




白绢:素~。江平如~。把生丝、麻或布帛煮熟,使柔软洁白:~漂(“漂”,漂白)。反复学习,多次操作:~习。~笔。~操。训~。~功。经验多,精熟:老~。熟~。干(gàn )~。~达(阅历多而通达人情世故)。姓。……



汉语拼音:jīng liàn









  1. 精研熟悉。

    《三国志·蜀志·诸葛亮传论》:“庶事精练,物理其本,循名责实,虚伪不齿。” 宋 苏辙 《谢除户部侍郎表》之二:“自非精练吏事,通知民情,何以上副忧勤,下宽疲瘵。” 章炳麟 《文学说例》:“观君文数用 法兰西 文辞,果使精练英语,则无论何种感想,皆自有言语可表,何必用法语也?”

  2. 精悍强壮;精明干练。

    晋 孙楚 《为石仲容与孙晧书》:“国富兵强,六军精练,思復翰飞,饮马 南海 。” 宋 苏轼 《德威堂铭》:“综理庶务,酬酢事物,虽精练少年有不如。” 周而复 《白求恩大夫》七:“ 白大夫 向 尤副部长 提出巡视平原所需要的精练干部的名单。”

  3. 精美凝练。

    晋 陆机 《遂志赋》序:“《思玄》精练而和惠。” 唐 刘知几 《史通·六家》:“如《汉书》者……言皆精练,事甚该密,故学者寻讨,易为其功。” 明 胡应麟 《少室山房笔丛·艺林学山五·崔鲁华清宫诗》:“以 鲁 诗为精练奇丽,则诚然。”

  4. 指金子。

    《文选·王褒<四子讲德论>》:“精练藏於鑛朴,庸人视之忽焉。” 李善 注:“精练,金也。金百练不耗,故曰精练也。”一本作“ 精鍊 ”。



  1. In contrast, the same sort of rules can be described even more tersely using regular expressions.


  2. Poetry, as the most concentrated and condensed form of literature, is the gem of a language and the crystallization of a culture.


  3. The company has standardized management, strong technical force, complete equipment, and professional serviceman.


  4. And she said, "But this is CNN, so you only get a sound bite. " So I said, "Well, how many words do I get? "


  5. All appeared to be quite concise narrative, while the characters are very vivid and lifelike.


  6. and like assembly language can deal with the same memory address, which came up with a streamlined and efficient procedures.


  7. Contribution asks the character is chastening, the word counts 2000 words left and right sides, add relevant picture, welcome contribution!


  8. Both of these two pivotal concepts, however, have been refined by subsequent case law developments.


  9. Finally, the existence of optimal Perfect-Nash Equilibrium strategies is proved further by a numerical analysis.


  1. 文字力求精练。

    Strive to be concise in writing.

  2. 转鼓精练机

    drum scouring machine.

  3. 精练历年真题。

    Zhenti scouring the calendar year.

  4. 大学英语精读精练

    College English for aural comprehension and translation

  5. 以简短、精练的方式。

    In a short and concise manner.

  6. 沉着稳慎,简洁精练。

    Concise and succinct with caution.

  7. 精练地阐明你的见解。

    Refine and clarify your vision.

  8. 精练地阐明你得见解。

    Refine and clarify your vision.

  9. 简洁精练或简洁得表达风格。

    Terseness or succinctness of style or expression.

  10. 简洁精练或简洁的表达风格。

    Terseness or succinctness of style or expression.

  11. 将选用弓术精练之壮年,

    Would employ a youth skilled with the bow

  12. 我时常想到原始和精练

    And I often think of the raw and the refined.

  13. 波形搜索变得前所未有得精练。

    What undee search becomes unprecedented is handy.

  14. 我们坚信团队应该小而精练。

    We believe in small, skilled teams.

  15. 诗歌是最精练, 最有力的语言。

    Poetry is language at its most distilled and most powerful.

  16. 蕴含真理或看法的精练的语句

    a tersely phrased statement of a truth or opinion

  17. 一般而言,酶精练能够代替碱精练。

    Traditional alkali scouring can be substituted by enzyme treatment.

  18. 波形搜索变得前所未有的精练。

    What undee search becomes unprecedented is handy.

  19. 精练的智语是双倍的明智。

    That which is brief, if it be good, is good twice over.

  20. 伴随精练的染色法,汇染合并法

    Dyeing process accompanying scouring

  21. 他的诗作有许多是不够精练的。

    Many of his poems lack polish.

  22. 亚麻粗纱及织物生物酶精练探讨

    Studies on Enzymatic Scouring of Linen Rove and Fabric

  23. 螯合剂在亚麻酶精练工艺中的作用

    Affection of Chelating Reagent on the Fabric and Rove of Linen in the Enzymatic Scouring Process

  24. 格言,警句蕴含真理或看法的精练的语句警句

    A tersely phrased statement of a truth or opinionan adage.

  25. 律师的总结陈词是非常精练而有力的。

    The attorney's final argument was very polished and powerful.

  26. 现实主义, 简洁精练, 刺激感官, 充满美感和魔力。

    Realism, economy, sensuousness, beauty, magic.

  27. 他的作品, 文字精练, 是法国近世散文的典范。

    For example, I love the luxurious detail that Flaubert gives.

  28. 白话诗语言欠精练,是与生俱来之病。

    The born weakness of vernacular poems is the unrefined language.

  29. 这个回答反映了这位作家精练简明的特点。

    This response was typical of the writer's laconic wit.

  30. 讲座是一种比较综合精练的公开的教学方式。

    A lecture is more comprehensive way of open teaching.


  1. 问:精练拼音怎么拼?精练的读音是什么?精练翻译成英文是什么?

    答:精练的读音是jīngliàn,精练翻译成英文是 succinct

  2. 问:精练的拼音怎么拼?精练的的读音是什么?精练的翻译成英文是什么?

    答:精练的的读音是,精练的翻译成英文是 polished

  3. 问:精练吡啶碱类拼音怎么拼?精练吡啶碱类的读音是什么?精练吡啶碱类翻译成英文是什么?

    答:精练吡啶碱类的读音是jīng liàn bǐ dìng jiǎn lèi,精练吡啶碱类翻译成英文是 refined pyridine base

  4. 问:精练重质焦油碱拼音怎么拼?精练重质焦油碱的读音是什么?精练重质焦油碱翻译成英文是什么?

    答:精练重质焦油碱的读音是jīng liàn zhòng zhì jiāo yóu jiǎn,精练重质焦油碱翻译成英文是 refined heavy base

