


1. 给 [gěi]2. 给 [jǐ]给 [gěi]交付,送与:~以。~予。送~。献~。把动作或态度加到对方:~他一顿批评。替,为:~大家帮忙。被,表示遭受:房子~火烧掉了。把,将:请你随手~门送上。给 [jǐ]供应:供~。补~。~养。自~……


1. 付 [fù]付 [fù]交,给:支~。托~。~款。~梓(把稿件交付刊印)。~讫。~出。~与。~之一笑。~诸东流。量词,指中药(亦作“服”):一~药。……



汉语拼音:jǐ fù








  1. 交付。

    宋 洪迈 《容斋三笔·僧道科目》:“候敕下委祠部给付凭由,方得剃头受戒。”《元典章·户部八·盐课》:“查盐出场,比对勘合,抄写字号相同,将引给付客旅。”《水浒传》第八三回:“原有老小者,赏赐给付与老小养赡终身;原无老小者,给付本人,自行收受。”



  1. Whether the remuneration is fair or not and whether the staff is satisfactory, it has been a big concern to many corporations at present.


  2. The Company shall, in a timely manner after the receipt of the claim and said evidence and information, assess and decide on the liability.


  3. It is a traditional custom of a man giving betrothal gift to a woman when they get engaged, which still exists in modern Chinese society.


  4. a party when the non-performance of contractual obligations, it has no authority to request the return of deposits.


  5. This part introduces three points of the concept of administrative benefit and indicates the limitation of the main point.


  6. Generally, the court does not seek to punish the wrongdoer but rather to make the wronged party whole through a money award called damages.


  7. Still, around two trillion dollars in commercial mortgages are expected to come due for payment within the next five years.


  8. In the last part, it sums up the theories and regulations of the creditor's rights intentionally invaded in German law system.


  9. Party B in obtaining the money, the Party A Party B no longer pay the cost of other.


  1. 离婚扶养给付

    divorce maintenance.

  2. 工伤保险给付

    treatment of insurance against work injury.

  3. 其三,医疗给付。

    Thirdly, medical treatment gives pay.

  4. 受领给付的权利。

    The accepting right of giving.

  5. 因不法原因给付的。

    To pay for the illegal reasons.

  6. 收受或给付嫁娶财礼罪

    accepting or offering dowry

  7. 旅游渡假给付小费标准

    Tipping on travel Confused about tipping.

  8. 第三人给付租金和收益

    Rents and profits from third parties

  9. 利息只能根据实际借款数目给付。

    Interest is only payable on the amount actually borrowed.

  10. 给付不当得利的几个基本问题

    Some Issues of the Performance Unjust Enrichment

  11. 八、现金担保品利息之计算与给付。

    Calculation and payment of interest on cash collateral.

  12. 第一部分为不法原因给付得概述。

    Firstly, it interprets the meaning of unlawful, cause and prestation.

  13. 第一部分为不法原因给付的概述。

    Firstly, it interprets the meaning of unlawful, cause and prestation.

  14. 第10条本保险之给付,分下列四种。

    Article 10 There are four kinds of employment insurance benefits.

  15. 平安附加交通意外身故双倍给付保险

    Ping An supplementary Insurance of Traffic Accidental Death Double Indemnity

  16. 其次,论述了行政给付的特征、原理、意义。

    Secondly, I have described the characteristic, the principle, and the meaning of the administrative benefit.

  17. 便于我们更好的把握行政给付的发展趋势。

    So we can hold the developing trend of administrative supply.

  18. 知识产权权利持有人收到买方给付的赔偿金。

    The holder of the intellectual property right received compensation from the buyer.

  19. 法学意义上的税收是一种金钱给付关系。

    The taxation on law is the money relationship between offering and paying.

  20. 给付定金的一方不履行债务的,无权要求返还定金。

    If the party who leaves the deposit defaults, he shall not be entitled to demand the return of the deposit.

  21. 给付定金的一方不履行合同的,无权请求返还定金。

    If the party that pays the deposit fails to perform the contract, it shall have no right to reclaim the deposit.

  22. 你如果不把账给付了,就得承担一切后果。

    If you don't pay your bills you'll have to take the consequences.

  23. 你搞定之后别忘了把验尿棒的钱给付了。

    Pay for that pee stick when you're done.

  24. 排除给付是指保险公司在某些情况下并不给付。

    Exclusions are situations not covered by the insurer.

  25. 乙方按规定给付租金,甲方必须将房屋租给乙方居住。

    Party B pays rent to Party A according to the contract, Party A should rent his house out to Party B.

  26. 二保险费与其孳息收入及保险给付支出之结馀。

    Insurance premiums and earnings from interest, and the surplus balance of insurance payments.

  27. 被保险人遭受意外伤害造成死亡时, 保险人给付死亡保险金。

    When insurant suffers accident harm to cause death, the underwriter gives pay insurance against death gold.

  28. 员工和老板在新的薪资给付规定上达成协议。

    The workers were able to strike a dealwith the boss over the new pay raise rules.

  29. 被保险人与受益人同时死亡时保险金之给付

    The Insurance Compensation When Insurant and Beneficiary Died at One Tim

  30. 交通事故赔偿与工伤保险给付竞合的法律分析

    Legal Perspective on Coincidence of Compensation for Traffic Accident and Treatment of Insurance against Work Injury


  1. 问:给付拼音怎么拼?给付的读音是什么?给付翻译成英文是什么?

    答:给付的读音是jǐfù,给付翻译成英文是 To hand in.

  2. 问:给付法拼音怎么拼?给付法的读音是什么?给付法翻译成英文是什么?

    答:给付法的读音是jǐ fù fǎ,给付法翻译成英文是 law of payment

  3. 问:给付判决拼音怎么拼?给付判决的读音是什么?给付判决翻译成英文是什么?

    答:给付判决的读音是gěi fù pàn jué,给付判决翻译成英文是 judgment on prestation

  4. 问:给付请求拼音怎么拼?给付请求的读音是什么?给付请求翻译成英文是什么?

    答:给付请求的读音是gěi fù qǐng qiú,给付请求翻译成英文是 payment claim

  5. 问:给付迟延拼音怎么拼?给付迟延的读音是什么?给付迟延翻译成英文是什么?

    答:给付迟延的读音是gěi fù chí yán,给付迟延翻译成英文是 delay in performance


