







汉语拼音:làn yòng








  1. 胡乱、过多地使用。

    《清史稿·礼烈亲王代善传》:“二十一年,坐陵辱大臣,滥用非刑,夺爵,圈禁。”《二十年目睹之怪现状》第七九回:“﹝两江总督﹞被京里御史上摺子参了一本,説他滥用朝廷名器。”《当代》1981年第3期:“如果报纸想寻找滥用权力的例证,那就派记者来 A市 调查一下吧。”



  1. The fact that the gift can be abused or perverted does not make it less of a gift.


  2. She continued to travel around the nation, speaking out against drug and alcohol abuse.


  3. After the company dismissed him for misappropriation of funds, they effectively blackened his name throughout the profession.


  4. But what this poll failed to ask was whether we fear governmental abuse of our online data as much as abuse from private companies.


  5. THEY were the Macbeths of information technology (IT): a wicked couple who seized power and abused it in bloody and avaricious ways.


  6. In the minds of liberals the Brotherhood has long been tainted with violence, even if it has not always been of its own making.


  7. In an era of runaway screen violence, the '60s ideal that the young should be allowed to see what they want has been corrupted.


  8. However, LR does not predict the risk of developing other psychiatric or substanceuse disorders, making it a unique risk factor for AUD.


  9. Though it may be a surprise to many, the misuse of medications may be the most common form of drug abuse among the elderly.


  1. 海洛因滥用

    heroin abuse.

  2. 滥用选举权

    abuse of franchise.

  3. 滥用名字。

    Take sbs name in vainbuse a name, esp Gods.

  4. 别滥用钱。

    Do not waste money on trash.

  5. 滥用休战旗

    abuse of flag of truce.

  6. 滥用职权罪

    crime of abuse of authority.

  7. 滥用化学品

    indiscriminate use of chemicals.

  8. 农药的滥用

    indiscriminate use of pesticide.

  9. 新型毒品滥用

    new drug abuse.

  10. 代理权滥用

    Abuse of the right of representation.

  11. 滥用名言警句

    to strain epigrams.

  12. 我们滥用私刑。

    We embraced torture.

  13. 滥用职权行为

    the action of misfeasance.

  14. 滥用慈善款项

    misapply benevolent funds.

  15. 滥用选举开支

    misuse of election expenses.

  16. 滥用司法程序

    to pervert the course of justice

  17. 滥用精神药物

    misuse of psychotropic substance.

  18. 类阿片滥用

    Opioid abuse.

  19. 解酸药滥用

    antacid abuse.

  20. 独占权的滥用

    abuse of monopoly.

  21. 滥用避税公司

    Abusive Tax Shelter.

  22. 论诉权滥用

    On The Abusing Of Legal Capacity To Use.

  23. 你可以滥用它。

    You could abuse it.

  24. 滥用有标记柴油

    misuse of marked oil

  25. 虐待妄用滥用。

    Mistreatment improper or excessive use.

  26. 没有滥用止痛药

    handling the pain pills so well.

  27. 法律遭到了滥用。

    The law had been misapplied.

  28. 滥用职权罪立法

    legislation of crime of power abut

  29. 他严重滥用职权。

    He had grossly misused his power.

  30. 切勿滥用救护车。

    Do not misuse the ambulance service.


  1. 问:滥用拼音怎么拼?滥用的读音是什么?滥用翻译成英文是什么?

    答:滥用的读音是lànyòng,滥用翻译成英文是 misuse

  2. 问:滥用药拼音怎么拼?滥用药的读音是什么?滥用药翻译成英文是什么?

    答:滥用药的读音是làn yòng yào,滥用药翻译成英文是 designer drug

  3. 问:滥用传票拼音怎么拼?滥用传票的读音是什么?滥用传票翻译成英文是什么?

    答:滥用传票的读音是làn yòng chuán piào,滥用传票翻译成英文是 abusive

  4. 问:滥用信任拼音怎么拼?滥用信任的读音是什么?滥用信任翻译成英文是什么?

    答:滥用信任的读音是lànyòngxìnrèn,滥用信任翻译成英文是 abuse the confidence

  5. 问:滥用信用拼音怎么拼?滥用信用的读音是什么?滥用信用翻译成英文是什么?

    答:滥用信用的读音是làn yòngxìn yòng,滥用信用翻译成英文是 abuse of trust

  6. 问:滥用倾向拼音怎么拼?滥用倾向的读音是什么?滥用倾向翻译成英文是什么?

    答:滥用倾向的读音是làn yòng qīng xiàng,滥用倾向翻译成英文是 exploitativeness

  7. 问:滥用司法拼音怎么拼?滥用司法的读音是什么?滥用司法翻译成英文是什么?

    答:滥用司法的读音是lànyòngsīfǎ,滥用司法翻译成英文是 abuse the justice

  8. 问:滥用权利拼音怎么拼?滥用权利的读音是什么?滥用权利翻译成英文是什么?

    答:滥用权利的读音是lànyòngquánlì,滥用权利翻译成英文是 abuse one's rights

  9. 问:滥用权力拼音怎么拼?滥用权力的读音是什么?滥用权力翻译成英文是什么?

    答:滥用权力的读音是làn yòng quán lì,滥用权力翻译成英文是 abuse of power

  10. 问:滥用标志拼音怎么拼?滥用标志的读音是什么?滥用标志翻译成英文是什么?

    答:滥用标志的读音是lànyòng biāozhì,滥用标志翻译成英文是 abuse of emblem

  11. 问:滥用毒品拼音怎么拼?滥用毒品的读音是什么?滥用毒品翻译成英文是什么?

    答:滥用毒品的读音是làn yòng dú pǐn,滥用毒品翻译成英文是 drug abuse

  12. 问:滥用特权拼音怎么拼?滥用特权的读音是什么?滥用特权翻译成英文是什么?

    答:滥用特权的读音是lànyòngtèquán,滥用特权翻译成英文是 abuse a privilege

  13. 问:滥用程序拼音怎么拼?滥用程序的读音是什么?滥用程序翻译成英文是什么?

    答:滥用程序的读音是làn yòng chéng xù,滥用程序翻译成英文是 abuse of process

  14. 问:滥用经费拼音怎么拼?滥用经费的读音是什么?滥用经费翻译成英文是什么?

    答:滥用经费的读音是lànyòngjīngfèi,滥用经费翻译成英文是 squander funds

  15. 问:滥用药物拼音怎么拼?滥用药物的读音是什么?滥用药物翻译成英文是什么?

    答:滥用药物的读音是làn yòng yào wù,滥用药物翻译成英文是 drug abuse

  16. 问:滥用诉讼拼音怎么拼?滥用诉讼的读音是什么?滥用诉讼翻译成英文是什么?

    答:滥用诉讼的读音是làn yòng sù sòng,滥用诉讼翻译成英文是 vexatious action

  17. 问:滥用代理权拼音怎么拼?滥用代理权的读音是什么?滥用代理权翻译成英文是什么?

    答:滥用代理权的读音是làn yòng dài lǐ quán,滥用代理权翻译成英文是 abuse of the power of agency

  18. 问:滥用土地令拼音怎么拼?滥用土地令的读音是什么?滥用土地令翻译成英文是什么?

    答:滥用土地令的读音是làn yòng tǔ dì lìng,滥用土地令翻译成英文是 writ of estrepement

  19. 问:滥用职权罪拼音怎么拼?滥用职权罪的读音是什么?滥用职权罪翻译成英文是什么?

    答:滥用职权罪的读音是làn yòng zhí quán zuì,滥用职权罪翻译成英文是 crime of abuse of authority

  20. 问:滥用豁免权拼音怎么拼?滥用豁免权的读音是什么?滥用豁免权翻译成英文是什么?

    答:滥用豁免权的读音是làn yòng huò miǎn quán,滥用豁免权翻译成英文是 Abuse of Immunity






【基本解释】滥 làn,胡乱,过多地使用。滥,不加选择,没有节制。