


1. 相 [xiāng]2. 相 [xiàng]相 [xiāng]交互,行为动作由双方来:互~。~等。~同。~识。~传(chuán )。~符。~继。~间(jiàn )。~形见绌。~得益彰(两者互相配合,更加显出双方的长处)。动作由一方来而有……


1. 接 [jiē]接 [jiē]连成一体:~合。~骨。~壤。衔~。继续,连续:~力。~替。~班。~二连三。再~再厉。靠近,挨上:~近。邻~。~吻。承受,收取:~受。~收。~纳。~管。迎:~风。~生。~待。姓。……



汉语拼音:xiāng jiē









  1. 交接,相交。


  2. 连续;连接。

    《楚辞·九章·哀郢》:“心不怡之长久兮,忧与忧相接。” 南朝 梁 刘勰 《文心雕龙·熔裁》:“及 云 之论 机 ,亟恨其多,而称清新相接,不以为病;盖崇友于耳。”

  3. 犹迎接。

    《东周列国志》第二三回:“ 卫文公 燬 远远相接。”



  1. Our eyes met and the female's flanks shuddered as she watched me with a wariness that only a true wild thing can display.


  2. It was a plain dirt way, and overhead the branches of trees intermingled, while a round moon hung low in the sky as if to keep me company.


  3. A door is connected to a wall by hinges, which allows the door to open and close smoothly without losing its connection to the wall.


  4. by looking at the location where the shin bone ides across the anklebone , we found that the shin bones would have been angled inward .


  5. In traditional parsing, a sentence is mainly seen as a sequence of individual words, as if it has only a linear structure.


  6. Okay. I'll say an element, and, and you say an element whose name starts with the last letter of the one I said, okay? I'll start.


  7. To get off to walk home, see building wall and connected with the gap in the long out of the grass still green, strange.


  8. His eyes met hers as she sat there, paler and whiter than anyone in the large ocean of tense faces around her.


  9. Simply hook up the umbilical cord to your water source and the tub fills from the bottom up.


  1. 使两端相接

    join end to end.

  2. 与有线电视系统相接

    cable up

  3. 尾柱与艉管相接。

    Stern frame shall be connect with stern tube.

  4. 悬浮固相接枝

    suspension solid phase grafting

  5. 光阴荏苒使生死相接。

    The flight of time brings together the cradle and grave.

  6. 她怕与我目光相接。

    She was afraid to meet my eye.

  7. 固相接枝共聚物

    solid phase graft copolymer

  8. 连线和动滑轮相接。

    A connecting line is connected with the movable pulley.

  9. 这两个省份地界相接。

    The two provinces share joint boundaries.

  10. 这些表格是头尾相接的。

    The forms were placed end to end.

  11. 上下的表格是头尾相接的。

    The forms were placed end to end.

  12. 他们把吉他与扩音器相接。

    They plugged their guitars into amplifiers.

  13. 农场的一端与机场相接。

    One end of the farm is butting on the airfield.

  14. 安徽东面与江苏相接壤。

    Jiangsu lies on the east of Anhui.

  15. 将纸型相接来剪裁布片

    to mark the cutting by placing two patterns

  16. 煤气炉在哪儿和煤气管道相接

    Where does the cooker connect with the gas pipe.

  17. 正负极相接会产生许多电火花。

    There will be a lot of electric sparks when anode and cathode meet.

  18. 车辆首尾相接,一寸一寸向前移动。

    Cars were inching, bonnet to tail.

  19. 如此接近, 却与夕阳相接于天边。

    So close, it meets the parting sun.

  20. 峦头理气互扣,举一反三,环环相接。

    Luan Tou and Li Qi compliment each other.

  21. 凸缘和桌子之间通过螺钉相接。

    Flange and table are fastened together by bolt.

  22. 闭合线在两个板块相接得地方。

    The shut lines are where two panels meet.

  23. 闭合线在两个板块相接的地方。

    The shut lines are where two panels meet.

  24. 那些钢笔尖头尾相接地放着。

    The pen nibs are placed head and points.

  25. 骨端与和它相接的长骨分离

    separation of an epiphysis from the long bone to which it is normally attached without fracture of the bone

  26. 汽车拥塞,首尾相接长达数英里。

    The cars backed up for miles.

  27. 碧蓝的天空与辽阔的大海水天相接。

    Green jade blue sky with broad ocean water the sky connect.

  28. 相接行凸约束网络的快速识别算法

    A Fast Recognition Algorithm of CRC Constraint Networks

  29. 甲基丙烯酸固相接枝聚丙烯的研究

    Study of solid phase grafting MAA onto polypropylene

  30. 他的地产与我的相接处的脊线

    the ridge where his property touches mine.


  1. 问:相接拼音怎么拼?相接的读音是什么?相接翻译成英文是什么?

    答:相接的读音是xiāngjiē,相接翻译成英文是 To interlink.

  2. 问:相接的拼音怎么拼?相接的的读音是什么?相接的翻译成英文是什么?

    答:相接的的读音是,相接的翻译成英文是 conterminous

