


年纪大,时间长,有经验,陈旧的:~当益壮。~朋友。~练。~化。少年~成。~马识途。对年纪大的人的尊称:吴~。~人家。~大爷。极,很:~早。~羞成怒。老年人:敬~院。扶~携幼。~有所为(wéi )。晚年:~年。~境。敬老,养老:“~吾老,以及……





汉语拼音:lǎo dào








  1. 老练稳妥。

    《天雨花》第一回:“相公虽则在年轻,听他出言多老到。”《好逑传》第四回:“这事虽是 水运 设骗,然亦贤契做事不够老到。” 老舍 《骆驼祥子》十五:“她的一举一动都像个多年的媳妇,麻利,老到,还带着点自得的劲儿。”

  2. 指文学艺术上的功夫精深。

    清 李渔 《怜香伴·强媒》:“ 石兄 如许青年,为何文字恁般老到,多少尊庚了?” 郑振铎 《中国绘画的优秀传统》:“ 伯驹 的《江山秋色图》,笔力老到,风格苍劲。”

  3. 老实;规矩。

    《红楼梦》第六五回:“那些男子们,别説 贾珍 、 贾璉 这样风流公子,便是一班老到人,铁石心肠,看见了这般光景,也要动心的。”



  1. ' We joke that by the time we are old enough to go on mah-jongg cruises , we 'll clean up because we started young, ' she said .


  2. As you know I am an Australian man, aged 54, and i can not speak or read Chinese. I am old enough to be your father or an old uncle.


  3. Rose does not deserve the rookie of the year. He plays like a veteran. It is unbelievable how much potential he has as well.


  4. Brown is often credited with developing the fabulous defense that gave the Pistons that winning edge.


  5. Stills from the point of view, Ni Dahong appearance and performance of the very weighty , and look forward to it.


  6. They face with a dignified, pale hair twisted wrinkles, they have to not leave the tears, only the back, day in and day out crying.


  7. I know very well that Colonel Brandon is not old enough to make his friends yet apprehensive of losing him in the course of nature.


  8. They have promised better-trained police and sent three independent (if junior) interlocutors to hear Kashmiri grievances.


  9. Having worked at a 7? ? Eleven store for two years, I thought I had become successful at what our manager calls "customer relations" .


  1. 在经验老到的风水先生看来

    To experienced eyes of feng shui expert

  2. 我母亲还没有老到那种程度。

    My mother is not senile.

  3. 他以为这是最老到的办法。

    He thought this was the best way.

  4. 你已经老到不能穿迷你裙了 么

    Are you too old to wear miniskirt

  5. 她并未老到不能读书的地步。

    She is so old but that she can read.

  6. 我还没老到去演年轻人的爸爸。

    I'm not old ough to play the father of a teenager.

  7. 她还没老到得典型性痴呆的岁数。

    She wasn't quite old enough for classic dementia.

  8. 也许看似有些老到,但却是真是的。

    This may seem cliched, but it is unarguably true.

  9. 我很害怕, 因为他花样百出, 经验老到。

    I am from a conservative family of intellectuals.

  10. 她经验老到, 知道如何应对这类问题。

    She's been around a bIt'so she'll know how to deal with this type of problem.

  11. 他所有的当事人都是经验老到的暴力犯。

    Every one of his defendants qualifies as a violent persistent felon.

  12. 不幸的是, 我已经老到不做这种梦了。

    Unfortunately, Im too old to keep this dream.

  13. 他不是老到连那种事也不能做了。

    He is not too old to do that.

  14. 这里很安全, 总有经验老到得攀岩者在场。

    They are safe because experienced climbers are always around.

  15. 这里很安全,总有经验老到的攀岩者在场。

    They are safe because experienced climbers are always around.

  16. 经过几年的社会历练,他办事老到多了。

    After several years' social training, he is more experienced, careful and reliable in business.

  17. 我看上去有老到像有一个上大学的儿子吗?

    Do I look old enough to have a kid in college?

  18. 这里很安全,因为总有经验老到的攀岩者在场。

    They are safe because experienced climbers are always around.

  19. 经验老到的议员急于把作决策的责任推卸给他人。

    Parliamentarians were eager to turn over responsibility for the decision.

  20. 一把锏, 应该是老东西, 但老到什么程度就不清楚了。

    A mace. It should be old, but I dont know what extent it is.

  21. 我想这个问题需要用一种更老到的方法来解决。

    I think a more sophisticated approach is needed to solve this problem.

  22. 更重要的是,我还没老到有个正经历更年期的朋友。

    And more importantly, I'm not old enough to have a friend going through menopause.

  23. 刻画一个人从老到年轻,这超越了当时的技术能力。

    It was beyond the technology of the day to depict a man aging backwards.

  24. 这一做法既老到又精明, 但我会想念叶利钦的。

    It was both a wise and a shrewd move, but I was going to miss Yeltsin.

  25. 虽然他车开得相当不错,但可不是位老到的机器技工。

    He is a good driver, but as a mechanic he is just a babe in the woods.

  26. 我的父亲老到如果他在学校时,历史在他来说只是时事!

    My father is so old that when he was in school, history was called current affairs.

  27. 他对这一棘手情况的老到处理使她免于陷入危难。

    His astute handling of this difficult situation saved her from disaster.

  28. 经验老到的人往往不会太相信竞争对手的任何重大声明。

    Those of us that have been around the block tend to not get too worked up on any big competitor announcements.

  29. 直到我们老到哪里也去不了, 我依然是你手中得宝。

    Until we can not get to where seasoned, I still Po your hands.

  30. 直到我们老到哪里也去不了,我依然是你手中的宝。

    Until we can not get to where seasoned, I still Po your hands.


  1. 问:老到拼音怎么拼?老到的读音是什么?老到翻译成英文是什么?

    答:老到的读音是lǎodao,老到翻译成英文是 Tactful and thoughtful.