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1. 付 [fù]付 [fù]交,给:支~。托~。~款。~梓(把稿件交付刊印)。~讫。~出。~与。~之一笑。~诸东流。量词,指中药(亦作“服”):一~药。……
汉语拼音:fù kuǎn
An inward remittance is where a foreign bank sends funds to a domestic bank with an instruction for the bank to pay the funds to the payee.
汇进是指外国银行将资金汇到国内银行并指令该银行付款给收款人的汇款。They're bills, but they don't have to be paid yet. Don't worry. Let's go! There's a new pair of shoes with my name on it.
这些是账单,现在还不需要偿还呢。不用担心。我们走吧!我还有一双新鞋没付款呢。But they will only pay if it is very easy to do, a reasonable amount, and they feel certain the money will directly benefit the creators.
但只有在付款非常容易、定价合理以及他们确信钱会直接让创作者获利的时候,他们才会解囊。They did not receive payments or other benefits or a commitment or agreement to provide such benefits from a commercial entity.
他们没有接受商业实体的付款或其他好处或提供利益的允诺。If only phones could be used to pay for things, it would be easier to leave a wallet behind.
不过,如果手机也能用来付款,那么忘带钱包就没什么大碍了。Unless you opt for a prepaid plan or a pricey unlimited plan, there's no way of telling how much a phone will really cost you.
除非你选择预付款或是不限价,那么你是绝不可能知道一部手机到底会花掉你多少钱。He said that British Prime Minister to pay the cleaners to the matters referred to his brother Andrew to deal with.
他说,英国首相把付款给清洁工人的事宜,交由他的弟弟安德鲁去处理。All caring is by proxy--the nurse engaged when ill, the arrangements made, the money paid through the bank account.
所有的照料都通过代理——生病请护士,叫人作安排,通过银行付款。The Contractor shall be entitled to this payment without formal notice or certification, and without prejudice to any other right or remedy.