




1. 辟 [bì]2. 辟 [pì]辟 [bì]君主:复~。指君主招来,授予官职:~召。~引。~书。~除(征召推举授官)。~举。古同“避”,躲,设法躲开。古同“睥”,睥睨。辟 [pì]开发建设:开~。驳斥,排除:~邪。~谣。~蠹。透彻:精~……



汉语拼音:jīng pì








  1. 精深透辟。

    萧三 《革命烈士诗抄·致读者》:“此外,无数烈士还做到了古人所说的‘立言’,--这就是他们还留下了许多精辟感人的著作。” 何其芳 《朱总司令的话》:“他站了起来,用着很朴素的 中国 老百姓的语言而又很深入很精辟地讲了几句话。”



  1. Felix Dennis, the shaggy British publishing tycoon, poet and author, always seems to have wise words about getting and being rich.


  2. A more subtle way of getting rid of at least part of your foreign debt is to allow your currency to depreciate.


  3. Ms Merkel had the best riposte to S& P. "What a rating agency does is its own responsibility, " she said.


  4. For thousands of years, no one can make a brilliant interpretation of the word! What is love? Who do not give a more complete answer.


  5. For your own sake, if your relationship is over, end it in the best way you can and enjoy life, there is only one, and considerably short.


  6. He said it was the most brilliant opinion he had ever heard.


  7. She was brilliantly media savvy on one level but she often didn't think through the fall-out from some of her decisions.


  8. As Ann Landers gained fame so did many of her words. People began to repeat some her short, pointed sentences.


  9. I've linked to it before, but Steve Friedl's So you want to be a consultant. . . ? contains even more pithy consulting maxims.


  1. 精辟的论述

    brilliant analysis

  2. 这个论断十分精辟。

    This is a brilliant exposition.

  3. 刺了精辟的攻击, 同匕首。

    Stab a penetrating attack, common with Daggers.

  4. 但是,现在,实际上,那很精辟。

    And then, you're now, well, actually, that's what this is about.

  5. 精明的人、精辟的论断、英明的决定。

    A sagacious person, remark, decision.

  6. 他的戏说文字见解独到,精辟合理。

    His Joking text view original, incisive and reasonable.

  7. 老师把这篇课文分析得很精辟。

    The teacher made a penetrating analysis of the text.

  8. 她的文章精辟地批驳了他的论点。

    Her article brilliantly demolishes his argument.

  9. 他对学校教育有十分精辟的看法。

    He had well developed opinions on schooling.

  10. 那番精辟见解到底是什么意思呢?

    And what is that pearl of wisdom supposed to mean?

  11. 国家智慧,寓于格言,它们精辟,而且简练。

    The wisdom of nations lies in their proverbs, which are brief and pithy.

  12. 演讲者的讲话精辟阐述了这个问题。

    The speaker's address poured a flood of light on the subject.

  13. 教授对这一问题进行了精辟的分析。

    The professor made a penetrating analysis of the problem.

  14. 他的这个精辟的论断至今仍有深远的意义。

    But it still has a profound significance now.

  15. 我怎样才能精辟地准确地介绍肉桂果物?

    How am I supposed to come up with something pithy and dynamic to say about cinnamon blends

  16. 罗就偏见的本质讲了一番很精辟的话。

    Rowe does a very clever riff on the nature of prejudice.

  17. 同他们一交谈, 即可发现他们言之有理, 分析精辟。

    Upon entering into conversation with them one found that they reasoned correctly and even brilliantly.

  18. 既有对事件原委得叙述,又有精辟超人得评论。

    Not only did it include a detailed account,but also the incisive comments.

  19. 既有对事件原委的叙述,又有精辟超人的评论。

    Not only did it include a detailed account, but also the incisive comments.

  20. 马克思和恩格斯对股份制精辟的论述

    the incisive discussion about joint stock system made by Marx and Engles.

  21. 文章的作者独具只眼,论述精辟,有很强的说服力!

    The article author is really fierce! The penetrating elaboration, has the persuasive power extremely!

  22. 他做了两项精辟立论,帮助他赢得了这场辩论。

    He made a couple of zingers that helped him win the debate.

  23. 但是她对于事物的精辟见解, 可不弱于任何人。

    But her grasp of a subject is inferior to none.

  24. 金人还十分精辟地分析了陶诗的现实精神。

    They also made penetrating analysis of the realistic spirit and aesthetical quality of TAO's poems.

  25. 难怪人们对于怎么吃,有着无数有力精辟的识见。

    It is no wonder that people havestrong opinions about how to eat.

  26. 关于植物, 奈格里曾在一篇精辟的文章里加以讨论。

    With respect to plants, this subject has been discussed by Nageli in an admirable essay.

  27. 当时,这个关于欧美差异的精辟概括成为一句至理名言。

    At the time, this pithy summary of USEuropean differences had the ring of truth.

  28. 这本书写得很好,插图生动形象,说明文字简练精辟。

    The book is well written, properly illustrated and excellently captioned.

  29. 爱默生着重说明这些人各自为政,这一见解可谓精辟。

    Emerson did well to emphasize the isolation of these people.

  30. 要是这些燃料在地方上生产出来, 这一策略尤其精辟。

    This tactic is especially good if the fuels are locally produced.


  1. 问:精辟拼音怎么拼?精辟的读音是什么?精辟翻译成英文是什么?

    答:精辟的读音是jīngpì,精辟翻译成英文是 penetrating




拼音:jīng pì

注音:ㄐㄧㄥ ㄆㄧˋ词性:形容词
