







汉语拼音:jǐn lín








  1. 亦作“ 紧隣 ”。紧靠隔壁的邻居。

    元 武汉臣 《玉壶春》第三折:“ 陈玉英 ,你是我紧隣,你窝藏着俺女孩儿在这里。”《红楼梦》第二四回:“ 贾芸 听声音像是熟人,仔细一看,原来是紧邻 倪二 。” 老舍 《四世同堂》二:“ 李四爷 的紧邻四号,和 祁老人 的紧邻六号,都也是小杂院。”



  1. the wiring was not perfect: terminals of neighboring cells in the silicon retina did not end up next to one another in the silicon tectum.


  2. Over the first rocks, along to the point. Tim glanced back. The beach was still empty. The sun sailed higher in the sky.


  3. As he searched the rows ahead of him for a better seat, he found an empty one right next to the field.


  4. Reported that close to Narathiwat Pattani around 9 am the day have taken place in a bomb attack, the attack left two soldiers injured.


  5. It was very surreal sitting next to him as he was dissecting the game and giving his opinions. . . it was just awesome for me! ! !


  6. The Company is close to publicity Highway, near the Yangtze River waterway. The traffic is convenient.


  7. He added that "they say the wine in the next vineyard to it, tho' seeming equal to me, is not so good. "


  8. Squares separated by a wall are not adjacent unless only a corner is between them.


  9. Close to the company in Quanzhou, Jinjiang Airport, adjacent to the Xiamen Special Economic Zone, the traffic is convenient.


  1. 运动场紧邻学校。

    Playing field adjoins the school.

  2. 紧邻碱基关联

    adjacent base correlation.

  3. 紧邻着定居点。

    side by side with settlers.

  4. 我家与她家紧邻。

    My house stands cheek by jowl with hers.

  5. 湖南紧邻湖北的南边。

    Hunan is on the south of HuBei.

  6. 将活动窗口逐个紧邻排放。

    Place active windows adjacent to one another.

  7. 侧积位于河道两边紧邻河道。

    Lateral deposits are on the sides of a channel of immediately adjacent to it.

  8. 紧邻着街角得华联大厦。

    Next to Hualian Building around thecorner.

  9. 紧邻着街角的华联大厦。

    Next to Hualian Building around thecorner.

  10. 大使馆的位置紧邻最高法院。

    The embassy is located next to the Supreme Court.

  11. 紧邻教堂得房子是牧师得住处。

    The house adjacent to the church is the vicarage.

  12. 紧邻教堂的房子是牧师的住处。

    The house adjacent to the church is the vicarage.

  13. 我得小教堂紧邻着他得庄园。

    My small abuts her estate.

  14. 我的小教堂紧邻着他的庄园。

    My small abuts her estate.

  15. 北边那座塔紧邻着外围墙。

    The north tower butts against the outer wall.

  16. 北边那座塔紧邻着外围墙。

    The north tower butts against the outer wall.

  17. 而且如何她感觉吗?当她紧邻你?

    And how does she feel when she's next to you?

  18. 车间紧邻车库, 是二战后兴建的。

    This shop is located close to the depot and was built after WWII.

  19. 纳马夸兰的西部紧邻着大西洋。

    The Atlantic ocean marks the western edge of Namaqualand.

  20. 纳马夸兰得西部紧邻着大西洋。

    The Atlantic ocean marks the western edge of Namaqualand.

  21. 中间的中殿比紧邻的两个中殿稍大。

    The central nave was slightly larger than the two side aisles taken together.

  22. 顺利完成紧邻燃料过滤器的联编杆。

    Pull off connector next to fuel filter.

  23. 紧邻景山公园,北海公园,什刹海,步行5分钟。

    Next to Jingshan park, beihai park, shishahai, walking5 minute.

  24. 这些异常将局限于裸管的紧邻地段。

    These anomalies will be confined to the immediate vicinity of the exposed pipe.

  25. 这些异常将局限于裸管得紧邻地段。

    These anomalies will be confined to the immediate vicinity of the exposed pipe.

  26. 它直接位于眼睛的后面,紧邻第三脑室。

    It is located directly behind the eyes, attached to the third ventricle.

  27. 这个住宅面朝海滩,紧邻乔治亚海峡。

    This residence is located on a northwesterly oriented beach fronting the Strait of Georgia.

  28. 在紧邻的一条街上有一枚炸弹爆炸了。

    A bomb had exploded in the next street.

  29. 有紧邻故事得玛丽亚和珍得一张相片。

    There was a photo of Maria and Jane next to the story.

  30. 有紧邻故事的玛丽亚和珍的一张相片。

    There was a photo of Maria and Jane next to the story.


  1. 问:紧邻拼音怎么拼?紧邻的读音是什么?紧邻翻译成英文是什么?

    答:紧邻的读音是jǐnlín,紧邻翻译成英文是 close neighbour; next-door neighbor

  2. 问:紧邻域拼音怎么拼?紧邻域的读音是什么?紧邻域翻译成英文是什么?

    答:紧邻域的读音是jǐn lín yù,紧邻域翻译成英文是 compact neighborhood






【英文释义】[close neighbour] ,[be flush]
