


1. 拆 [chāi]2. 拆 [cā]拆 [chāi]把合在一起的弄开:~信。~洗。~卸。~字。〔~白〕方言,流氓骗取财物。分散,毁掉:~散。~台。~迁。拆 [cā]方言,排泄(大小便):~烂污(喻不负责任)。……



破,透:~透。揭~。~窬(钻洞和爬墙,指盗贼)。~凿。通过,连通:~过。~行(xíng )。着(zhuó)衣服鞋袜:~衣。~鞋。……



汉语拼音:chāi chuān








  1. 揭露;揭穿。

    瞿秋白 《乱弹·狗道主义》:“这是独一无二的,因为另外还有些诓骗的西洋景,早已拆穿了。” 林淡秋 《马逢伯》:“它们翻来覆去,日新月异,表面上看来,像是万花缭乱,难以把握、理解,但拆穿来说,还不是那么回事!”



  1. My cover was blown, so I asked her to take a walk with me to the Yale Art Gallery to see the Mark Rothko exhibit.


  2. 2 against false man, not scold her, not to reveal her for her to continue, but sadly, then pretend hypocritical what also don't know.


  3. They who have two different identities which do not belong to them almost lives in a circumstance likes a kind of hell which has no end.


  4. One evening as the magician worked, the parrot continued to harass the unfortunate man.


  5. At the least, Menzies' work will prompt new research of his findings, whether they're corroborated or debunked.


  6. Hates Any attempt to probe his private being or expose his motives . In short , any attempt to lift his feathers to look underneath .


  7. Unlike some of the attacks that have been leveled about me that have been debunked by news organizations, these are accurate.


  8. I'll remember you promise. Whether it is true or false. Not to reveal each other. At least happiness continues.


  9. So that was one of the clues; I'd have to remember.


  1. 我会拆穿你的西洋镜。

    I'll show up your little farce.

  2. 我会拆穿你得西洋镜。

    I'll show up your little farce .

  3. 不要拆穿任何人的声誉。

    Don't tear down anybody's reputation.

  4. 这种谎言很容易被人拆穿。

    That lie could be too easily found out.

  5. 我们要拆穿那个卑劣骗子得假面具。

    We shall unmask that cowardly cheat.

  6. 我们要拆穿那个卑劣骗子的假面具。

    We shall unmask that cowardly cheat.

  7. 在我拆穿他的大话后, 他让步了。

    He backed down after I saw his mistake.

  8. 电视新闻拆穿了他精心编织的骗局。

    The TV news story blew his carefully fabricated cover.

  9. 好吧,你得癌症的谎言被拆穿了。

    Well, you get caught lying about cancer.

  10. 哈里森先生的诡计就要被拆穿了

    Mr. harrison's scam is going to unravel

  11. 你说的话把他的骗人把戏拆穿了。

    What you say knocks the bottom out of his attempt to deceive us.

  12. 因为如果你不的话, 我们会被拆穿的。

    cause if you don't, you'll blow our cover.

  13. 不说谎话, 因为总有被拆穿的一天。

    Do not lie, because there was debunked the day.

  14. 流沙对世人保守的秘密给我拆穿了。

    I had penetrated the secret which the quicksand had kept from every other living creature.

  15. 人家是想吃嫩草拉!别拆穿人家拉!真是得!

    HUANIs my girlfriend to be goI will dote on you well, believe me!

  16. 当魔术师的把戏被拆穿之后, 表演还将继续吗?

    The thaumatarge's cheap trick had been exposed, does the show must go on?

  17. 等我当了意大利伟人的思想家,你再来拆穿我吧。

    You puncture me when I become a great Italian thinker.

  18. 所以,人人称我们为拆穿者,虽然这称呼有点负面。

    Some people call us debunkers, which is kind of a negative term.

  19. 等我当了意大利伟人得思想家,你再来拆穿我吧。

    You puncture me when I become a great Italian thinker.

  20. 我们一直在等待恶作剧被拆穿, 但这永远不会发生。

    We keep on waiting for the reveal but the reveal is never going to happen.

  21. 关于有可能再发生一次严重地震的谣言已被拆穿。

    Rumors of another major quake are dismissed.

  22. 我们也只看到一个放松的自我以及拆穿各种诡计。

    We also see just a relaxing of ego, and sort of a dismantling of artifice.

  23. 别说我说谎, 人生已经如此的艰难, 有些事情就不要拆穿。

    Don't say me to lie, life is so hard, some things just don't tear down.

  24. 尽管我知道蒂芙妮是为了那钱,但我不想拆穿她的阴谋。

    Though I knew Tiffany was after the money, I didn't unravel her scheme.

  25. 一旦让足够多的人聚集到一起, 把那些束缚你们的假设拆穿。

    Once you get enough people around the table, rip apart the assumptions that are holding you back.

  26. 他的谎言几乎就要被拆穿了,但他没有想到用召唤咒,去补救。

    There it lies almost within his grasp, and he never thinks to use a Summoning Charm to retrieve it.

  27. 当我们下一次聚会时, 劳夫把这个圈套拆穿, 大家嘲笑鄂斯本。

    When we next met, Ralph discovered the trick we had played, and Osborne was laughed at.


  1. 问:拆穿拼音怎么拼?拆穿的读音是什么?拆穿翻译成英文是什么?

    答:拆穿的读音是chāichuān,拆穿翻译成英文是 expose

  2. 问:拆穿假面具拼音怎么拼?拆穿假面具的读音是什么?拆穿假面具翻译成英文是什么?

    答:拆穿假面具的读音是,拆穿假面具翻译成英文是 debunk



作词:徐世珍 《蒙娜丽莎的眼泪》专辑封面作曲:钟兴民歌手:林志炫专辑:《蒙娜丽莎的眼泪》发行日期:1998-03-01发行公司:SONY MUSIC