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〔~树〕即“栎( lì)树”。简称“橡”,如“~子”(橡树的果实)。〔~胶树〕常绿乔木,枝细长,三个椭圆形小叶构成复叶,开白花,结球形蒴果。简称“橡”,如“~皮”。……
汉语拼音:xiàng jiāo
Books, magazines, toys and other objects can be held behind this colourful rubber belt, normally used for strapping luggage to a bicycle.
书、杂志、玩具和其他东西都可以放到这些彩色的橡胶带后面,而这些带子一般是用来绑行李到自行车上的。The broken veins were all over his face, little ones, but so many, so close, that they made his face look something like marbled rubber.
他的脸上尽是静脉曲张的血管,尽管血管很细,数量却极多,从近距离看,它们使得小伙的脸孔有如大理石花纹的橡胶材料。A couple of hours earlier, the rescue crew had found a body in the waves, still outfitted in a neoprene survival suit.
几个小时以前,营救队员已经波涛中发现了一具尸体,身上还裹着一件氯丁橡胶救生服。Scientists are selectively breeding rubber trees to thrive at higher altitudes and trying to make them mature faster.
科学家正在选择性地培养橡胶树,从而让它们能在更高纬度茁壮生长,而且正在设法让它们更快成熟。Vulcanized rubber was a perfect insulating material; on the railway it was used for shock- absorbers and cushions.
硫化橡胶是一种很好的绝缘材料,在铁路上可用来做减震器和减震垫。More than two years of rubber materials, plastic materials, metal materials procurement experience.
两年以上橡胶料、塑料原料、金属材料等采购经验。Before he began to speak, in grave, almost Churchillian tones, he pulled off his rubber boots.
在开始用沉重、近乎丘吉尔式的语气讲话之前,他先脱去了脚上的橡胶靴。Made of white EPDM rubber and cork, this soft tub was designed to be a simple option for outdoor fun, healing or washing up.
这个软软的浴盆由白色三元乙丙橡胶和软木塞组成,它的构思很简单,可用于外出游乐,治伤养病或是洗餐具。Rubber board of flow oriented designation: ensure best scrape result of blade no matter the car is in high-speed or against the wind.