







汉语拼音:tí shī







  1. 就一事一物或一书一画等,抒发感受,题写诗句。多写于柱壁、书画、器皿之上。

    唐 高适 《人日寄杜二拾遗》诗:“人日题诗寄草堂,遥怜故人思故乡。” 元 辛文房 《唐才子传·崔颢》:“后游 武昌 ,登 黄鹤楼 ,感慨赋诗。及 李白 来,曰:‘眼前有景道不得, 崔顥 题诗在上头。’无作而去,为哲匠敛手云。” 清 金埴 《不下带编》卷二:“顷见一士题诗隣壁,甚佳。”

  2. 指所题写的诗句。

    鲁迅 《南腔北调集·“连环图画”辩护》:“《你的姊妹》木刻七幅,题诗一幅。”



  1. He started to call on his friends to poetize and draw for 'Plum Blossom Thatched Cottage'.


  2. Li Shangyin was a famous poet in ancient China and his untitled poems had great influence on literature history.


  3. and li shang yin , a classical poet whose titleless poems have revealed a distinctive implication of modernism , should be greatly valued.


  4. I remember something, Spring Fragrance. That portrait I painted has a verse on it which is not for the eyes of strangers.


  5. ii shang yin ' s titleless poems , in classical chinese poetry , is undoubtedly the most extraordinary.


  6. Very many generations as academic, li bai's hope of lushan waterfall is famous.


  7. In the fan first appeared in drawing extensively kingdoms.


  8. some money please take Zhong Yong Zhong Yong poem discuss poems.


  9. On friendly wealth hole wall also some his inscribing a poem.


  1. 尝作墨竹, 题诗寄意, 并皆佳妙。

    Taste for bamboo, a poem to express his and all Jiamiao.

  2. 欲知松老看尘壁, 死却题诗几许人。

    For more information see the dust loose old walls, and death poem dash of people.

  3. 这老两口喜爱诗画, 通常是老太太作画, 老先生题诗。

    This elderly couple like poems and paintings. Usually, the lady paints, while the gentleman writes poems.

  4. 这老两口喜爱诗画,通常是老太太作画,老先生题诗。

    This elderly couple like poems and paintings. Usually, the lady paints, while the gentleman writes poems.

  5. 题山水画诗

    the poems for the landscape paintings

  6. 那个仆人把题了诗的铜镜带回来,交给了乐昌公主。

    The servant brought back the inscribed half of the mirror to princess Lechang.

  7. 那个仆人把题了诗得铜镜带回来,交给了乐昌公主。

    The servant brought back the inscribed half of the mirror to princess Lechang.

  8. 山水诗三题

    Three problem about nature poem

  9. 我的工作是提供关于每首诗的题外信息。

    My job is to give the informative asides about each of poets.

  10. 我得工作是提供关于每首诗得题外信息。

    My job is to give the informative asides about each of poets.

  11. 我的工作是提供关于每首诗的题外信息。

    My job is to give the informative asides about each of poets.

  12. 杰克。吉尔伯特写了首诗,题为被遗忘的心语

    There's a poem by Jack Gilbert called The Forgotten Dialect of the Heart.

  13. 第三章分析题画词与题画诗的异同。

    The third chapter recommends the differences and similarities between ci lyric and shi lyric.

  14. 第三章分析题画词与题画诗得异同。

    The third chapter recommends the differences and similarities between ci lyric and shi lyric.

  15. 在题画诗研究方面提出中西题画诗的比较论。

    Puts forward comparing Chinese and western poem in painting theory on the aspect of researching poem in painting.

  16. 题画山水诗

    painting landscape poem

  17. 同题乐府诗

    Yuefu poems on the same subject.

  18. 同题唱和诗

    responsory poetry with the same subject.

  19. 梅花题画诗

    Poetry of Inscribing Mei Flower in Chinese Painting.

  20. 新题讽谕乐府诗

    New Allegory Yue Fu Poetry

  21. 唐代题画诗

    poems with paintings in the Tang techniques.

  22. 六朝题画诗

    the inscribed poems on painting in the Six Dynasties.

  23. 苏诗新解二题

    Two Poems Complete Interpretation Written By Sushi.

  24. 论顾况的题画诗

    On Poems on Paintings of Gu Kuang

  25. 潮汕题画诗艺术浅探

    On Art of Poems Inscribed on Chaozhou and Shantou Paintings

  26. 浅谈题画诗的艺术神韵

    On the romantic charm of the poem with painting

  27. 杜甫题画诗的审美标准

    Aesthetic standard showed in Du pu's poems written on paintings

  28. 题画诗的审美价值与地位

    Aesthetic Value and Position of the Poetry Inscribed on Painting

  29. 中晚唐乐府题边塞诗研究

    The Study on the Middle and Late Tang Dynasty Frontier Fortress Poems of Yuefu.

  30. 唐代诗序的总数为859题,930篇。

    The total of Poem Prefaces in the Tang Dynasty is859 titles,930 articles.


  1. 问:题诗拼音怎么拼?题诗的读音是什么?题诗翻译成英文是什么?

    答:题诗的读音是tíshī,题诗翻译成英文是 Lines of poem inscribed on feeling of something...