


窃取,趁人不知时拿人东西:~窃。~吃。小~儿(t島r )。行动瞒着人:~~。~看。~听。~渡。~袭。~税。~天换日(喻暗中改变重大事物的真相以欺骗别人)。抽出时间:~空儿。~暇。~闲。苟且:~安。~生。~幸。~合苟容(苟且迎合别人的意思以求……





汉语拼音:tōu dào








  1. 偷东西。

    《孔子家语·五刑解》:“无度则小者偷盗,大者侈靡。” 元 无名氏 《桃花女》楔子:“此人勤谨老实,又不懒惰,又不偷盗,我家甚是少他不的。” 周立波 《山乡巨变》六:“拿自己的东西也算偷盗,世界上有这个理吗?”

  2. 指小偷。

    《汉书·张敞传》:“ 长安 市偷盗尤多,百贾苦之。”



  1. But it does not say that people were so rich and there was no stealing around -- hence, locks were not used.


  2. Last week a group of men was arrested for trying to steal 400 cabbages in rural Gangwon province.


  3. For out of the heart come evil thoughts, murder, adultery, sexual immorality , theft, false testimony, slander.


  4. cathy had been caught in the fact of plundering , or , at least , hunting out the nests of the grouse.


  5. When the police turned up, they checked his ID and discovered he'd been a naughty 37-year-old boy and was wanted for a string of robberies.


  6. Most of the victims from the San Miguel fire identified so far were in their twenties and had been sentenced on theft or burglary charges.


  7. I said I'd help you to make some money , but I draw the line at stealing .


  8. "Great Expectations" in Providence is such a figure, Mr. . . His childhood was an orphan, living stealing, begging life.


  9. Police in London note a close correlation between thefts like the one in West Norwood and global commodities markets.


  1. 他被控偷盗。

    He was taxed with committing a theft.

  2. 威胁孩子去偷盗

    bully boys into stealing

  3. 解说盗窃罪, 偷盗, 盗窃。

    larceny the act of stealing something. theft.

  4. 偷盗一次, 做贼一世

    Once a thief, always a thief

  5. 偷盗一次,做贼一世。

    Once a thief, always a thief.

  6. 出埃及记2015不可偷盗。

    Exodus 2015 You shall not steal.

  7. 法律禁止偷盗和抢劫。

    The law forbids stealing and robbery.

  8. 尤指偷盗的犯罪行为。

    a crime.

  9. 偷盗和提货不着险

    Tpnd theft pilferage and nondelivery.

  10. 圣经上说偷盗有罪。

    The Bible says that stealing is a sin.

  11. 第八诫是不可偷盗。

    The eighth commandment is'Thou shalt not steal'.

  12. 就像偷盗, 通奸。你呢?

    You know, embezzlement, adultery. Whats your story

  13. 擅长偷盗他人财产的人

    why I recruited individuals.

  14. 偷汽车, 入室盗窃, 偷盗等。

    Auto theft, burglary, larceny, etc.

  15. 他目的不是恐吓或是偷盗。

    He's not looking to scare or steal.

  16. 他卷进了偷盗事件中。

    He was involved in stealing.

  17. 他因偷盗罪被逮捕了。

    He was arrested for stealing.

  18. 首先偷盗他们的基础设施

    Well, steal their own infrastructure, at first.

  19. 她误遭控告犯偷盗罪。

    She was wrongly accused of stealing.

  20. 偷盗暴发后,贼冒充绅士。

    Theif passes for a gentleman when stealing has made him rich.

  21. 偷盗富有后,贼冒充绅士。

    Thief passes for a gentleman when stealing has made him rich.

  22. 偷盗而致富, 盗贼当绅士。

    A thief passes for a gentleman, when stealing has made him rich.

  23. 引起偷盗念头的思想过程

    the thought process which leads to the pillaging of an idea

  24. 欺骗和偷盗是不道德的。

    Lying and stealing is immoral.

  25. 间谍们阴谋偷盗政府的机密。

    The spies hatched a scheme to steal government secrets.

  26. 因为偷盗他服刑六个月。

    He did six years for embezzlement.

  27. 你有偷盗被捕的经历吗?

    Have you over been arrested for larceny?

  28. 他不会屈尊乞讨和偷盗。

    He wouldn't stoop to begging and stealing.

  29. 偷盗违背了我的道德标准。

    Stealing was a violation of my ethics.

  30. 他靠在战争时期偷盗生活。

    He existed by stealing during wartime.


  1. 问:偷盗拼音怎么拼?偷盗的读音是什么?偷盗翻译成英文是什么?

    答:偷盗的读音是tōudào,偷盗翻译成英文是 steal

  2. 问:偷盗罪拼音怎么拼?偷盗罪的读音是什么?偷盗罪翻译成英文是什么?

    答:偷盗罪的读音是tōu dào zuì,偷盗罪翻译成英文是 larceny

  3. 问:偷盗公款拼音怎么拼?偷盗公款的读音是什么?偷盗公款翻译成英文是什么?

    答:偷盗公款的读音是tōudàogōngkuǎn,偷盗公款翻译成英文是 embezzle public money

  4. 问:偷盗意图拼音怎么拼?偷盗意图的读音是什么?偷盗意图翻译成英文是什么?

    答:偷盗意图的读音是tōu dào yì tú,偷盗意图翻译成英文是 larcenous intent

  5. 问:偷盗汽车罪拼音怎么拼?偷盗汽车罪的读音是什么?偷盗汽车罪翻译成英文是什么?

    答:偷盗汽车罪的读音是tōu dào qì chē zuì,偷盗汽车罪翻译成英文是 larceny of auto

  6. 问:偷盗牲畜犯拼音怎么拼?偷盗牲畜犯的读音是什么?偷盗牲畜犯翻译成英文是什么?

    答:偷盗牲畜犯的读音是tōu dào shēng chù fàn,偷盗牲畜犯翻译成英文是 rustler

  7. 问:偷盗报警系统拼音怎么拼?偷盗报警系统的读音是什么?偷盗报警系统翻译成英文是什么?

    答:偷盗报警系统的读音是tōu dào bào jǐng xì tǒng,偷盗报警系统翻译成英文是 burglar alarm


