







汉语拼音:jiè huò






  1. 界域。或,同“ 域 ”。

    鲁迅 《书信集·致许寿裳》:“ 越 校甚不易治,人人心中存一界或, 诸嵊 为甚。”



  1. All that no longer resonates with the Great Central Sun shall be pushed outside of her boundary or threshold.


  2. Entrepreneurs often have few qualificationsand would have been unable to enter more "noble" professions such aspolitics, law or academia.


  3. It does not in any way represent America, or Americans, or the American government, or American religious or political leadership.


  4. I have yet to see serious discussion of it in either academia or the real world.


  5. Often it is an amateur, outside journalism or academia, who just happens to have a piece of knowledge to hand.


  6. A member of an elite group, especially a person having influence or high status in intellectual or cultural circles.


  7. Many art buyers are from the corporate or financial world and have taken to the indices and data services like ducks to water.


  8. Fairy circles, or grassless patches, spot the Namib Desert in Namibia, seen here from an airplane.


  9. If not, they went back to the corporate world or consultancy.


  1. 界或长度表达式

    expression as bound or length

  2. 作为界或长度的星号

    Asterisk for bound or length

  3. 跨界损失或伤害

    transboundary loss in injury

  4. 限制限制或限定在一边界或范围之内

    To confine or restrict within a boundary or bounds.

  5. 利用暴力胁迫或强制社交界或政府的体系。

    The systematic use of violence as a means to intimidate or coerce societies or governments.

  6. 巨头有权威的或有影响力的人,尤指工商界或工业界

    Magnate n. A powerful or influential person, especially in business or industry

  7. 地下水专家强调,跨界含水层或含水层系统十分脆弱。

    Groundwater experts emphasize how fragile a transboundary aquifer or aquifer system is.

  8. 扩展界限扩展的具体程度或界限

    A specific degree or range of extension.

  9. 非正式用语。商业或产业界得富有且势力大得人物。

    Informal. A rich and powerful person in business or industry.

  10. 我们常常回忆做过的事, 思维天界或人类社会。

    We often recall what we have done, and think of the celestial realm or human society.

  11. 马兰黄土底界或第1古土壤层的发育是穿时的。

    The bottom boundary of Malan loess or the development of the first paleosol is chronologically different from place to place.

  12. 马兰黄土底界或第1古土壤层得发育是穿时得。

    The bottom boundary of Malan loess or the development of the first paleosol is chronologically different from place to place.

  13. 这需要各国间和政府与工业界或商界之间积极合作。

    This would require active collaboration among countries and between Governments and industries or businesses.

  14. 微裂纹形核处是晶界、相界或这些界面上的碳化物。

    The microcrack nuclei are situated in grain boundary, Phase boundary or in carbides lying at the boundaries.

  15. 是一个极尽头的线或界

    Verge is an extreme terminating line or edge

  16. 消灭目标神器或结界。

    Destroy target artifact or enchantment.

  17. 违犯道德或神界律令的。

    Transgressing a moral or divine law.

  18. 与动物界相关的星芒体或情感体

    Astral body or emotional body

  19. 接壤与另一地方, 州或国家接界

    To border on another place, state, or country.

  20. 或他们可能帮助魔界围攻天界的城堡。

    Or they might help the Ma to siege the Chun's castle.

  21. 或他们可能帮助魔界围攻天界得城堡。

    Or they might help the Ma to siege the Chun's castle.

  22. 您最仰慕的商界或技术界人物是谁?

    What business or technology person do you admire most?

  23. 在科学界或哲学界的研究中的一套原则

    a set of principles for use in scientific or philosophical investigation

  24. 船运界,航运界将可能进口,或买进直升飞机!

    China shipping company, ship will buy helis!

  25. 浩瀚的在尺度或范围上无边界的或无法测量的

    Of boundless or immeasurable size or extent.

  26. 在动画或视频窗口的周围插入一个细边界。

    Inserts a thin border around the window of an animation or video.

  27. 优先腐裂或沿着金属晶界发生的腐蚀。

    Preferential corrosion cracking at or along the grain boundaries of a metal.

  28. 界外球网球比赛中落入球场外的发球或回球。

    A serve or return that falls out of bounds in a court game.

  29. 界外球网球比赛中落入球场外得发球或回球。

    A serve or return that falls out of bounds in a court game.

  30. 从圆的中心到周界的直线,或从球体的中心到表面

    a straight line from the center to the perimeter of a circle,or from the center to the surface of a spher