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If you're experiencing the joys of a white Christmas, you should be careful when taking your camera in and out of the cold.
如果你现在正沉浸在圣诞节银装素裹的欢乐之中,在寒冷的天气中不断地拿进拿出你的照相机的话,你就得注意了。The next morning, went out to look, the land snow, particularly spectacular.
第二天早上,出门一看,大地银装素裹,格外壮观。She spent most of her time reading poetry or walking through fields and gazing at the loveliness of the snow-capped mountain.
她把她的时间花在阅读诗歌或者在田野漫步,被银装素裹的山峦的美丽所吸引。Although it is not very heavy and there is no snow-capped ground, I can let my skin have a breathe of the moist air at least.
虽然不是自己期盼的银装素裹,但至少可以赶紧出去让呼吸道和皮肤呼吸一下潮湿的空气!Trough the bottom of the vast flat terrain, summer green grass and Fanhuasijin, winter snow-wrapped, one faction Northland scenery.
槽谷底部地形辽阔平坦,夏季绿草如茵,繁花似锦,冬季银装素裹,一派北国风光。Far from the noisy city, the world famous Badaling will bring you to the world of fairyland, a snow-white and crystal clear world!
远离了城市的尘嚣纷扰,驰名中外的八达岭将您带入一个银装素裹、莹剔透的人间仙境!THE reindeer are straining at the harness, the sledge is packed and snow is falling softly all over central and eastern Europe.
束紧驯鹿身上的挽绳,将礼物装上雪橇车,中欧和东欧大地一片银装素裹。In winter, heavy snow to put on a beautiful apricot and heating and a large cotton-padded jacket, when the apricot snow, and more charming.
冬天,大雪给杏树换上了一件美丽又暧和的大棉袄,这时的杏树银装素裹,更加迷人。The scenery around the house has not changed. The blue lake and the snow- capped mountains are as beautiful as ever.