


隐藏;退让:~藏。~避。~让。~难(nàn )。~车。~开。~闪。……


1. 猫 [māo]2. 猫 [máo]猫 [māo]哺乳动物,面呈圆形,脚有利爪,行动敏捷,会捉老鼠。方言,躲藏。猫 [máo]〔~腰〕弯腰。亦称“毛腰”。……


1. 猫 [māo]2. 猫 [máo]猫 [māo]哺乳动物,面呈圆形,脚有利爪,行动敏捷,会捉老鼠。方言,躲藏。猫 [máo]〔~腰〕弯腰。亦称“毛腰”。……



汉语拼音:duǒ māo māo







  1. 捉迷藏。

    沈从文 《丈夫》:“我们的床下、门枋上、仓角里,什么不找到?它简直躲了。躲猫猫一样,不见了。”



  1. Solo insisted at the time that she wasn't trying to disparage Scurry.


  2. So all this turned out to be a grand charade -- and politicians are great at charades.


  3. The initial report issued by the police said he fell down when playing a hide-and-seek game during the custody along with other prisoners.


  4. The sun was playing hide-and-seek in the tops of trees by the time I said good-bye to Nancy and the other kids.


  5. Well-being of you and I in him, sometimes his fun, and you ?


  6. Now that foreigners are again flocking to India's stockmarket (see chart), capital inflows are once more playing on the RBI's mind.


  7. If you think nobody cares if you're alive, try missing a couple of payment s.


  8. Since Li's death, the phrase "playing hidden cat" has spread all over the China's Internet, with.


  9. I could possibly cope with that, but just imagine this scenario: Johnny and Jimmy are playing hide and seek.


  1. 躲猫猫新娘?

    Peekaboo bride

  2. 我就跟他躲猫猫。

    I just did a little Peekaboo With him.

  3. 所以还没有理由躲猫猫。

    So there's no reason to run and hide yet.

  4. 他正希望你俩互相躲猫猫呢。

    He wants you and your mate hiding from one another.

  5. 我猜想他们是在玩躲猫猫,但我错了。

    I thought they might be playing King of the Hill, but I was wrong.

  6. 当然这两年就是玩躲猫猫的最佳时间。

    And of course those two years are prime peekaboo time.

  7. 恐龙挺有意思,跟我们互动,还跟我们玩躲猫猫。

    Dinosaurian quite interesting, interact with us, still play with us hide cat.

  8. 我和我表弟们经常玩躲猫猫到天黑才罢休。

    My cousins and I usually played it just before dark.

  9. 单独坚持的时间,她是不是想贬低躲猫猫。

    Solo insisted at the time that she wasnt trying to disparage Scurry.

  10. 若非一起寻求神,就没人能战胜躲猫猫综合症。

    Nothing defeats hiding like seeking God together.

  11. 知了在树上躲猫猫,听见声音却寻不见踪影。

    The trees are alive with hidden cicadas, their rhythmic songs playfully teasing the cats which roam about.

  12. 有两颗小星星, 他们玩躲猫猫和两条小鱼儿远在深海里

    There are two little stars That play bopeep With two little fish Far down in the deep

  13. 我们就像玩躲猫猫的小孩子, 蒙起眼睛就以为别人看不见了。

    We are like children who cover their eyes in a game of hide and seek and think that no one can see them.

  14. 嘿,瞧,他玩躲躲猫。

    Hey, look he knows peekaboo!

  15. 嘿,瞧,他会玩躲躲猫。

    Hey, look he knows peekaboo!

  16. 弟弟和雯馨, 晨晨玩躲猫。

    DD played hide and seek with Michelle, Chenchen.

  17. 好小子你会玩躲躲猫吗?

    Atta boy Doya know peekaboo

  18. 猫躲在树上。

    The cat take took refuge in a tree.

  19. 小猫躲在哪里呢?

    Where is the kitten hiding?

  20. 猫躲在那儿等着鸟飞下来。

    The cat lay in wait for the bird to fly down.

  21. 那只猫躲在一棵树后以逃避那只狗。

    The cat took refuge from the dog behind a tree.

  22. 有一只胖乎乎要下崽的猫躲进了我的车库。

    There is a fat pregnant cat who sneaks into my garage.

  23. 我们躲着猫啊, 狗啊, 还有傻老娘们的扫帚头子。

    We have had to run from cats, dogs, and even women with brooms.

  24. 一天晚上,我喝得烂醉。回到家以后,我以为这只猫在躲着我。

    One night, returning home, much intoxicated, I fancied that the cat avoided my presence.

  25. 猫爬上树躲了起来。

    The cat treed.

  26. 那只鸟飞到树上, 躲开了猫。

    The bird took refuge from the cat in the tree.

  27. 嗯,对于小猫,在1和0里再没法躲起来。

    Well, for kittens, it means no more hiding in ones and zeros.

  28. 老鼠一直呆在柜台下面以躲开那只猫。

    The mouse remained under the counter to avoid the cat.

  29. 老鼠一直呆在柜台下面以躲开那只猫。

    The mouse remained under the counter to avoid the cat.

  30. 小猫一看到有人来,就马上躲在花盆后面了。

    It hides behind the flowerpot whenever human beings get close with it.


  1. 问:躲猫猫拼音怎么拼?躲猫猫的读音是什么?躲猫猫翻译成英文是什么?

    答:躲猫猫的读音是duǒmāomāo,躲猫猫翻译成英文是 the same as 捉迷藏; a slang term related to the inc...