







汉语拼音:pí lín








  1. 相邻接。

    《东周列国志》第三十回:“ 惠公 欲乞糴於他邦,思想惟 秦 毗邻地近,且婚姻之国,但先前负约未偿,不便开言。” 郭沫若 《集外·出了笼的飞鸟》:“地理上和我们 新疆 毗邻,历史上和我们有过密切的关系。”



  1. "It's near Baghdad and is the one site where you used to see Iraqis going to get a sense of their past, " she said.


  2. Still, she said that she was caught by surprise that the turmoil across the Middle East unfolded not far from her home in Bahrain.


  3. Even after she was freed, Melvinia stayed put, working as a farm laborer on land adjacent to that of Charles Shields, one of Henry's sons.


  4. Edgar Street Towers responds to its immediate site context while establishing a strong relationship to the larger urban form of Manhattan.


  5. Being close to an international financial centre and to a big port, Shenzhen had everything it takes to open up to the world.


  6. the wiring was not perfect: terminals of neighboring cells in the silicon retina did not end up next to one another in the silicon tectum.


  7. Nachtwey glanced down, and noticed some people standing on an adjacent roof, looking west and pointing toward the sky.


  8. Since the UK is not an Arab country sitting next to Egypt we are going to hear a lot of complaining about social media.


  9. He had his will drawn up; he bought two adjoining plots in a cemetery, one for himself and one for Marjorie; he gave away family heirlooms.


  1. 邻接,毗邻

    adjoin, border on abut to.

  2. 毗邻便民设施

    close to all amenities

  3. 缅甸与印度毗邻。

    Burma borders on India.

  4. 加拿大与美国毗邻。

    Canada adjoins the United States.

  5. 沃思堡毗邻达拉斯。

    Fort Worth is a neighbor of Dallas.

  6. 这两个国家相毗邻。

    The two countries adjoin.

  7. 墨西哥与美国毗邻。

    Mexico and the United States adjoin.

  8. 这两块地产相毗邻。

    The two properties touch, ie share a boundary.

  9. 那所学校与教堂毗邻。

    The school is adjacent to the church.

  10. 我们的牧场与他们的毗邻。

    Our farm neighbors with theirs.

  11. 他们的房子与我们的毗邻。

    Their house is adjacent to ours.

  12. 世博园毗邻沈阳植物园。

    The exposition is closed to shenyang Botanical Garden.

  13. 联邦中互相毗邻得48个州

    the 46 contiguous states of the Union.

  14. 联邦中互相毗邻的48个州

    the 48 contiguous states of the Union.

  15. 我的寓所和她的地产毗邻。

    My small rectory abuts her estate.

  16. 我们学校与一个广场毗邻。

    Our school neighbors on a square.

  17. 该岛被毗邻的共和国霸占。

    The island is annexe by the neighbouring republic.

  18. 加拿大和墨西哥毗邻美国美国。

    Canada and Mexico adjoin the United States of American.

  19. 深圳毗邻香港,珠海靠近澳门

    Shenzhen is adjacent to Hong Kong, and Zhuhai is close to macao.

  20. 罕萨山谷与我国的新疆毗邻。

    Hunza Valley and adjacent to China's Xinjiang.

  21. 花园毗邻,树木茂密,绿草满地。

    There were gardens and trees and grass.

  22. 尼克的家与一个大公园毗邻。

    Nicks house is adjacent to a large park.

  23. 下一个放在毗邻位置,依此类推。

    The next requested user is placed adjacent to it, and so on.

  24. 与我家毗邻的房子正在修茸。

    The house adjacent to ours is under repair.

  25. 斯普利特的表面与毗邻的曲线。

    Split the surface with the adjacent curves.

  26. 与城堡毗邻的是一片天然森林。

    The castles abut a natural forest.

  27. 最大的领域是正确的毗邻为线圈。

    The greatest field is right adjacent to the coil.

  28. 毗邻法,最近邻法,最小样方面积

    nearest neighbor method

  29. 在南方毗邻处, 我们可以看到山脉。

    To the immediate south we can see the mountains.

  30. 观察鼻翼软骨的位置、形态、毗邻关系。

    The location, morphology and adjacent relationship of nasal cartilage is observed.


  1. 问:毗邻拼音怎么拼?毗邻的读音是什么?毗邻翻译成英文是什么?

    答:毗邻的读音是pílín,毗邻翻译成英文是 adjoin; border on.

  2. 问:毗邻格拼音怎么拼?毗邻格的读音是什么?毗邻格翻译成英文是什么?

    答:毗邻格的读音是pílíngé,毗邻格翻译成英文是 adessive

  3. 问:毗邻法拼音怎么拼?毗邻法的读音是什么?毗邻法翻译成英文是什么?

    答:毗邻法的读音是pí lín fǎ,毗邻法翻译成英文是 nearest neighbor method

  4. 问:毗邻的拼音怎么拼?毗邻的的读音是什么?毗邻的翻译成英文是什么?

    答:毗邻的的读音是,毗邻的翻译成英文是 neighboring

  5. 问:毗邻作业拼音怎么拼?毗邻作业的读音是什么?毗邻作业翻译成英文是什么?

    答:毗邻作业的读音是pí lín zuò yè,毗邻作业翻译成英文是 contiguous operation

  6. 问:毗邻分析拼音怎么拼?毗邻分析的读音是什么?毗邻分析翻译成英文是什么?

    答:毗邻分析的读音是pí lín fēn xī,毗邻分析翻译成英文是 nearest neighbor analysis

  7. 问:毗邻参数拼音怎么拼?毗邻参数的读音是什么?毗邻参数翻译成英文是什么?

    答:毗邻参数的读音是pílíncānshù,毗邻参数翻译成英文是 adjacency parameter

  8. 问:毗邻国家拼音怎么拼?毗邻国家的读音是什么?毗邻国家翻译成英文是什么?

    答:毗邻国家的读音是pí lín guó jiā,毗邻国家翻译成英文是 adjacent states

  9. 问:毗邻土地拼音怎么拼?毗邻土地的读音是什么?毗邻土地翻译成英文是什么?

    答:毗邻土地的读音是pí lín tǔ dì,毗邻土地翻译成英文是 abutter

  10. 问:毗邻学说拼音怎么拼?毗邻学说的读音是什么?毗邻学说翻译成英文是什么?

    答:毗邻学说的读音是pí lín xué shuō,毗邻学说翻译成英文是 the theory of contiguity

  11. 问:毗邻条件拼音怎么拼?毗邻条件的读音是什么?毗邻条件翻译成英文是什么?

    答:毗邻条件的读音是pílíntiáojiàn,毗邻条件翻译成英文是 adjacency condition

  12. 问:毗邻沙珊瑚拼音怎么拼?毗邻沙珊瑚的读音是什么?毗邻沙珊瑚翻译成英文是什么?

    答:毗邻沙珊瑚的读音是pílínshāshānhú,毗邻沙珊瑚翻译成英文是 Psammocora contigua

  13. 问:毗邻协调模式拼音怎么拼?毗邻协调模式的读音是什么?毗邻协调模式翻译成英文是什么?

    答:毗邻协调模式的读音是pí lín xié tiáo mó shì,毗邻协调模式翻译成英文是 nearest neighbor cooperative model

  14. 问:毗邻序列分析拼音怎么拼?毗邻序列分析的读音是什么?毗邻序列分析翻译成英文是什么?

    答:毗邻序列分析的读音是pí lín xù liè fēn xī,毗邻序列分析翻译成英文是 nearest neighbor sequence analysis

  15. 问:毗邻排斥模式拼音怎么拼?毗邻排斥模式的读音是什么?毗邻排斥模式翻译成英文是什么?

    答:毗邻排斥模式的读音是pí lín pái chì mó shì,毗邻排斥模式翻译成英文是 nearest neighbor exelusion model

  16. 问:毗邻土地所有人拼音怎么拼?毗邻土地所有人的读音是什么?毗邻土地所有人翻译成英文是什么?

    答:毗邻土地所有人的读音是pí lín tǔ dì suǒ yǒu rén,毗邻土地所有人翻译成英文是 abutter

  17. 问:毗邻碱基频率分析拼音怎么拼?毗邻碱基频率分析的读音是什么?毗邻碱基频率分析翻译成英文是什么?

    答:毗邻碱基频率分析的读音是pí lín jiǎn jī pín lǜ fēn xī,毗邻碱基频率分析翻译成英文是 nearest neighbor base frequency analysis...



毗邻是边界接壤的意思,毗邻多指陆地相接。 《东周列国志》第三十回:“ 惠公 欲乞籴於他邦,思想惟 秦 毗邻地近,且婚姻之国,但先前负约未偿,不便开言。”