







汉语拼音:shuǐ tǒng



盛水的器具。一般是长圆形,多有提梁。明 沉榜《宛署杂记·经费上》:“水桶三隻,银四分;小铁锅一隻,银一分。”《二十年目睹之怪现状》第一○二回:“﹝姨娘﹞定了主意,便把那房产田契以及金珠首饰,值钱的东西,放在一个水桶里。”姚雪垠《李自成》第三卷第二章:“附近扔了一只行军携带的小水桶。”



  1. 盛水的器具。一般是长圆形,多有提梁。

    明 沉榜 《宛署杂记·经费上》:“水桶三隻,银四分;小铁锅一隻,银一分。”《二十年目睹之怪现状》第一○二回:“﹝姨娘﹞定了主意,便把那房产田契以及金珠首饰,值钱的东西,放在一个水桶里。” 姚雪垠 《李自成》第三卷第二章:“附近扔了一只行军携带的小水桶。”



  1. It was an old mine shaft. In a small clearing beyond I found the remains of a bucket and a rusting can.


  2. But she was amazed to see an African Grey Congo parrot perched on a water butt as she hung out washing in the garden.


  3. It was a miracle he did not die one morning when he tried to catch the shortsighted parrot, who had climbed as high as the water barrels.


  4. Only, as a certain emotion overcame her, she made as much motion as possible with the handle of the bucket as she walked along.


  5. And a dog, sleeping behind a water barrel, opened one eye and looked at him.


  6. The backyard was dug up to discover the remains of four more bodies, and a human skull was found in a bucket, bringing the total to 11.


  7. "We feel the printed pails help to reinforce the sense of a strong family brand, " said Fraser Key.


  8. "I'm going to buy all the Burlington the bucket shop will let me carry with the money I give him for margin, " he said.


  9. After a few days he took it away, to an obscure refuge he had under the stairs, full of mops and buckets.


  1. 冲洗脏水桶

    swill out a dirty bucket.

  2. 好好冲洗水桶。

    Give the pail a good swill.

  3. 手转铁水桶

    shank ladle.

  4. 打破棍子, 关于水桶

    break in the staves, as of a cask

  5. 我和水桶的故事

    Story between Barrel and I

  6. 用绳子吊起水桶

    to elevate a bucket by a rope

  7. 这水桶能装25公斤。

    This barrel holds 25 litres.

  8. 水桶里面有许多水。

    There is a lot of water in the pail.

  9. 我把水放进水桶。

    I put water into the bucket.

  10. 他把水桶装满水。

    He filled the bucket with water.

  11. 都在妈妈的水桶里。

    Was in his mother's pail.

  12. 我们都是残缺的水桶。

    We are all cracked pots.

  13. 水桶里装满着浆果。

    The water bucket was filled full of berries.

  14. 我们提著水桶得把手。

    We carry a bucket by the handle.

  15. 我们提著水桶的把手。

    We carry a bucket by the handle.

  16. 那老人被水桶绊倒了。

    The old man fell against the bucket.

  17. 他把新水桶装满水。

    He filled the new bucket with water.

  18. 用杯子从水桶里舀水

    to cup water from a bucket

  19. 那人把水桶交还给她。

    The man handed her the bucket.

  20. 这些水桶是干什麽用的?

    What are these buckets for?

  21. 一只水桶可盛好多滴水。

    One drop in the bucket.

  22. 在水桶中晃动出声的水

    the water sloshing in the bucket

  23. 小伙子把水桶指给扫把看,

    The boy showed the broom a bucket.

  24. 水桶吊在绳上来回摇荡。

    The bucket swung from the end of a rope.

  25. 如轮胎漏气, 或者水桶漏水。

    Like a tire leaking air. Or a bucket leaking water.

  26. 水桶里有很多的水泡。

    There are a lot of bubbles in the bucket.

  27. 我打翻了水桶, 水流了一地。

    I knocked over the bucket and the water poured all over the floor.

  28. 水桶吊在绳上来回摇汤。

    The bucket swung from the end of a rope.

  29. 给我拿一个脸盆和一个水桶。

    Bring me a washbasin and a pail.

  30. 扫把自己就把水桶提了起来。

    The broom picked it up.


  1. 问:水桶拼音怎么拼?水桶的读音是什么?水桶翻译成英文是什么?

    答:水桶的读音是shuǐtǒng,水桶翻译成英文是 pail; water bucket

  2. 问:水桶传递队拼音怎么拼?水桶传递队的读音是什么?水桶传递队翻译成英文是什么?

    答:水桶传递队的读音是shuǐ tǒng chuán dì duì,水桶传递队翻译成英文是 bucket brigade

  3. 问:水桶传递队队长拼音怎么拼?水桶传递队队长的读音是什么?水桶传递队队长翻译成英文是什么?

    答:水桶传递队队长的读音是shuǐ tǒng chuán dì duì duì zhǎng,水桶传递队队长翻译成英文是 fire ward