


1. 大 [dà]2. 大 [dài]3. 大 [tài]大 [dà]指面积、体积、容量、数量、强度、力量超过一般或超过所比较的对象,与“小”相对:~厅。~政。~气候。夜郎自~。~腹便便。指大小的对比:这间房有那间两个~。规模广,程度深,性……





汉语拼音:dà lüè










  1. 大概;大要。

    《孟子·滕文公上》:“此其大略也,若夫润泽之,则在君与子矣。” 赵岐 注:“略,要也。” 宋 苏轼 《上张安道养生诀论》:“其妙处非言语文字所能形容,然可道其大略。” 毛泽东 《论持久战》八一:“然而不管怎样的战争情况和战争行动,知其大略,知其要点,是可能的。”

  2. 远大的谋略。

    《史记·郦生陆贾列传》:“ 酈生 曰:‘吾闻 沛公 慢而易人,多大略。’”《晋书·宣帝纪》:“少有奇节,聪朗多大略。” 宋 陈亮 《进<中兴五论>札子》:“臣闻治国有大体,谋敌有大略。”



  1. This post is going to attempt to help you figure out how to analyze them, at least at a cursory level.


  2. Stress and long hours are part of every project manager's life who battle to get the most out of the resources at hand to achieve the scope.


  3. So, if you look at this image , right away you might be able to see that there are clusters of obese and non- obese people in the image .


  4. Although we cannot accurately say pictures of what color is the tree, but it must have been a partial green.


  5. To back up its money, the bank had a reserve in cotton, gold, silver and land about equal to the value of its note issue.


  6. A senior U. S. official said the new measures will take effect this month, he also outline ways to explain the operation of the measure.


  7. Carnegie-give you a fair idea of what the reading of this book may bring to you, provided you KNOW WHAT IT IS THAT YOU WANT.


  8. Led-display color gamut and is a very different process, this kind of Proofing form is an accurate color communication tools.


  9. Give him a time, place and rough personal description and he will come to draw you -- although you might never realize.


  1. 只说说故事大略

    give only an broad outline of the story

  2. 我只知道个大略。

    I have only a general idea.

  3. 请将事实大略告知。

    Please tell us the facts in outline.

  4. 让我大略地记下来。

    Let me just write that down.

  5. 他大略地解释了一下。

    He explained sketchily.

  6. 他大略浏览了下报纸。

    He glanced through over the newspaper.

  7. 扫视, 快速而大略地浏览。

    glance over or read superficially.

  8. 我大略知道沉船的位置。

    I had a rough idea where the sunk ship lay.

  9. 安大略公司注册指南。

    A Guide to Register your business name in Ontario.

  10. 我将带你们大略地参观。

    I will give you a brief tour.

  11. 我大略知道沈船得位置。

    I have a rough idea where the sinked ship lie on.

  12. 我大略知道沈船的位置。

    I have a rough idea where the sinked ship lie on.

  13. 这将让你了解洛杉矶的大略。

    This gives you the outline of Los Angeles.

  14. 糖槭树也生长在安大略。

    Sugar maple trees grow in Ontario.

  15. 委员会大略说明了改组的方案。

    The committee drew out a plan for the reorganization.

  16. 尼加拉河注入安大略湖。

    The Niagara River drains into Lake Ontario.

  17. 时间不多了,你大略说说吧。

    There isn't much time left. Could you speak just briefly ?

  18. 大概有安大略湖那么大

    It's about the size of Lake Ontario.

  19. 没有伟大的意志力就没有雄才大略。

    There is no suchas a great talent without great will power.

  20. 我大略地读了一下那封信。

    I gave the letter a fairly cursory reading.

  21. 武丁特别欣赏傅说的雄才大略。

    King Wuding appreciated Fu's great talent and bold vision.

  22. 有了机遇,才有施展雄才大略的舞台。

    Only the opportunity can offer you the display stage.

  23. 我可大略估算一下你需要多少砖。

    I can give you a rough estimate of the number of bricks you will need.

  24. 对了,你知道雄才大略是什么意思吗?

    By the way do you know the meaning of Xiong Cai Da Lue?

  25. 我可以大略估算一下你需要多少砖。

    I can give you a rough estimate of the number of bricks you need.

  26. 安大略的问题不仅仅是汽车业。

    Ontario's problems go wider than cars.

  27. 请大略告诉我你要找他谈得事。

    Please leave me a brief message of your business.

  28. 请大略告诉我你要找他谈的事。

    Please leave me a brief message of your business.

  29. 她吃著早饭把报纸大略看了一遍。

    She scanned the newspaper over breakfast.

  30. 我们得教科书只大略地带过越南战争。

    Our textbook only skims the surface of the Vietnam War.


  1. 问:大略拼音怎么拼?大略的读音是什么?大略翻译成英文是什么?

    答:大略的读音是dàlüè,大略翻译成英文是 roughly; general idea

  2. 问:大略调查拼音怎么拼?大略调查的读音是什么?大略调查翻译成英文是什么?

    答:大略调查的读音是,大略调查翻译成英文是 once-over





【拼音】dà lüè释义1、[roughly;general;premilinary] 大概;大要。《孟子·滕文公上》:“此其大略也,若夫润泽之,则在君与子矣。” 赵岐 注:“略,要也。” 宋 苏轼 《上张安道养生诀论》:“其妙处非言语文字所能形容,然可道其大略。” 明 袁可立《陈发兵出海之期疏》:“海外诸岛之形势,大略如此。”《东周列国志》第九十八回:“虞卿情急,只得将魏齐得罪于秦始末,及自家捐弃相印,相随投奔之意,大略告诉一番。”毛泽东 《论持久战》八一:“然而不管怎样的战争情况和战争行动,知其大略,知其要点,是可能的。”