







汉语拼音:xiāo hún







  1. 谓灵魂离开肉体。形容极其哀愁。

    南朝 梁 江淹 《别赋》:“黯然销魂者,唯别而已矣。” 唐 钱起 《别张起居》诗:“有别时留恨,销魂况在今。” 清 龚自珍 《贺新凉·长白定圃公子奎耀示重阳<忆菊词>依韵奉和》词:“性懒情多兼骨傲,值得销魂如此。”

  2. 谓灵魂离开肉体。形容极其欢乐。

    宋 秦观 《满庭芳》词:“销魂,当此际,香囊暗解,罗带轻分。” 清 蒲松龄 《聊斋志异·西湖主》:“ 明允公 ,能令我真个销魂否?” 郭沫若 《塔·喀尔美萝姑娘》:“ 日本 的春天,樱花正是穠开的时候,最是使人销魂,而我又独在这时候遇着了她。”

  3. 谓灵魂离开肉体。形容极其惊惧恐慌。

    唐 杜甫 《入衡州》诗:“销魂避飞鏑,累足穿豺狼。” 元 无名氏 《冯玉兰》第一折:“猛想起梦中遇见强人,尚销魂,带着满面啼痕。”《胭脂血弹词·兵变》:“乍见烽烟惊破胆,又闻金鼓早销魂。”



  1. It was the same enchantment in two souls, tinged with voluptuousness in Marius, and with modesty in Cosette.


  2. I honestly don't know how I survived all those hyped-up images of women that were all around me as a girl.


  3. There's the man of the hour. Okay, so we now have a socially-awkward genius In a room full of attractive, age-appropriate women.


  4. This seductive eyes throws of-overwhelm by delight bird actually also, absolutely than just of thunder in the sky still has a ruinous power.


  5. Fantasy is one thing; reality is not as bad if you try to make each moment in the bedroom pleasurable and purposeful for both partners.


  6. They didn't see the talent that I had and I also began to suspect myself.


  7. He let you feel truly anything was the youth, anything is wonderful, anything is overwhelmed with emotion.


  8. There are cities that are simply irresistible, like Rio de Janeiro where sexiness is in the air, or Venice .


  9. whacks you in the head with a bat and sends you reeling in surreal ecstasy.


  1. 销魂的奥秘、浪花。

    From tantalizing mysteries and salt spray.

  2. 轻歌销魂爱就是爱

    Killing Me Softly With Hi Song

  3. 你好,销魂爱爱秋千。

    Hello.Xstasy sex swing.

  4. 她的美貌令他销魂。

    He was ravished by her beauty.

  5. 我们去停车场销魂一发如何

    How about you join me in the parking lot?

  6. 我妻子的可爱太销魂了

    My wife's loveliness almost consumes me.

  7. 使着迷使陷入狂喜, 销魂的境地

    To enchant or seize with rapture.

  8. 这是多么令人销魂的吻。

    This makes what person overwhelm by joy kiss how.

  9. 玛丽以她得微笑令他销魂。

    Mary bewitched him with her smile.

  10. 玛丽以她的微笑令他销魂。

    Mary bewitched him with her smile.

  11. 她真是个令人一见销魂的尤物。

    Isn't she a killer?

  12. 让男女都为之销魂的汽车模特!

    The automobile model who is overwhelmed with joy of let men and women are!

  13. 他被她销魂的绿眼睛给迷住了。

    He was mesmerized by her bewitching green eyes.

  14. 或者是浪漫爱情中那销魂迷醉的时刻。

    Or perhaps in the ecstasy of romantic love.

  15. 那是一个令人销魂荡魄得小岛。

    It was a sensual isle.

  16. 那是一个令人销魂荡魄的小岛。

    It was a sensual isle.

  17. 哦,他吻起来真令人销魂,我那男朋友!

    Oh he's a wonderful kisser, my boyfriend!

  18. 她那温柔的言语和热烈的吻使他销魂。

    Her tender words and kisses carried off his soul.

  19. 啊,那种快乐,那次无与伦比,销魂夺魄的享受!

    Ah, the joy, the incomparable rapture of that time!

  20. 在这样地施加影响时,令人感到销魂夺魄。

    There was something terribly enthralling in the exercise of influence.

  21. 胃痛, 持续而且销魂。怀疑吃了蟑螂做得药。

    Enduring stomach attribute it into the medicine with cockroach powder.

  22. 胃痛,持续而且销魂。怀疑吃了蟑螂做的药。

    Enduring stomach attribute it into the medicine with cockroach powder.

  23. 那是豪厄尔一生当中最为疯狂销魂的片刻时光。

    It was the most insanely erotic moment of Howells life.

  24. 这一回接吻是如此地令人销魂,以致她呻吟起来。

    The kiss was such rapture that she almost groaned.

  25. 莉莎特穿得衣服是店里最时兴得样式,简直令人销魂。

    Lisette looked ravishing in one of the firm's most successful models.

  26. 莉莎特穿的衣服是店里最时兴的样式,简直令人销魂。

    Lisette looked ravishing in one of the firm's most successful models.

  27. 把握好这一要点得话, 她很快就会销魂得尽情扭动了。

    Get this right and your partner will soon be writhing around in ecstasy.

  28. 把握好这一要点的话,她很快就会销魂的尽情扭动了。

    Get this right and your partner will soon be writhing around in ecstasy.

  29. 没有人能忍心将剑刺向令人销魂, 妩媚动人的女子之身。

    No one could bring him self to thrust sword into such a charming graceful lady.

  30. 没有人能忍心将剑刺向令人销魂,妩媚动人得女子之身。

    No one could bring him self to thrust sword into such a charming graceful lady.


  1. 问:销魂拼音怎么拼?销魂的读音是什么?销魂翻译成英文是什么?

    答:销魂的读音是xiāohún,销魂翻译成英文是 overwhelm

  2. 问:销魂剂拼音怎么拼?销魂剂的读音是什么?销魂剂翻译成英文是什么?

    答:销魂剂的读音是xiāo hún jì,销魂剂翻译成英文是 scoop

  3. 问:销魂液拼音怎么拼?销魂液的读音是什么?销魂液翻译成英文是什么?

    答:销魂液的读音是xiāo hún yè,销魂液翻译成英文是 liquid ecstasy

  4. 问:销魂的拼音怎么拼?销魂的的读音是什么?销魂的翻译成英文是什么?

    答:销魂的的读音是,销魂的翻译成英文是 rapt

  5. 问:销魂状态拼音怎么拼?销魂状态的读音是什么?销魂状态翻译成英文是什么?

    答:销魂状态的读音是xiāo hún zhuàng tài,销魂状态翻译成英文是 status raptus



销魂 xiāo hún,动词,形容词。 俗谓人的精灵为魂。因过度刺激而神思茫然,仿佛魂将离体。多用以形容悲伤愁苦时的情状。 也可形容性感极致的,飘飘欲仙的,诱人的,迷人的。