


1. 正 [zhèng]2. 正 [zhēng]正 [zhèng]不偏斜,与“歪”相对:~午。~中(zhōng )。~襟危坐。合于法则的:~当(dāng)。~派。~楷。~规。~大光明。~言厉色。拨乱反~。合于道理的:~道。~确。~义。~气。……


1. 片 [piàn]2. 片 [piān]片 [piàn]平而薄的物体:卡~。名~。切削成薄的形状:~肉片。少,零星:~段(整体当中的一段)。~刻。~面。~甲不存。指较大地区内划分的较小地区:分~儿开会。〔~假名〕日本文所用的楷书字母。量……



汉语拼音:zhèng piàn








  1. 经过晒印带有图象的照相纸。

  2. 电影放映时的主要影片。区别于加映的短片。

  3. 即拷贝。以拍摄的电影底片洗印出来供放映用的胶片。



  1. Her husband always knew what they were going to see, asked the times carefully, got to the main picture and avoided newsreels.


  2. Film positives must be submitted with text facing up and emulsion membrane facing down, and accompanied by monochrome print samples.


  3. Half-tone positive A positive film image produced by projecting a continuous-tone negative through a screen. Also called Screened positive.


  4. If he tells you something totally outrageous, you just learn to trust him, because he's always thinking of the bigger picture.


  5. This 2-to-1 squeeze uses as much of the negative available and still allows room for an optical sound track on the release print.


  6. For the beard, add a new layer and set mode to "Multiply" , select a soft brush and a brown color, then start to paint.


  7. Repeat that step, only do it on the entire house. Paint with a dirtier color and set your layer to Multiply.


  8. I used a new layer set to multiply and a vague Bevel and Emboss layer style to add some depth to the cracks.


  9. Film production is for the user to black or color images by hand to depict or color computer typesetting, broken down into the positive.


  1. 黑白翻正片

    Blackandwhite dupe positive film

  2. 彩色正片原稿

    color transparancy

  3. 原底翻正片

    master positive.

  4. 正片还是负片?

    Positive or negative?

  5. 正片什么时候开始?

    What time does the main feature start?

  6. 条状正片的简称

    stripe filmstrip

  7. 正片六点钟上映。

    The feature picture goes on at six.

  8. 电影正片十点半开始。

    The feature begins at half past ten.

  9. 电影正片七点半开始。

    The feature begins at half past seven.

  10. 正片剧院上映的主要影片

    The main film presentation at a theater.

  11. 照相透明正片,已曝光和显影

    Diapositive, photographic, exposed and developed

  12. 正片九点开始放映到十点半结束。

    The feature started at 9 o'clock and ended at ten thirty.

  13. 正片开始前放映了一部短纪录片。

    A short documentary prefaced the feature movie.

  14. 他已经把这张正片尽量放大。

    He has blown up the print as large as it will go.

  15. 所以这个正片或或印版被称为洋红版。

    The positive, or the printing plate, is therefore called the magenta printer.

  16. 把起稿完得图层变成正片叠底。

    Then I select the Multiply from the options menu of the sketch layer.

  17. 把起稿完的图层变成正片叠底。

    Then I select the Multiply from the options menu of the sketch layer.

  18. 反冲的正片会变为负片, 而反冲的负片则会变为正片。

    Positive films will become negatives after cross processing, while negatives will become positives after cross processing

  19. 彩色正片的感光乳剂基本上和彩色负片相同。

    Color positive emulsions basically perform in the same way that color negatives do.

  20. 彩色正片的彩色再现过程,基本上和彩色负片相同。

    Color positive emulsions basically perform in the same way that color negati ves do.

  21. 要是赶不上看这部电影的正片就太可惜了。

    It would be a pity to miss the main film.

  22. 缩微印刷品一张微型照片的印刷或正片复制品

    The printed or positive reproduction of a microphotograph.

  23. 正片明暗在其上的显示与在自然中一样的影像

    A photographic image in which the lights and darks appear as they do in nature.

  24. 分析了彩色正片的感光度、灰雾度和灰差度等特性。

    This article analyzes such Characteristics as sensitivity, fog density and contrast of the colour positive.

  25. 可用正片或负片晒印稿样,化学处理过程可短至30秒。

    Proofs can be made positive or film and are processed in as little as 30 seconds.

  26. 拼大版把多张菲林负片或正片组合为一的情况。

    Patchup Assembling negatives to form a composite image. Synonym with Film makeup.

  27. 提供正片菲林文本在上,药膜在下,并伴有单夹色打样。

    Film positives must be submitted with text facing up and emulsion membrane facing down, and accompanied by monochrome print samples.


  1. 问:正片拼音怎么拼?正片的读音是什么?正片翻译成英文是什么?

    答:正片的读音是zhèngpiàn,正片翻译成英文是 positive;copy;feature

  2. 问:正片麻岩拼音怎么拼?正片麻岩的读音是什么?正片麻岩翻译成英文是什么?

    答:正片麻岩的读音是zhèng piàn má yán,正片麻岩翻译成英文是 orthogneiss