


1. 大 [dà]2. 大 [dài]3. 大 [tài]大 [dà]指面积、体积、容量、数量、强度、力量超过一般或超过所比较的对象,与“小”相对:~厅。~政。~气候。夜郎自~。~腹便便。指大小的对比:这间房有那间两个~。规模广,程度深,性……


挡,拒,用力对撑着:~挡。~制。~抗。~赖。顶撞,冲突,矛盾:~触。代替,相当,顶替:~押。~偿。~充。~还(huán )。到达:~京。~临。……



汉语拼音:dà dǐ






2.大都;大多:来到北京的外国朋友~都要去 游览一下长城。




  1. 大都,表示总括一般的情况。

    《史记·太史公自序》:“《诗》三百篇,大抵贤圣发愤之所为作也。”《汉书·杜周传》:“其治大抵放 张汤 。” 颜师古 注:“大抵,大归也。” 元 陈栎 《勤有堂随录》:“大抵自下者人必高之,自高者人必下之。” 丁玲 《奔》:“大家互相交换了一些家乡的苦难……大抵都相差不远。”

  2. 大要;要旨。

    北齐 颜之推 《颜氏家训·归心》:“俗之谤者,大抵有五。”《周书·庾信传论》:“虽诗赋与奏议异軫,铭誄与书论殊涂,而撮其指要,举其大抵,莫若以气为主,以文传意。”《京本通俗小说·拗相公》:“此诗大抵説人品有真有伪,须要恶而知其美,好而知其恶。”



  1. I understood the joy of childhood. Fun interesting thing is probably that such a thing, no one's childhood, there is no on a few?


  2. Life tastes much the same, whether we quaff it from a golden goblet or drink it out of a stone mug.


  3. So far these revolts have appeared to be largely secular in character. Westerners have been quietly relieved by that.


  4. "The last thing I wanted to figure out was the nuts and bolts of keeping track of receivables and payables, " he said.


  5. A minute or two later, the little girl opened the bathroom door and grandly walked in. I was still sitting down.


  6. Chinese ancestor worship has already been called a religion by certain writers, and I believe this to a very great extent is correct.


  7. The sentiment is much the same in Edinburgh, where, despite increased attention from law enforcement, an air of fear remains.


  8. The Greeks attributed the misfortunes of men in great measure to the antipathies and jealousies of gods and goddesses.


  9. If you've read Takemiya-sensei's work, you might notice that her characters tend to be very lively and bright, cheerful types.


  1. 孔间隙大抵为两到四英寸。

    Two pore space in about four inches.

  2. 诚实的广告大抵是可以相信的。

    In general, honest advertisements can be taken at their face value.

  3. 在这一点上, 专家大抵意见一致。

    On this point, the experts tend to agree.

  4. 但所采集信息的语义大抵相似。

    But the rough semantics of what's gathered are similar.

  5. 但这项任务大抵是可以完成的。

    But it is just about achievable.

  6. 如若是平常事,那大抵是无心之为。

    If it's a regular topic, then no big deal.

  7. 我们对他人的忌羡大抵将我们吞噬。

    Our envy of others devours us most of all.

  8. 我的自知大抵被马桶冲走了。

    I think my sense of self is pretty much in the toilet.

  9. 西班牙人插科打诨的方式大抵如此。

    Nearly all Spanish joking had that same base.

  10. 人的本性大抵如此, 失去的才知道珍惜。

    That's the reason we know how much we loved them.

  11. 从未上过学的人大抵都是文盲。

    People who have never gone to school are usually illiterate.

  12. 正在树下坐着一个大抵10岁的男孩。

    Under the tree sat a boy of about ten.

  13. 正在树下坐着一个大抵10岁得男孩。

    Under the tree sat a boy of about ten.

  14. 如果我有不明白的东西,我大抵可以说等等,等等

    If I don't understand something, I can just say, et cetera, et cetera.

  15. 命运之子的成功大抵为勤奋和不懈使然。

    Destiny's Child's success has been fueled mostly by hard work and an indefatigable spirit.

  16. 波浪大抵都是由风吹过水面而引起的。

    Most wavesare caused winds blowing over the surface of the water.

  17. 波浪大抵都是由风吹过水面而引起得。

    Most wavesare caused by winds blowing over the surface of the water.

  18. 雄鸟大抵都比雌鸟大, 而且羽毛颜色更鲜艳。

    In most birds, the male is bigger and more brightly colored than the female.

  19. 蛇蝎美的含义, 大抵全在这温顺的一笑中了。

    The meaning of vicious beauty sensed in this gentle smile.

  20. 蛇蝎美得含义,大抵全在这温顺得一笑中了。

    The meaning of vicious beauty sensed in this gentle smile.

  21. 人们想要知道的事情, 大抵是跟他们毫不相干的。

    The thing most people want to know about be usually none of their business.

  22. 所以,提摩太精神饱受折磨,大抵正脚痒渴望离开。

    So Timothys spirit was getting worn, and his feet were probably itchy.

  23. 管道铺设已大抵完工, 只剩些许接头儿处尚未完成。

    The laying of pipelines has been completed, except for a few joints.

  24. 管道铺设已大抵完工,只剩些许接头儿处尚未完成。

    The laying of pipelines has been completed, except for a few joints.

  25. 但那时觉醒起来的知识青年的心情, 是大抵热烈, 然而悲凉的。

    But at that time awakened educated youth's mood, generally was enthusiastic, but dismal.

  26. 起码从女人那面讲,党的努力大抵上大获成功。

    And as far as the women were concerned, the Party's efforts were largely successful.

  27. 既然具有与家犬大抵相当的智商,乌鸦的形象理应看好。

    So with an IQ roughly equivalent to that of the family pooch, the crow's image should be looking up.

  28. 就欧美先进国家而言,大抵上均有法定的最低工资规定。

    Generally speaking, minimum wage is largely decretory in the advanced Western countries.

  29. 自此以降, 一般满官, 大抵贿赂公行, 诛求无厌

    Down since then, the general full official, bribery of public firms generally, seeking to punish nonrepulsive

  30. 这种现象大抵上只能为极地所独有的迷人天空光秀。

    The amazing celestial light show that is, for the most part, unique to polar regions.


  1. 问:大抵拼音怎么拼?大抵的读音是什么?大抵翻译成英文是什么?

    答:大抵的读音是dàdǐ,大抵翻译成英文是 generally



dà dǐ大抵