: A process description should be detailed enough to be useful, not so detailed that it is unusable .


  4. He works with a clear sense of direction, a prompt decision and a well-thought plan.


  5. All through the Old Testament (Old Covenant) history, there was an elaborate system of animal sacrifices.


  6. Like most of the people they regulated, the central bankers did not factor in the full effects of a liquidity squeeze.


  7. madness, an ironic fate for such a clear thinker; it was ironical that the well-planned scheme failed so completely.


  8. The fact that "Today's American: How Free? " is such a thorough piece of work makes it doubly significant.


  9. They feel that the plan of the murder and kidnaping was too elaborate to be the work of a Negro mind.


  1. 需要许多周详的计划安排。

    Requires a lot of planning.

  2. 谨慎,周详有谨慎品质慎重周到。

    The quality of being discreet circumspection.

  3. 看来他们计划地很周详啊。

    Looks like they planned this pretty well.

  4. 看来他们计划地很周详啊。

    Looks like they planned this pretty well.

  5. 这一项计划书似乎考虑周详。

    This scheme seems to be well thought out.

  6. 没有什么防御比得上周详的礼节。

    There can be no defense like elaborate courtesy.

  7. 他们在为婚礼做极为周详的准备。

    They're making the most elaborate preparations for the wedding.

  8. 那项冒险曾经作了长期的周详计划。

    The adventure had been planned for quite a while.

  9. 他对自己未来的事业有了周详的计划。

    He has already mapped out his whole future career.

  10. 不过即便是最周详的计划也可能出岔子。

    But even the best laid plans sometimes go awry.

  11. 他对自己未来的事业有了周详的计画。

    He's already mapped out his whole future career.

  12. 他希望有更多的时间把事情考虑周详。

    He would like more time to think things over.

  13. 在整个旧约历史中, 祭牲制度十分周详。

    All through the Old Testament history, there was an elaborate system of animal sacrifices.

  14. 他的工作方向明确, 做事果断, 计划严谨周详。

    He works with a clear sense of direction, a prompt decision and a wellthought plan.

  15. 如果你没有周详的计划,那你就等着失败吧。

    If you fail to plan, you plan to fail.

  16. 事情要考虑周详以后再动手,才能够事半功倍。

    Everything must be carefully examined before we act, then twice as much can be accomplished with half the effort.

  17. 即便规划如此周详,宜家还是办错了好几桩事。

    Even with all that careful planning, Ikea managed to get a few things wrong.

  18. 我觉得有些儿松了一口气,总统的计划周详谨慎。

    I felt a sense of relief that we were that the plan that the President has put together very patiently, very carefully.

  19. 上述种种问题都需要有周详的考虑及明智的处理手法。

    These questions need very careful and sensitive handling.

  20. 葛罗夫呈递一份深入 周详的报告,另老板们印象深刻。

    Grove delivered a sharp, comprehensive report. His bosses were impressed.

  21. 举办一个小型的家庭沙龙,主人需在事先进行周详的预备。

    Run salon of family of a diminutive, host needs to undertaking complete preparation beforehand.

  22. 我相信只要有周详的计划,学校总能派出一名代表的。

    I believe with some careful planning, schools could send one participant to this workshop.


  1. 问:周详拼音怎么拼?周详的读音是什么?周详翻译成英文是什么?

    答:周详的读音是zhōuxiáng,周详翻译成英文是 comprehensive; complete; detailed

  2. 问:周详地拼音怎么拼?周详地的读音是什么?周详地翻译成英文是什么?

    答:周详地的读音是,周详地翻译成英文是 particularly

  3. 问:周详的拼音怎么拼?周详的的读音是什么?周详的翻译成英文是什么?

    答:周详的的读音是,周详的翻译成英文是 particular



“周详”是个多义词,它可以指周详(陕西省公安消防总队总队长), 周详(中南财经政法大学副教授), 周详(南开大学周恩来政府管理学院教授), 周详(汉语词语)。