







汉语拼音:luàn yòng








乱用 [luàn yòng]
  1. 滥用。如:「她脸上的斑点,是因为乱用化妆品的结果。」



  1. But, unexpectedly, it did not find that that Russia had abused its legal system to destroy the company.


  2. You can do, is to continue to follow their own path, finding genuine friends, true to their family or friends to pay for, do not use chaos.


  3. Do not use my name for evil purposes, for I, the Lord your God, will punish anyone who misuses my name.


  4. This information is programmed into the motion capture animation and should not be messed with.


  5. I'm not as critical as I used to be about my body.


  6. Lightweight development is a huge topic, and developers throw the term around so often that it's hard to tell what it means.


  7. These terms are often used incorrectly, although they describe fairly simple color concepts.


  8. The word "evil" is tossed around carelessly.


  9. Some of the pressure value is not strictly required, indiscriminate use is easy to damage human body.


  1. 乱用化肥会破坏环境。

    The indiscriminate use of fertilisers is damaging to the environment.

  2. 不错的句子,别乱用哦。

    Why do dogs sniff each others butts.

  3. 别把凿子当成螺丝刀乱用。

    Don't abuse your chisel by using it as a screwdriver.

  4. 这台车由于乱用而损坏。

    The car was damaged by rough usage.

  5. 少用与乱用互为因果,循环相生。

    And the infrequent and indiscriminate use of the Chinese language also forms a vicious circle.

  6. 是什么因素导致乱用和滥用抗生素?

    What were the factors that led to the misuse and overuse of antibiotics?

  7. 医生超量给他们开药,病人们乱用抗生素。

    Doctors overprescribe them. Patients misuse them.

  8. 他不通语法和乱用标点是出了名的。

    He was known for his poor grammar and punctuation.

  9. 起誓, 诅咒, 乱用神的名也是错误的使用了话语。

    Swearing and cursing, and using God's name in vain are other ways to use words in a wrong way.

  10. 二是到正规医院, 切不可乱用药止痛, 掩盖病情。

    Second, to the regular hospital, cuts cannot apply drugs randomly stops pain, cover condition.

  11. 我们并不一般地反对讽刺, 但是必须废除讽刺的乱用。

    We are not opposed to satire in general what we must abolish is the abuse of satire.

  12. 奴隶们用乱刀砍死主人。

    The slaves slew their master with swords.

  13. 他们用乱石基加固水库的堤坝。

    They riprapped the dykes of the reservoir with stone.

  14. 乱切,乱打用击打,压,切或撕的方式使残缺不全或形状破损

    To mutilate or disfigure by battering, hacking, cutting, or tearing.

  15. 别乱估计,用铜钉量清楚了。

    Dont guess, get down to brass tacks.

  16. 注意不要乱花钱,用钱要有个预算。

    See that you are careful with money and work to a budget.

  17. 人们不断地乱砍伐树木用英语怎么说

    People deforest constantly and without restraint.

  18. 乱着色于用仓促的或拙劣的手法涂漆

    to apply paint to with hasty or crude strokes

  19. 他用斧子乱砍。

    He hewed away.

  20. 用刀乱砍某物

    to hack at sth with a knife

  21. 用刀乱砍某物

    to hack (away) at something with a knife

  22. 用班卓琴乱弹一曲。

    strum a tune on the banjo

  23. 这孩子喜欢用铅笔乱涂。

    The child loves to scribble with a pencil.

  24. 那只猫爱用爪子乱抓。

    That cat scratch es.

  25. 在墙上用粉笔乱涂乱画

    to scribble with a chalk on the wall

  26. 这些字是用铅笔乱写的。

    The words were scribbled in pencil.

  27. 这些字是用铅笔乱写得。

    The words were scribbled in pencil.

  28. 姑娘用唇膏乱涂了一下嘴唇。

    The girl daubed her lips with lipstick.

  29. 那匹马露出眼白,用蹄子乱踢。

    The horse showed the whites of its eyes and lashed out with its hoofs.

  30. 她现在还不会写字,但她喜欢用铅笔乱涂。

    She can't write yet, but she loves to scribble with a pencil.


  1. 问:乱用拼音怎么拼?乱用的读音是什么?乱用翻译成英文是什么?

    答:乱用的读音是,乱用翻译成英文是 profanation

  2. 问:乱用的拼音怎么拼?乱用的的读音是什么?乱用的翻译成英文是什么?

    答:乱用的的读音是,乱用的翻译成英文是 prodigal